
Blood Rose with Thorns

The pale white light of the mobile phone shone onto the man's face, making him look extremely terrifying. Su Qinglian was so scared that his hands trembled, and his hands lost their grip on the phone, falling straight onto the carpet.

The man laughed wickedly, then bent down and returned the phone back to Su Qinglian's palm, "Sister-in-law, did you suddenly feel that I have become handsome after we parted ways for a short while? I was so scared by my beauty that I didn't know what to do. Don't worry, I definitely wouldn't tell Shi Hanmo about this matter. "Look at how pleased he is with himself …"

One of Bai Mufeng's hand was on the white wall, the other hand was lifting the shattered bangs on his forehead, taking a pose that thought he was handsome enough to appear in the sky, quietly waiting for Su Qinglian's praise.