

Venturing into the depths of Stone Moon Park, a place known for its ancient magic, the prince's life suddenly hung in the balance. Faced with imminent danger, he instinctively activated his latent powers, transporting himself to an unfamiliar realm. As he materialised in this strange land, the prince's senses were overwhelmed by the scent of unfamiliar scents and the sounds of bustling human activity. It was then that he realised, to his astonishment, that he had unwittingly entered the human world. Confused and disoriented, the werewolf prince desperately sought refuge from the chaos that surrounded him. Fate, however, had a different plan in store for him. In a twist of destiny, he found himself within the confines of a modest room, occupied by none other than a captivating human girl. The prince's regal presence juxtaposed against the girl's delicate beauty, creating an intriguing contrast. Both were bound by circumstance, forced to coexist within the limited space of this single room until the prince discovered a way to return to his own realm. Thus, an unlikely alliance between the werewolf prince and the human girl was formed. They embarked on an extraordinary journey of adaptation and understanding, learning to navigate the complexities of each other's worlds. With their differences and similarities intertwining, they faced countless challenges, testing the limits of their patience and resilience. Together, they discovered the strength that lies in unity and the power of empathy. As the days turned into weeks, the prince and the human girl forged an unbreakable bond, transcending the boundaries of their individual identities. Amidst the trials and tribulations of their cohabitation, they found solace in each other's presence, uncovering hidden depths within themselves. Now what fate awaits them as there bond undergoes Test and trails. Let's find out in HIS HOT HUMAN MATE.

Michael_S_Udoh · Fantasy
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1 Chs


"Please...!" Her innocent cries for help pierced the night, running down the alley lined up with dumpsters and graffiti-covered walls as he caught up with her and pushed her down to the ground, pinning her down even before she could move.

"Please let me go..." She cried out again, her voice breaking at the end because of her sore throat, but it seemed he wasn't even listening to her.

Hot tears streamed from her eyes down to her features as the cold brisk air made it painful to breathe.

She couldn't even tell what was happening.

He was tall and muscular, with a scruffy beard and wild, dark hair. His clothes were ripped and dirty, with a menacing expression on his face, he looked deadly.

In a split second, he ripped off her clothes with ease and threw them away making her more cold.

Soon, she felt blood trickling down the nape of her neck where he had sunk his sharp teeth that felt like blades and smeared across her bare breasts.

The pains of his teeth in her flesh made it almost unbearable, but his tender embrace and soft kisses on the wound made the pains subside a little

His words kept echoing constantly in her ears.

They were words that made no sense yet he kept repeating them.

"My mate"

What do those words mean?

Just as he was about to take his lips to her cheeks, she flicked her eyes open and sat up on her bed while panting heavily and she was glad she did.

But as soon as she did, the ray of sun coming from her window came hitting her eyes, making her blink a few times, but that didn't matter much to her as waking up from that horrible nightmare was the best thing ever.

Heaving a sigh, she decided to lay back and rest for a little while, but before she could shut her eyes she heard someone yell her name from outside.

"Jamila!!" Nevaeh, her mum yelled her name again, this time louder.

"Yes ma" she answered with a frown, knowing fully well that her mum was calling her for nothing but work.

Diamond Jamila Samaj, is an eighteen years old light-skinned girl with long black hair. Although she's the last child, she's not the favourite daughter of the family, Bethzy, her immediate elder sister is. She has no idea why everyone, including her family, doesn't like her that much.

Talon, her elder brother and the first child of the family would always look for the slightest opportunity to shut her up. Even when the humiliation had started right from when she was a kid, Diamond just still couldn't get used to it.

"Bring your lazy ass downstairs and come prepare breakfast" her mum yelled.

"Breakfast? By this time?" She thought, her brows furrowed.

"Where are you?" Nevaeh yelled almost immediately.

"I am coming," she said and got out of bed.

Getting downstairs, she saw her mum standing beside the stairs, her hands at akimbo.

"Good morning mum," Diamond said immediately as she got off the stairs.

"Better learn how to stop being lazy," Nevaeh said with a frown, ignoring her greetings.

"But I'm not lazy," Diamond muttered in defence. She is one very stubborn girl

"Did I hear you say something?"

"No ma"

"Better. Prepare breakfast, clean the dishes and tidy the kitchen once you are done"

"But mum, if I have to do all that then I'm gonna be late for school," Diamond said with a light frown that was almost unnoticeable- almost.

"If you had thought about that then you would have woken up earlier"

"Earlier?" She thought.

She was going to say something, but her mum shut her up.

"Shush! Also, clean up your sister's room" Nevaeh said and walked out of the living room.

"Why is she always doing this?" Diamond mumbled with a frown and started towards the kitchen.

When Diamond was done making the breakfast of spaghetti bolognese she washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen as her mum had instructed earlier. Going over to her sister's room, she knocked on the door but got no response. After knocking severally without getting a reply she turned the knob of the door open and to her surprise, she saw Bethzy still sleeping on her bed.

"Like seriously? Mum gave me just a pile of work to do while she left Bethzy to sleep?"

Even with the fact that Bethzy likes going to school late, she still doesn't help out with the early morning chores. Bethzy is supposed to be done with school though, but she isn't because she failed two classes and had to repeat and the only reason why she and Diamond aren't in the same class is because Diamond is a science student, while she's an art student.

Bethzy, Bethzy!" Diamond called, but Bethzy was just so deep into her sleep.

Her room was such a mess, some of her clothes were littered on her mini couch, and her dressing table was filled with make-up kits and junk.

"Argh!! Such a pesky sister!" Getting to work, Diamond started with her clothes and by the time she was done arranging her clothes it was already 7:40 AM.

"Oh my God! I'm late for school again" she muttered as she ran out of Bethzy's room and rushed into her room to get dressed.


"Why is everywhere so dark Draven?" Xander asked as Draven led him into the hall room

Before Xander could activate his inner eyes, so he could be able to see despite the darkness, the lights came up and his dark eyes rested on ten armed warriors

"Draven, who are all these? Where is Zavier? I thought you said he is in trouble" Xander asked turning to Draven with a confused look

"Zavier is fine. The only person that is in trouble right now is you" Draven said sternly

"Pardon" Xander's brows arched

"I am sorry Xander, but we have to take you out," Draven said, and before Xander could put everything together Draven charged a heavy wind towards him, throwing him backwards, causing him to hit his back on the hard wall.

"Draven this isn't necessary" Xander grunted, but Draven was so adamant.