


"Little human..."..A smooth deep voice echoed in my sleep. I groaned not wanting to wake up so soon.

"Come on, please..open your pretty eyes"... I mumbled a few words clearly informing the voice to stop bugging me. I heard a defeated sigh and smirked in victory as the unknown smooth and deep voice left my fuzzy brain.

I twtisted and turned, enjoying the comfortable soft big bed I was sleeping on. I took a deep breath and the smell of sandalwood and mint hit me like a train...wait, Killian, king ,what the fuck..

I jolted awake and the memories came and hit me so hard that I stumbled off the bed. I quickly scanned my surroundings and frowned when I noticed that I wasn't in his room. This was weired because I could smell his scent all over the room...maybe we're in a safe house or something, and I'm currently in his room..The black covers on the huge king sized bed, grey walls and dark themed furniture confirmed my suspicions. I've grown accustomed to his dark themes that even just seeing anything black made me think about him. I began to love the colour and found myself not wanting to change anything if we got married..that's if they do it around here..

I felt a pressure on my ovaries and just knew that my bladder needed to be released. I walked towards a door which led me to this beautiful mordern bathroom. It had grey tiles on the floor, with black rugs displayed on the tiles, a white basin, toilet and bath. The shower had no glass or coverup..It was just there..I stopped drooling over the bathroom and quickly peed, only to realise that I was having my period. I groaned and decided to take a nice long bath because my muscles were aching.

I got dressed in black sweatpants and a white hoodie to match. I grabbed a pair of black comfy socks and padded my way outside the room. I walked down the stairs and was met with a beauting living room. White paint coated the walls and black furniture made it look dark and exotic. I smiled when his named popped up in my head. Damn I'm definitely whipped..

"Good morning". A smooth but deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. Tingles errupted all over my body while my heart threatened to jump out of my chest. I swear one day he's gonna make me pass out...

I turned around slowly and my eyes locked with his beautiful ones. They stared at me with amusement. I didn't find anything amusing with this situation, I mean I was..ohh, damn warewolf and his abilities..I got a sense that he knew what he was doing to me, judging by that cocky smile he wore on his plum lips. My eyes locked on them and instinctively licked my bottom lip. He groaned and in a flash, I was pulled into his warm inviting chest with his hands on my waist.

"Don't do that little human"...I love it when he calls me that..He pulled my chin up and our eyes locked. I saw all the raw emotions that swirled in his eyes, lust and a new one I've never noticed before.

"Stop.. don't..if you continue looking at me like that I won't be able to restrain myself." His voice was deep and husky. His hand palmed my right cheek and I felt myself leaning into his touch. My eyes closed on their own as I enjoyed the warmth of his rough hand.

"Lira. Open your eyes". My eyes instantly opened, it was like my body was a slave and he was it's master. He took a deep breath and smiled down at me.

"Well looks like I won't need to restrain myself because your body will  be doing that for me for the next few days". I frowned and tilted my head to the side, cearly confused. He smirked and ran his hand through my brown locks.

"I can smell your period little human"..I instantly jumped out of his hold only to be pulled back into his arms again. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment and I tried to get  out of his hold. He chuckled at my attempts and used on of his hands to lift up my chin to face him.

"Calm down, not like that okay. Your scent is sweeter than usual.".

"Wh.what do I smell like?"..he smiled.

"Well, since I love citrus and vanilla, my maye is bound to smell like that. It gets stronger everytime you're near, making me lose focus on anything I do...Do you remember when we first met?". How could I forget.. jerk.. As if reading my mind, he smiled softly and continued,

"Well, I  was driving back from a meeting when your scent pulled me to a coffee shop. I didn't know why but I had to follow the scent and thats when I saw you." He smiled again and I felt my lips twitching upwards. What can I say, his beautiful smile is contagious.

"I just stood there, I didn't know what to do as you came out of the coffee shop, drooling over the cup on your hand. You looked so beautiful with your hair flying all over the place. It was like I was under a spell..under your spell. I knew you were coming straight at me but decided to let you bump into me"..that son of a..so he knew that..my precious latte. I wiggled trying to get out of hold only for him to chuckle. This deep and smooth made me relax and I stopped moving. I wanted him to finish the story.

"Good girl..Where was I? Oh..yeah, you came rishing out and then slammed on my chest, spilling your drink on the process. I don't know what to do or say but when your scent hit me like a fucking train, I just knew you were mine, before I could act, another scent hit me, your human scent...I couldn't believe it, I felt like Selene was playing a trick on me. I instantly felt betrayed by her and took it out on you. I lashed out and said some hurtful things I can never take back". His voice was low and his eyes held remorse. I didn't notice that I was crying until I felt his hand wiping a tear away.

"Lira. I know that I've hurt you and can never take back the things I've said. For that I am sorry." I gasped when I heard those word. I've waited so long to hear them that when they finally came out of his mouth, all those emotions I kept locked in came rushing out. I couldn't hold back the tears and pulled him down for a hug. He held me tight and whispered sweet apologies in my ear. I didn't care that I was probably strangling him, I needed him to hold me tight until my breakdown melted away. We stayed like that for a few minutes, probably more than 10 and I didn't care. His grey shirt was soaked with my tears but he also didn't care. It was as if he knew what I needed.

He slowly lifted me bridal style and I felt him move a few feet, only to sit down with me still on his arms. Basically I was now seated in his lap with his arms still comforting me, bringing warmth and unknown feelings in my mind.

"Please stop crying. I need you to listen baby. I want to let you in... I need to let you in." His voice was pleading and my eyes fluttered open and I snuggled into his warm chest. I wanted him to know that I was ready to listen, I've always been ready. One of his hands was holding my back securely to his lap while the other drew circles on my thigh. I joined his free hand with one of mine and squeezed it to show him that I was ready. He took a deep breath and stared at the white wall.

"I know what I did to you was unfair and unforgivable. When I found out you were human, I just lost it. All my life I wished to be mated to one of my kind. I never expected to be mated to a human but when I found out, I just....All my life I've held resentment towards your kind. The idea of me being mated to you made me sick.".. I felt my heart breaking, I couldn't control the whimper that escaped my throat. He sighed and his hand drew patterns all over my back, comforting me in the process. I wanted to hear him out before I jumped into conclusions, I needed to understand his anger and hate towards humans. I nodded for him to continue,

"I never gave you a chance..I didn't want to give you a chance."..His words were hurting me and we both knew that but I refused to let him go, I sat there..on his lap, I wanted him to know that I wasn't going anywhere, that I'd listen and try to understand whatever hurt he was going through. I knew that not all humans are bad but also knew about the ones hiding behind shadows waiting for young girls or women to molest and rape, kidnapping women and children and selling them to the highest bidder. The list goes on and on...Thats how messed up some people were..never considering the lives they take, families they break.

"But when my brother found you, injured, I knew I had to do something. At first I considered hiding you, convincing myself that I was protecting you but also knew the dangers that were around, so I decided to keep you with me. At first it was for my own benefit. I wanted to hide you from my enemies, knowing that if they'd ever find you, they'd use you as my weakness. So that's when you ended up in room. At first I thought I would ignore you, but your scent kept pulling me to you, I couldn't fight it. I knew it wasn't just the mate bond but something else...he smiled and stole a kiss that left me wanting for more...

"...You're a feisty little human..When you stood up to me in the coffee shop I just knew that I'd be drawn to you sooner or later. I'll admit that I wasn't expecting it but when you called me an assface I just knew that I'd have a fun time punishing you for that dirty mouth you have."..His hand travelled from my back to my ass and gave it a little slap. I yelped and pretended to frown at him. He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"But I got to normalize having you in the house. Mike convinced me to show you around the pack, he wanted me to experience love. I'm happy he did because now I'm never letting you go. After the incident in my office, I couldn't stop thinking about how smooth your skin felt and how sweet it tasted on my toungue. I needed to get away from you before I claimed you right then and there, so I did the only dick move and ran. But that backfired on me because everywhere I went, you were on my mind. I wanted to see you again..I needed to.. So I left Germany and came back only to find you under my bed."..I groaned in embarrassment and hud my face away from his chest.

"Curiosity killed a cat little human, you should stop snooping around. I didn't think that me pulling you out of the bed would result in injuring your ankle. I am sorry about that too..in fact about every pain and hurt I've caused you. I promise I'll be careful from now on but please, stop hiding from me..I almost went crazy when I couldn't find you in our room. But your scent led me to you and I hurt you again"..His voice was low and I saw the regret in his eyes. I pulled my hand from his and pulled his head down to peck his plum lips.

"Its okay Killian. I'm also sorry for snooping around like that. I promose I'll be more careful and I'll stop hiding from you..its just that I didn't know how you'd react and I got scared so I decided to hide.."..I blushed from the memory..He genuinely smiled and pulled my face to for a toe curling kiss that left us both panting...

He told me all about his family and mostly his mother, how she was killed infront of him by the Nolcans. I didn't understand why they did that and wanted them to pay for hurting him like that. His eyes were glosy when he mentioned how she was killed. He felt helpless and blamed himself for running away and not being able to help her. I had to comfort him, telling him that a mother wouldn't let her son get kill infront of her..I had to convince him that her secrifice made him the man he is today, because of his mother, his people are alive and so is he. He couldn't handle the hurt and broke down in my arms. After minutes of his silent whimpers, he told me about his brothers. How he loves Jacob and despises Jullian. He told me what his brother did, but still admits that he still couldn't be able to end his life because he has lost half of his family and didn't want to lose his brother too, regardless of the person he had become. I kind of understood where he was coming from because I couldn't kill my mother and her husband that day, I would've let them take my life before I killed them, but luckily Jacob killed them before they killed me and I'm not fucking regreting their deaths at all.

We ended up eating breakfast together while he filled me up with more information. I knew what he was and who he was to his people, it made me admire him more. He was able to lead his people from such a young age and it made me proud that he was able to save most of them from hunters and other dangers...I also revealed that I heard his conversation with Sam only to get a knowing smirk from him..Guess he knew I was awake...I was scared about me being queen but I also had faith in Killian. He assured me that he would help me get accustomed to his life and the ways of his people. I was nervous and thrilled but I was also excited to do something for someone. The need to help his people intensified and I wanted nothing more than to see his kingdom grow and help in anyway I could.

I just hoped that everything would be fine but knew deep down that something big was waiting for us..something that would change our relationship...

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