
Chapter18 of chapter 2 The duchess

There were totally slience in the court room as the Duke have his seat. Stared at the bow heads of all members before signal his hand to make everyone have their seat. 

He stared at every members blankly again before he cleared his throat and break this intimidating slience among them.

"I know you all will be curious of this meeting? But I have a reason to summon this presence." He said coldly with face straight. 

" Not at all milord. Your words are our command. We rather obey you than go against you" A man on the table address the thoughts of the others.

"That's good" the Duke said, hand on his jawline while his sparkling eyes full of misery glared at everyone suspicious. This meetings was summon for a reason. To catch the idiots that are playing in his palace like a babies. 

"Milord, you don't have to worry yourself. We all appreciate this meeting" lady Emily said who doesn't know the devil intention. 

Marcus roll his eyes. He was still angry with his sister for keeping a traitor in her chamber. Something that would cause her life. But today, he was going to set things right. In order to protect his sister. 

The Duke smile at lady Emily word which makes her blushed. He had never smiled at her before. Maybe her dressing today wasn't for waste. The Duke must be please by the way I look. I know he would never cherish that slave, she's only there to warm his bed. That all she means to him. She thought. 

A man in servant attire walked to the Duke a d whispered something in his ear. Which he only nods to.  He signal Marcus who fully understand what he means. Simply stood up from his seat. Everyone was curious what Marcus want to say since he was the Duke right- hand man. 

Marcus cleared his throat before speaking. 

"I would like to  say the Duke of Hastings have found the woman after his heart. The one that carry the next future Duke in her" 

Marcus stop and look at the Duke if he would be offended by the word he's addressing his woman but he wasn't. Instead he was smiling. Everyone on the table was stunned a snd surprised about the announcement Marcus was delivery. The Duke have finally fall for a woman? But who? Is it's the black maid? Some thought while others waited to hear her name. 

Marcus carried on. "She's the beauty I have never seen" 

"Marcus! I said introduce not flirting with my woman!" He growled. 

" Oh, I'm sorry Milord" Marcus bowed and continue his speech. Emily on the other was curious, was she going to be the one or someone else? .

"Please welcome the duchess!" 

Immediately, Isabella and her escorts walks in. The all crowds went chaos. The duchess is the black maid! They were all speechless even when they have something to say but no one dare to utter a word. No one wants his or her head to roll on the ground like the last time. 

Emily feel like collapsing but she only held on to herself. The maid that once wash her feet was going to be rules over her! No! This must be a dream! 

The court room became a slient  desert that no souls lives in. What happened to the Duke they all know? 

When Arthur saw the satisfaction looks on everyone face. He stood up and approach his gorgeous pearl who was hooked on where she stands. Was she dreaming? Is the Duke going to marry her?  She was thoughtless. 

How am I going to face the society? Will they accept me? 

"You don't have to worry about that"  Arthur cut her off her daze. Standing really close to her in the presence of all. "As far I am with you. No one have a choice" he whispered. 

Isabella stared at his beautiful devilish eyes and smile. She was confused and worried about facing the society because she was black and wasn't fixed in the same class with the Duke. But now, she had made up her mind. The Duke place is where she belongs.

"I... I" before she could complete her words the Duke  smash his lips against her. Kissed her passionately in the presence of everyone. The people in the court room was bewildered on what happening in their presence. The Duke is kissing a black woman! 

Emily feel like dying! She couldn't take much of it but she can't leave until the meeting is over. 

Isabella was stunned but she didn't resist and kissed him back in the same energy. She had been dying to touch his body again after the hot night she spend with him. Ignoring the presence of everyone like they were never there. 

Marcus cough interrupting the lovers scene. 

"Milord, I think you should do that in the room" he said. Arthur hissed and Isabella blush. She couldn't believe herself anymore, she just get loosen in the presence of everyone. Is that how much she was dying for his touches? 

"Yes that true milord" Lily added after Marcus. The two idiots, always together. No wonder they're meant for each other.

The two lovers went to their seats. As Isabella sat on the left hand side of the Duke. The rage in Emily body burn more. She couldn't understand why from all maiden he choose this dirty thing! 

Everyone bowed down their heads to greet the new duchess. The woman after the Duke heart. They have to paid their respect to save their lives. 

"Milady!" They greeted in chorus. Isabella smiled and nods her head. 

"Let eat!" Marcus announced. The time have come to catch the fools. He signal the Duke who fully understand. Lady Angela appears behind Isabella. She was the one who going to served her in order to poison her.