
I Don't Know My Name

"What are you doing?" Su Qinglian stood behind Xu Nian and asked curiously.

"I'm brewing some Chinese medicine." Xu Nian replied without turning his head, as if he felt something was amiss. He paused for a moment before continuing, "You can bear it."

Hearing that, Su Qinglian's face changed, his eyes opened wide, and he stuttered in disbelief: "You gave me such a tough time? Am I sick? "

She quickly patted her body. Other than feeling a bit sour, it was nothing serious. She was just a lively and jumping person. Wasn't she standing here perfectly fine?

Just as he was about to ask, Xu Nian held out a bowl of black colored medicinal soup in front of him, "Drink it."

The man's tone of voice carried a hint that he could not reject. Su Qinglian looked at the pure and clean man in front of him and was startled for a moment, but in the end, he still raised his bowl and gulped it down.