
Chapter 6 of chapter 8 Don't care

Don't care....

The slience mood continue as I keep on mobbing on the stone floor. It's was hard but I don't care, working on it the little as I can. 

He was muted, engrossed on the newspaper in front of him. "Do you have any questions to ask?" His deep voice asked. 

"What question my lord" I bow down my head. 

"Never mind." He continues with his reading. 

"As you wish my lord" I went back on my duties, there was no talking between us. I took my stuff to his bedroom and continue my mobbing. he walks in, went straight to his wardrobe. Gradually,  whatsoever he wants and closer to my back. 

"Isabella" he called exotically, I swallow on my saliva. Don't want to melt with that voice. I turned. Head bow down.

"Yes my lord" 

"What you saw, it was....." I cut him short.

"You don't have to explain anything milord" I lifted up my face boldly at him. "You're the lord and the master of the house. Anything you say and do doesn't not apply to offend a maid like me. Is your wish and desire. Milord" 

He looked sliently at me. I could see the lightening burning up in his eyes, As he gaze they angrily at me. 

"Milord, can you permit me to continue my cleaning?" I asked, looking at him with no fear in my ears. 

"Yes," he said quietly and left. I didn't care about what I did has any effect on him. It was my right to do what ever I wanted to do. It's the best way to clear off my mind of him. 

I sighed and continue my job. When I'm done, I went back to the living chamber. He wasn't in. Maybe he went to joined his mistress. Who's care. I packed up all my belongs cleaning items and left.

down the stairs I felt a strange eyes staring angrily at me from behind. It was not the Duke, I'm sure of that. I turned back but there's no one there. I continue walking again. I still I felt it again, I turned, the spot were clear. I'm the only one walking in the stairs and no one else. 

Who can it be? I questioned myself, shaking. The unknown eyes were on me I can feel it. It was strong and dangerous to comply. I wanted to run, run as fast as I can. I don't who the hell is watching and what he wants for me.  Then I saw Marcus coming up the stairs. 

"Isabella?" He called, surprisedly, seeing me. 

"Marcus..... someone... is.. watching...me" I stermmer and pointed my fingers backward. He follows the way my fingers and pointed. His eyes grow rages. 

"Isabella, get the hell out of here now!" He ordered. His eyes were cold and terrifying. I quickly obeyed him and went down as fast as my legs could carry.  I looked back and he was not there again. That's was strange, what going on in this mansion? I quickly get to the servant quarter and wonder what Marcus could have saw that he told me to get away. 

I drop my cleaning items and went back to the maids Hall. That when I saw Lily, she was waiting for me all these times. After the incident with the Lady Ruby's, the Duke told the ladies to return home that he wasn't interested. Some do left, while others are behind including Lily, she didn't know what to say to her father when she gets home. I bet that the reason she's still here in the mansion. 

"Lily?" I surprisedly called her. She was sitting on my mattress waiting, " Isabella!" She calls back excitedly. 

"What bought you here?" I get close and she hugged me before even answering my questions. 

"Because I miss you and you don't even come to attend to me or" she makes a puppy cute eyes at me. "have you confess your feelings to him?" 

My face went red and I sat down on the mattress." What's wrong? Did he said something bad to you?" She asked looking worries at me. I sighed out, cleared my face. 

"I think I'm not his type of woman, maybe he was protecting me then because I'm his handmaid. If anything happens to me, who will clean his chamber. I think the reason he was showing me more cares and I mistook it as a feeling"

"No, Isabella, you didn't mistake anything. I think he's the one at fault. Tell me what do he said to you?" 

"He didn't say anything to me because I didn't get the chance to tell him what I was feeling"

"Then, why are you sad? Isabella please talk to me. You say we're friends right, and friends shared each other secrets"  she said.

I breathe in and out, looked besides me the worried girl face. " I saw he sleeping with other woman on his bed the time I went to clean his room. He didn't have anything for me. He's just like the others masters out there" 

I hold myself not to let any drop of tears out, I want to cry again because of that man. He didn't deserve me either do I deserve such a high classic man in the society. 

I hold on to Lily hands, " don't worry I'm fine and okay. It all in the past" I grins. She looks sadly at me and hugged me. 

"I understand you Isabella but that Duke is a bastard and going to pay for hurting your feeling"  she said beneath my shoulder. 

"Lily, hope you're not going to do anything stupid right?"

"No" she chuckled. " I'm going to miss you when you're gone" 

"I too" 

"I have to go and attend to others duties, see you later" I broken the hug, waved to her sweety and left to the kitchen. 

Lady Angela waved at me, "Isabella" I went to she but seem really busy than before. 

"What the occasion with the lords, why did them demand much from you?" 

"Of course, I'm serving five lodrs today, also with the cooks. Such lord are having their party with whores" 

Just as I thought what else will them do, they're the lord's anyway. And that their way, sex and party are their calling.

"you have to help me delivery it to their chamber" she requested, which I obediently agreed. We get all the food ready and head out of the kitchen. 

Walking slience on the corridor. I haven't know anything about Lady Angela ever since the day I have met her. And she had been closed to me. I really want to get to know every one I consider as a friend. She's a friend by the way. Not just a friend but also my adviser's, her words talk me out of my broken heart with the Duke. 

She was indeed right, I can never steps in his legacy. " Lady Angela" I called. 

She narrowed her eyes at me, I quickly understand her gazes. "I mean Angela" she smiles, nods her head as an approval. 

"I haven't know anything about you and where you're from. It's is okay if I asked?" 

She looks at me, I was the one moving the tray truck. "Is that what you want to ask, you don't need a permission to ask. I'm sorry not to tell you about me. But firstly my name is Angela white" she said. 

"I lived down the country side, I needed a Job to survived then I heard they need a cook in the Duke mansion. Besides the Duke talk is one of the biggest gossip in town."

"Oh that's nice, at least I get to know you. But you haven't told me more about yourself" 

"Oh me, that a long story for another day not today. We to delivery this meal to the lord's before them complained" she said and I stop asking. There's another day for that anyway. 

We get to the first lord she was serving and place his meal on  his living chamber which we're directed by the graud on the entrance. But didn't get to see the lord we serve. We left then and went to the other and then to the other. Till we finished serving the lord except for one.

We went to the Fourth lord, the door were open and there was no gruads guiding the entrance. We went in. And heard a loud scream of a lady in pleasure. Of course, he was fucking her. That's what the lord's are best for. Asshole! We spotted the lady dress on the floor and see she's one of us. A maid like us. We ignored,

"My lord your food is served!" Lady Angela announced on top of her voice hoping he might heard her. 

"You can get the fuck out I heard you!" He rudely replied. 

"Asshole"Lady Angela grumbled and I giggled.  We walked out. 

"I believe we're done with our duties, Angela, can you tell me about yourself now?" 

She sighed, "; okay" 

"Hi baby girl" we heard a man voice, and I turned he was hugging Lady Angela from behind. She couldn't moves as her eyes widened in fear. 

"Excuse me,  milord but I'm under a duty. Can you please let go?" She fearly said. 

"You're talking to your lord without fear?" He left her and hit her from behind. 

Angela fall on her knees, I was scared and terrified. What should I do? "Angela?" I called, she lifted up her face and looks at me. 

"Milord, she's saying the truth, believe me. We're under a duty"

The man looked angrily at me, and hit me hard on my face. I couldn't see clearly. When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor, I looked at the spot I last saw Angela, she wasn't there.  Instead, she screaming begin drags away by the unknown man. 

I looked at them with watery eyes, 

"Isabella,run!" She said, I didn't quite heard her and she repeat herself.  "Run!" The unknown man drags her into a near by room and locked the door. I stood up and went there, hit on the door as far as I can but no answering. The only sound I heard was Angela screaming. The bastard was taking advantage of her. I cried, it was hard to watch your friend being raped by some idiot.

Then I felt the strange stares again, and I had to run. This time I decided to do what she first told me.