
Chapter17 of chapter 2 Catching feeling

It hurts, isn't it?" Lady Isla voice echo from the other cell. "That was just the way I feel when you frame me. I thought I was the bad person, the one at wrong then. Now, you're worse than me" she said drily....

Lady Elsie couldn't defend herself, let truth be told. She was worse than the devil, she was responsible for the death of her family out of the same jealous and ignorant. She killed her lovely brother in the process..

"You're right lady Isla, I'm worse than you. I wish I could turn back time to correct my mistakes but I can't" she cried..

Lady Isla was on the side of the cell, felt pity for her. " Who do you regret killing?" She asked drily...

Lady Elsie raised her head in the dark 

"My brother, Matthew" 


Isabella Pov...

I was grateful that lady Lily comes in times, if not I wouldn't have handled his lustful desire. I was tempted to give in,  his burning grey eyes capture on mine, it was too irresistible to ignored that. But thank goodness, lady Lily shows up....

"I see, you and the Duke are getting along with each other" lady Lily whispered, as the Duke left the room. I felt instant blushing. Like butterfly flying in my stomach but choose to deny it. ...

It true, we are getting along, after I wake from my deadly sleep. Everything seemed different between us.  He had never be this close to me before but now, his closeness become undefined.

Lady Lily cupped her hands on mine, "you're blushing, do you love the Duke?"  She asked, blinking her eyes waiting to hear my words. 

Immediately I fled my hand away, "No I don't!" I snapped, trying to deny my hidden feelings.. let truth be told, I feel that about him, but watching him killed man for my sake, makes me wonder if he did that just to scared others. Or trying to prove his love for me. Just the thought makes my cheeks red! 

"Well, since you don't want to say it out,  I have gotten the answer I wanted. You'd love him, don't you?"  She questioned quizzically, 

" No-no , I don't you get it all wrong!" I felt so embarrassed for denying my true feelings right in front of her... I can't believe why I'm sweating just denying for love for him! 

"I guess if I wasn't here on time, what will you lovers would be doing then?" She narrowed her eyes at me. 

" Lily, I have told you, I don't have any feeling fo the Duke. I'm just his handmaid that the reason. He shows so much cares for me!" 

" Sure, if you claims to be his handmaid, why did he address you a his woman and even order to call you, lady Isabella nor Isabella?" 

She know all these too?  I thought she was in the coma because she drowned in the water. How did she gets to know about all these even without being present. Then, a flash hit me, Marcus must have told her about all these. To change the subject from me, I turned it on her.

"What's about you and Marcus, you guys seem to start getting along with each other. The last time I remember, you despise him" 

That's truth, I have never seen her talked about Marcus without adding harmful words to abuse him. She had speak of him this way before. Something is fishing between the two. 

She fall slient to my question, her face was down to her feet. Clearly, something might have happened between them.. 

"Lily, what's happened between you and Marcus?" I slowly down my voice, in a whispering tone enough for her to hear me.

"Hmm, nothing happened!" She quicken said, raised up her face to me, but her face couldn't hide the emotion she carry. 

"Where are the maids, I need a glass of water!" She alarmed. 

" Did something happen between you and Marcus? And you don't want to tell me?" 

" I have told you, nothing happened" she flattered her eyes. Was she that embarrassed. Hmm... I bet something might have happened, and she's just denying the fact! 


She nodded. Suddenly, lady Charlotte came in with a maid, who carried a glass of water. 

The glass was handled over to Lily, didn't she needs a glass of water to avoid the topic? 

"Oh thank you" she said to the maid. Sip a little, drop the glass on the stool beside her. 

"Milady" Lady Charlotte called, draws my intention from Lily. 

"Your breakfast is served" 

"Breakfast?" I asked confusedly, coz the last time I remember, the Duke and I went to the hall for breakfast. Why breakfast again? 

"But lady Charlotte, I have had my breakfast this morning in the hall" I explained.

" Yes milady, but the Duke said you haven't eaten much, and order the chiefs yo cook something delicious for you. Due to the incident that happens, you have lost your appetite" 

" Wow, that romantic" Lily exclaimed, I rolls my eyes. 

" Where would you like to eat your meal milady?" Lady Charlotte asked, "you'd like to eat here or in the dining table?" 

" I suggest the dinging table please" Lily   objected  before I could even say a word, 

"Alright milady, please this way" Lady Charlotte lead, Lily quickly stood up and followed before me. Why is she so excited about these? She haven't told me what happened between her and Marcus. 

From the expression of her face, I guess them have done something little than just friends. I smiled, watched the silly girl take her seat pretending. 

On the dinging table, 

Lily and I took a opposite seats, facing each other. Lady Charlotte did the honor of clapped her hands, and three maids appears. Among the three maids, one of them looks familiar to me but her face was hidden under her scarf. 

Before she could step forward, lady Charlotte stopped her. "Hey, take off your scarf, I need to see your face" she ordered. 

Lily's on the other hand, was impatient, then she blurted out. "Is that necessary? I'm kind of famished and need some food" 

" Yes lady Lily, it is  necessary to check whosoever that comes into the master chamber. For the safety of lady Isabella" lady Charlotte retorted hurriedly. 

Lily sighed and turned to me, " but when I came in, no one check me"  she rolls her eyes in a unpleasant way. I only smiled at her. 

"Because you're lord Marcus woman" 

Lily almost choked off, if she had a water in her mouth, I believe she would have split it out! I couldn't hold my laughter and let it out...

She felt so embarrassed, it true she had something going on with Marcus. Why is she shy telling me about it. And lady Charlotte doesn't feel remorse for what she said out. I think that the only way she would have shut Lily mouth up and continue her research on the maid. 

"Who.... Told you I'm his woman, I'm not, just...." She stammer instantly, I reduced my laughter tone when I saw her face extremely gloomy in red, like her cheeks is painted in red paint.....

"You can deceive anyone but not me milady. We have passed stages like this and knows what's it tell"  seeing Lily was stuck in her words and have nothing to say... She turned her gaze at me.

Lady Charlotte gave me a simple gaze to allow her proceed with the maid, which I agreed while Lily was dying for embarrassment, she couldn't lift her face up to me again! 

"Milady, I'm sorry but I can't remove my scarf" the maid said pale and drily. I don't know why I felt something about this maid, even her voice sounds familiar. 

"If you do not show your face, I would asked the guards to throw you in the dungeon!" Lady Charlotte threatened harshly. 

" Lady Charlotte, why don't you just let her do her job. Beside, she isn't a monster" I suggested. But the woman seem to be more in the investigation. I know the Duke ordered her but it seem she was taking it a bit serious.

"I'm sorry lady Isabella, but it an order for the lord and his instructions must be followed without hesitation" 

The maid who seem a bit pale, simply apologize...

" I'm sorry milady, I'll do just what you asked"

The maid pulled off her scarf , revealed her hidden face. "Lady Angela!"


Hi my lovers readers, I want to thank you all for support and your opinion about this book.  I'm grateful to have a wonderful supporters like you. You'll are the best! 

I know there have been error in my english words. Please bare with me this month, I promise to correct my mistakes. And I promise to end this book this month, so, keep on reading to the end to found out what happened next. Will Isabella get her happy ending with the Duke, just keep on reading! 

Much love, babes! Don't stop, also don't forget to comment and rate...