
Chapter 15

Humaids POV

I was so happy about the dinner, I got Myself a new suit which was designed by the Most famous designer in Paris and as for Walidas dress I got it made by the same designer whom I paid fat cash to get our clothings made by her.

Right now I was already dressed in the suit and on my way to the dinner. I was seated in the car along side walida who kept on smiling so happily at me.

My phone beeped and I checked the caller ID and it was my boss and bestfriend.

"humaid the humaid" he hailed which earned him a Chuckle.

"Didi the didi,what's up?" I beamed happily.

"  am fine, congratulations on our companies new Achievement and product"he said.

"thank  you and this is all  because of you. And wait. tell me, Aren't you coming? " I said.

"No ,this day is All yours"he said, yes this day is all mine.

" Didi don't Annoy me. You have to come" I pleaded.

"No  no, I can't come ....mummy Zee will kill me"He said,

"okay . and my regards to mummy Zee and Ammah"I said.