
His Infatuation

Lilith is a 17-year-old girl whose family had to move to Canada due to a problem back at home with the throne. Her mother Ishana was human until she fell in love with a certain vampire king named Emmet, Lilith’s father. They get a surrogate to carry their kids for them which are Lilith and Madeleine Lilith’s 14 year old sister. This practice has been going on from the very beginning of time by vampires since they cannot conceive kids of their own. The children are to be kept human and turned on their 18th birthday, with a ritual called the blood ritual. Lilith meets Hunter a werewolf actually born into an alpha family and is on to be married and alpha at the age of 21. Neither of them know that they are destined to be mortal enemies to each other as one is to become a vampire and the other is a werewolf. They become well-known couples and high school sweethearts but only if they knew then that their love and happiness towards one another was not going to last. Lilith finds out that Hunter is engaged to be married in the whole three months that they have been dating, their relationship has been based on lies and deceit. Hunter decides to let Lilith know whole truth on why he has to get married to the one girl even though he doesn’t love her. He was planning on letting Lilith know about his true identity on he birthday but seems like the date has been changed. He tries to tell her everything and in the process finds out that Lilith is going to turn into a vampire in her 18th birthday and go reclaim her rightful throne in Rome. He then makes her choose between him and turning into a vampire and she decides to choose turning into a vampire as choosing him would mean disappointing and going against her parents. Hunter is stunned by this and takes a few months away from everyone and travels to London. He comes back determined on getting Lilith back into his life but it’s too late as Lilith is gone to Rome to reclaim the throne. He then travels to Rome and risks his life by crashing a masquerade ball that is filled with humans and mostly vampires just to get to talk to or see Lilith. He then cuts in on a dance between Lilith and someone else and they start talking. Lilith tells him to leave as she is doing better without him and Hunter realizes that the Lilith standing before him now is not the same Lilith he knew a few months ago.

Tidimalo_Masemola · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 13

Hunters POV

It has been two weeks since I left home to comeback and visit my parents. I came here in a rush after I got a call from my mom that my dad collapsed due to heart failure and I need to get here ASAP!

Even with my rocky relationship with my dad I didn't have to think twice on getting the next available fight here. It wasn't because I'm really worried about my dad but more like I'm worried about my mom. She has been through a lot with my dad and no one was by her side so for once in her life I want to be there for her while her husband is on his death bed.

My mom and dad had an arranged marriage, my dad was all in for it as long as it got him the power he wanted whereas my mom was miserable her whole life. It was not like she could leave and get a divorce because that would mean death for you and your mate and even if my mom has not met her mate yet she doesn't want to ruin his life because of a stupid decision that was made for her years ago.

The reason why my dad rushed into this marriage with my mom only to treat her like a surrogate was because, if an alpha gives birth to more than one son the son who gets married first is to inherit the pack and become alpha wether they are your mate or not.

In this case my grandfather had four sons my dad being the second born. My uncle Garret and John never wanted the pack, they just wanted to meet their mates whereas my dad and his older brother Brian always fought for the position of alpha until Brian died, rumor being it was my dads doing. Knowing the crazy bastard I wouldn't put anything behind him.

This man is capable of anything and him finally dying means freedom for my mom to go and find her mate and get the happiness that she finally deserves. It also means I don't have to marry Alexia anymore and I can be with Lilith now. Speaking of Lilith I haven't spoken to her for so long now I wonder what she's been up to so I decide to text her but before I could do that my mom calls me.

I rush to her and I find her in tears kneeling next to my father's bed, the heart monitor has stopped beeping and just makes a long consecutive sound.

I stop in my tracks as I process the scene in front of me. My heart beats for my mother but there's some thing else. Reality has never struck me as hard as it did right now. HIS DEAD. MY FATHER IS DEAD. I feel tears start to well up in my eyes and I just blink them away. I rush to my mothers side and give her a hug as she shakes and sobs till my t-shirt gets soaked in tears.

We stay there next to my father's death bed for about an hour as I keep on chasing away everyone that tries to come in. After sometime I hear a steady breath from my mom and I realize that my mom is asleep. I pick her up and settle her in the guest room bed since my father's body now occupies their bed.

After about thirty minutes my sister comes rushing in. I don't wait for her to say anything as I crash into her and start crying. I never thought I would ever cry for a man that treated his own wife like shit but he was still a father to us and he was there whenever he could. He taught me how to be a leader. Even though he never taught me how to ride a bike, he taught me how to survive in this world, he raised me to be a soldier and he never sugar coated anything but stated facts as they where. Till this day I remember his words, "Don't trust anyone, not your friends not your mate and not even your own family, everyone is out to get you and in this world you need to stick to your name be the HUNTER or be the HUNTED and in this house no child of mine will ever be the hunted. Kill your enemies before they get to close, AND DON'T GIVE SECOND CHANCES!!"

I will forever remember those words like the back of my hand. I always thought my father was a cruel and selfish man until I realized that only way to survive in this cruel and wicked world.

I always dwelt on how he said don't trust your family and how I thought he didn't trust or love us but now I realize that that's not what he meant at all.

After some time I pull away from my sister and I look at her in the eye. "I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner." I wipe my tears. "It's okay all that matters is that you are here now and mom is asleep."

My sister's name is Marisa and she is five years older then me but you wouldn't say when you looked at her and besides she looks nothing like me so you wouldn't say that we are the slightest bit related.

She got married about four years back and has as two years old child with her husband Derek.

She found out that they are soulmates when she was still a junior in high school and that didn't sit well with our father especially because her wedding was already arranged so that she could marry an alpha but my sister was always the rebellious one even more than me.

What made it worse was that her husband Derek Is human but my sister didn't care. She also knew that Derek could take care of her as his family was well off and Derek now inherited the business and is a billionaire.

"How has mom been?"

"She didn't get a blink of sleep the past two weeks, always sitting by dads bedside. She finally slept today so can we please handle any funeral preparations downstairs."

"Sure, I'll take care of everything you should just go get some sleep." I do as I'm told and go to my old child hood room.

I haven't been here for about two years now and yet everything is still as it was.

My old gamer chair sits by my desk with four computer screens facing me and my plain black double bed. The walls are still all white with one navy blue one which my bed is against.

I still have my zombie posters plastered all over the wall and my big floor to ceiling sliding door leading to the balcony is still as clean as ever. I walk out to my balcony and take in some fresh air and light a cigerret.

As soon as I'm done outside I go in and as soon as my head hits the pillow my eyes shut closed on their own and I slide into a deep sleep.