

A month later...

Transcorp Hotel and Suites...


Reporters were crowded outside wanting to know more about Jemila as she rose to fame in just few months and her background well hidden that no one can find out.

A press conference was held at Transcorp Hills to find out more about Jemila Bezox. At least that was what the reporters think. but they were only increasing her fame as this was the 5th press conference held in a space of a month.

"Jemila Bezox who are your parents and how did you become this famous in such a short period of time." one reporter asked as he put the camera directly on her face expecting to get some kind of facial reactions as the question was unexpected.

"Well, we are here for a business conference and I wouldn't want to bring in my personal life into it. I know how to differentiate business from personal life and I hope you do too." she replied as she walked away into the big event center.

"How did you rise to fame? Who is your backup." another reporter asked as they tried gathering around her but were immediately stopped by some guards.

"Is it true that you're a kept lady?" A female reporter shouted as she gave a sly smile.

Now this got a reaction from Jemila as she had told herself that the lady called Jemila who people used to insult and get away with it was long dead and under no condition would she give anybody that opportunity to step on her like that.

She turned looking at the female reporter with a beautiful smile and cameras couldn't help but clutter as they all wanted to take pictures of the beautiful moment.

"Well, I should be asking you that cause I don't think any company allows their workers to dress in that manner." Jemila replied.

"OMG that's the daughter of the minister of affairs she just talked to like that." one reporter murmured.

"Who does she think she is?" another asked.

"She has some balls. She even dared to insult one of the higher ups."

"Just because she got a little fame she has forgotten who she is." another commented.

"How dare you?" The female reporter named Katty asked staring intently at Jemila with her bulgy eyes.

"That company should be bankrupt in two hours." Jemila said to Stephen as she has walked away.

"Yes boss." he replied and called their secret department to solve that.

"So noisy." Jemila murmured as she walked to her sit.

While she was walking in unbothered about the reporters they were left in awe outside, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

"Reporters with an IV can now come in." a guard standing by the door informed.

The reporters without an IV had to go back while the few ones that had it were allowed inside.

"Good day everyone. I am Jemila Bezox, 22 years old and I am an entrepreneur. I and my team newly opened a gaming company called ** group of companies and most of you all know that. I would like to open another company which will major in importation and exportation of foreign items and we'll have a mall where those goods can be sold. Our exportation company will be opened to the public for exportation and importation to foreign countries for their personal use."she explained.

She gave more light to how the companies would look like and most of the old time business men where truly impressed. A live stream was going on and in the two hours of the presentation Jemila Bezox had risen from 4th most wanted spinster to 2nd and had also risen from 7th position on the youngest and brilliant entrepreneur to 3rd position.

"I'd like to call on the general public and anyone who would like to be a share holder in the company to come forward and I assure you, we will have a money mill in our hands." she rounded off her speech and exited the hall.

Meanwhile inside the presidential suite of Transcorp hotel some people had been watching all that unfolded.

"Way to go girl you put that Katty girl in her place, she's always too full of herself." London a teenage girl cheered.

London Davis and Jeremy Davis were the only children of Paul Davis an English business man. He is the richest man in the city and has over 50 companies in the country.

Jeremy was smiled as he watched the girl, he looked at her rosy red lips as she told a guy standing by her that the company should go bankrupt in 2 hours and was shocked. As she entered the hall he joined on their live platform as he watched what was going on.

And to be honest he was pretty impressed with what he saw and by the time the conference had ended Katty Radio Entertainment had ended with it...