
Chapter 8 of chapter 8 why I'm angry

Why I'm angry....

Marcus Pov...

"Today and just a moment ago" she said looking straight to the side of the flower plants. Avoiding to looked at my direction.

"You really want to go back and meet that your beast father!" I sounds so angry for no reason. 

"He's my father and not a beast!" She snapped back. 

"He's never like that before just that stupid woman and her son's" 

"Then what are you waiting for? If you're so sick of the mansion why don't you just go away and back to your useless family!" Immediately she stromed off my grips which was already loose on her because of my anger.

"You don't even know me and you called my family useless? I never wish to be there the first place! I thought maybe agree to come here might win my father love back to me If I get married to the Duke" 

I chuckled. "Well too bad the Duke didn't have an interest in you. So, what are you going to do now. Run away or go back home" 

There slience between us and the only sound that could be heard was the piercing insects in the dark. As I waited for her to speak to me but she was  just muted before me. Staring wildly at me like lost sheep. The next minutes. There were tears running down her soften cheeks.then I know I have crossed the line. But what I can I do? I have planned everything and she just said she wants to go back home? When we all know how heartless her father's to her! 

"I thought you're different due to the way you're close to Isabella I don't know you're a beast! An  hidden one! A monster! I hate you so much!" She yelled and ran off into the dark. Should I go after her and make sure she wasn't going to hurt herself? I thought to myself but why should I? I questioned myself. It wasn't my fault but hers. She's the one that never thinks straight before acting beside, why should I be worried when I know she must have gone back to her room. 

I was weak all of a sudden. I didn't know why and what happened to me. Was I falling for the blonde hair? No way! That's impossible but why I'm affect by her words. Like it hit on me like throwing stones on my skin.

This must be some sort of joke to me. I couldn't move as my buttocks sat there like unmovable rock. Staring down on my feets like a confused man rejected by his bride on his wedding day. I'm falling for the blonde hair girl words? That can't be right. Right?  Because I know the only woman I was attracted to was Isabella before the Duke found his interest in her and I accepted it. 

Shit! I sighed and looked at the spot she previous seat on. There was a flowing pink flower on the waters surface. That what she was paying her attention to earlier. I smiled and picked up the flowers from the water surface and remember how her lips looks like. But wait? Why I'm smiling. I thought to myself. I thinks I need to check up for some treatment maybe I'm having some fever. 


I went back to the my chamber. Slumped tirelessly on the bed. I really need some rest since there is a busy day ahead of me. I need to sleep early and get up early. I drags on my night pills and take some with a glass of water beside my bed stool. I swallowed all in and rest back on the bed. Tossed away my shirt exposing my chest and laid down to catch some sleep. 

Trying to drowned in my sleep but the sleep seem not to come. I stood up and drags on the pills again. Repeat same process with it but still the sleep refused to come. Then I decided to sat down for some while Maybe I might  dozen in. At the moment, Lily thoughts came into to my head  remembering all her words she said to me.  Making my situation more worse! Refusing the sleep to come into my eyes. What's the hell! Why will a woman I just met some few days ago become this more effects on me? I can't believe myself I was going nuts over her! I quickly laid back on the bed and shut my eyes tightly to get her thoughts off my head. I'm tried to but hearing her voice ringing in ears. Hell no! This frustrating! 

What if she was hurt? What if she didn't go back to her quarter. What if she ran into the dark and get lost in the woods in the garden. The garden is like a little village of it's own..and it huge in size. What if my Lily didn't make it back to her quarter. My heart race and I think I'm really stupid now. Why I'm working out by her? When I know her family pushed her here to get married to the Duke if chance luck falls on her side. There's no reason for me to stress out myself for no reason. 

Wheresoever she is. She's fine and safe there no reason to be worried. All I need now was to sleep and beginning the next day early. Then I might decide to check up on her. After some time. I didn't know what happens next.


A shiny light was reflecting on my face. Burning on my skin. I used my hand as a shade over my face. Blinking my eyes up what I saw it was the sun reflection shining through the window that was hitting on my face. I didn't know what happened and how I slept off. But the look of the sun shining reflection I believe that time had gone far. 

I stand up from the bed and looked up at the big clock on the wall. It was 10:00am. I had never slept so far before. What happened to me last night because even though I take the pills it stiil didn't work. I only have two hours to sleep and some time found it difficult to shut my eyes as the horror from the past still hurts me. 

Lazily I stromed into the bathroom and fresh up before heading out. A  table have be set in the room by my handmaid. I really didn't stress her but she never failed to complete her duty at the right time. 

"Milord" she bowed. "Your breakfast is ready" 

"Thank you can leave" I waved my hand to dismiss her and she simply left before nodding her head. I sat on the table, feel so relaxed and eat up my food before attend to important matter of the day. 

Some seconds I heard a knock on the door. It might be one of the guards. "Come in" I said before grabbing on the crab server toe by my maid. "Milord" he bowed. It was Rough, the one I told to check spy secretly on all the lord's and maids both workers of the mansion and come back to give details. I didn't expect he to come this early. 


"The instructions you gave. There some progress in it. " 

"Go on" 

*One of the kitchen cook were found in the dark at late at the night discussing with unknown man before going back to her quarter" 

"A cook?" 

"Yes Milord" 

"Did you follow the man? And found out who the hell is he and why is she having a discussion with him in the night?"  The guard hurry replied

"Of course Milord but he was too fast to catch up with. We sreach all the surrounding of the estate but couldn't found him." 

Immediately I hang up the crab on my hands. "And you came back to me! Expecting me to report that type of investigation to the Duke! Huh?" 

Immediately the guard went on his knees. "Please milord I make sure I found please spears my life" he pleaded. 

"Who's she? The cook. What's her name?" I asked calmly and continue my eating. 

"Her name is Angela but she had a scar on face and she's hiding it with a scarf" 

"She had a scar on her face? "That was unexpectedly. What must had happened to that cook and who she might be meeting at the middle of the night. 

"Did she knows she was followed?" 

"No Milord" 

"Then keep an eye more on her every moves. And make sure you report directly to me!"

"Yes Milord" he said and left. This was even more suspicious. I remember a cook who's name is Angela but she didn't have a scar on her face. Or is there someone else answering the same name with her. After the meal I'm going to found out.


Going down to the stairs after my breakfast. Something unexpected happened. When I saw Lady Elsie pointing a knife at Isabella! . My Isabella!