
That Woman Is Always a Nuisance

High level VIP ward.

Zhang Qian slowly opened his eyes. The white ceiling, the white walls, everything around him was white. The faint smell of disinfectant in the air made him unable to help but sneeze.

"Achoo …" A clear voice came out, Zhang Qian used his hands to support himself to sit up, the large room resounded with his sneezing. He caressed his head, and discovered that his forehead was wrapped in a thick layer of gauze, which seemed to still be in pain. The door to the ward opened …

Zhang Lanfeng was leaning on his walking stick as he stood in front of the door. His hawk-like gaze coldly and leisurely landed on Zhang Qian's body, but he did not turn on the light in the room. The setting sun's afterglow fell behind Zhang Lanfeng, and the man's face became blurry.