
Chapter 7 of chapter 4 Scars


Isabella Pov....

When we heard the thunderous voice of the guards ordering all maids to go back to work. We simply Left Lily. I know she's worried about her father nasty behavior towards her. I didn't know why the man hate his own daughter. The girl he gave birth to. It was a sad thing to see. But I prayed Lily find the happiness she deserves. She had be a good friend and a protector to ma and I can't abandoned her just the time she need me most. I have to speak with Marcus after today duties. I need to talk to him on how to helped Lily stayed in the mansion. At least that one thing I can do and I know he would listen and tried to help. 

"Is Lily father such a bastard that he hates his own daughter with no reason?" Emma asked. She had been thinking about the situation over and over again after we left the ladies Hall. She wasn't that sure of what was going on in Lily life but after the little discussion we did. She gets to understand the situation a little about Lily. 

"Well, for the way she told me. That man is a bastard" I angrily said. Of course I'm burning in anger. Even though I'm a servant and didn't know my place that doesn't means I can abandoned a friend in the dark. 

"Then. I believe he's really a fool for treating such a girl with beauty with hatred! Oh my God. Why are there so much wickedness in the heart of men. A father hated his daughter because his concubine  bought home two sons. He's such a cheater!" Emma yelled. That one number one  reason I cherish my friends. They never support evil. Emma didn't stop there as her continue on throwing deadly insults at him. Only if insults can killed and I'm sure the man would be dead by now. 

The kitchen was as busy as usual. It seem anything have even happen before. Everyone seems to paid more time on their works. I and Emma departed our ways since she's not on kitchen duties for today. 

Then I spotted lady Angela! She's alive! Thank my God. But she was covering herself with a scarf. That was strange, I have not see her on scarf before. She's always lively. But this time she seem different. I walked up to her to be her assistant maid before anyone do it.  "Lady Angela" I called immediately I was close to her. "I'm happy to you" I said happily. And she didn't lifted her face slightly at me. "Isabella" she calls with a surprise look but there's something wrong. Her lovely face was covered with a huge scar! Did the bastard lord did this to her?  No wonder she's covering her face. 

"Lady Angela" I wanted to touch her face but her flew her head to the other side. "Don't asked please I begged you Isabella" she said weakly. There were slightly tears running down her cheeks. I can't believe she was crying. It would have be a lot for her to cry this way. I can't believe it. What have that bastard did to my lady Angela. She must have been through lot. Poor lady Angela. 

"Lady Angela, no matter what I'm here" I said quietly inorder not to let others evadropping on our conversation. That what explain the scarf over her head. 

She wipes off her tears and face me.."there's no need for pity Isabella. I'm okay" she replied with a smile which I choose to play back.  "Now helped me get the veggies" she said. And I quickly attend to it. I know it hurts her much and she didn't want to talked about it but whatsoever the condition. I fully accepted it. All I want now are for my friends to be happy. One was Lily and now lady Angela. I heaved a weakly sign. Why is life this way. She didn't deserve that scar on her face she never didn't. She's a white but yet still suffered this way I did. I hated that bastard lord and whosoever he is! I just wish for his dead! 

It was really a work full day for us all. I was tried and needed some rest but I can't go to my quarter I need to speak to Marcus and told him the issues about Lily and also lady Angela for that bastard not to get way with what he had done to her. I remember she was slient all through the day after our first discussion. She didn't say anything words to me again. That was unlike her. She's always lively and Virgil  but after what happens to her, my Angela is not the same. She was snoring all through the day even though she chose to hide but I can still heard her snoring.  Marcus is the only person I know who can helped but now I need to get to his chamber. 

I snapped on his door. Immediately his eyes opened, looking violently at me. "Isabella?" He called with surprise. I bit on my lower lip finding it difficult on how to explain the reason I'm here the first place. He was resting majestically on the couch with eyes shut but suddenly I stepped in without knock his eyes violently gazed at me. 

"I'm sorry for not knocking" I said still bit on my lips. He stared at me for some minutes and said. "You can sit down" . I sliently took my seat. I stared shyly at him, he was looking charming always. His beautiful eyes were on me with skipping off. I continuously bit on lips nervously, I don't know how to start up with the discussion. So we both keeps on staring at each other. 

"Stop doing that" he said, eyes still on me. 

"What?" Because I didn't know what he was talking about. I know I didn't do anything wrong. 

"Stop biting on your lips. It can turn a man on" he said and rest back on the couch. 

My lips? How can a lips bitting turn someone on. What is he talking about. I'm bitting on my lips because I'm nervous! 

"Now what bought you here" he said breaking me out of the mode of thinking. 

"W-well I'm here..." 

"Wait don't tell me that bastard rise his hands on you!" He roars up from his seat. I was shocked what have come over him. Who's him talking about. I'm here to complained to him about something and he couldn't even allowed to finish up my words before he stood up from his seat. 

"I promise to break his head this time. If he dare touch you!" 

"Marcus, what are you saying?" I asked confusedly at him. Sure maybe he's have  headache that explained his behaviors. Wneh he saw that I'm confused at him. He immediately sat back on his couch. 

"If he didn't touch you. So why are you here?" He asked calmly. Who is he? That he's talking about. Anyway I don't care about that. The main reason I'm here were to complained some issues too him.

"Marcus, lady Lily need your help" 

"Lily? You mean that your crazy friend" he chuckled. Resting his head back again. I know he and Lily are a little bit dramatic to each other or should I say more dramatic. 

"Why do the stone queen need my help?" 

"Marcus, she's not a stone queen. Lily is having trouble with family at home and she's scared to go back home" 

"She's scared?" He laughed, finding everything I said funny which isn't. I really need his help on this.

"Why will the stone queen be scared to go back home. I thought she's a woman of her own world" he laughed again. This wasn't going the way I'm expecting it to. If he can't help Lily stayed and laughed about her issues. Will he also do the same to lady Angela issues too. I really want to help the people that stood by me not abandoning them in the dark alone.  I was really pissed off with Marcus laughed and he seem not to stop it anytime soon. 

"Really? Are you going to keep up with that?" I creased at him. "Alright, I'll stop but it funny to know she was scared to go back home after all her bravely act to me" 

"Please I want you to make her stays here instead of going back home to face the terror of her life" 

"Oh Isabella you have forgotten something I'm not the owner of the house. If you need any help with Lily living here, you know who to seek" 

Yeah, he's right but I'm not going to meet that bastard who call himself Duke of Hastings for any help. At the other hand, my friends need my help. 

"Marcus, you're close to him and you can talk to him about Lily. Cam you do that for a friend?" I makes my puppy eyes. 

"Alright, I'll tried" he said and roll his eyes. I know it will work on him. Now, the next issues is about Lady Angela. That bastard lord don't need to get away with what he did to her. 

He stared at me like a hungry Lion ready to feed on his meal. "What again? Because it seem your buttocks is suck on the couch" 

I think it time to let him know about lady Angela condition too. I smiled...