
Is That Child Dead

"Clan extermination tragedy?"

After Xu Nian heard this, he chased after his and asked curiously, "Has there ever been a case of poison in the Lan City before?"

Xu Nian was not a person from the Lan City, so he did not know anything about the matters of the past. At the beginning, he only thought that some kind of psychopath had taken revenge on society, but now, looking at the previous case, it was not a coincidence at all, but the culprit had long planned this secretly.

Just who was it that could be so crazy that he could kill these ignorant children?!

Thinking back to that tragic case that happened many years ago, even though it had been so long, it still left an unerasable shadow in Qin Jian's heart.

The scene was too tragic. The entire family had died from the poison, and the youngest child was only five or six years old.