
Chapter 4 of chapter 4 Running away

Running away.

Isabella pov.....

I sneak into the servant quarter, making sure no one suspect me that I skipped my duties. My emotions took the best of me, I was in tears. They were all wrong, nothing changes. We're still see as a commoners and imposters. 

All we need was freedom and love, was it too much to asked? He didn't care about my emotions because I'm a maid, a common black maid! 

I weep sliently on the bed. Later, I felt a gentle hand on me. Emma? 

"Emma, he was the worst I tell you. He forcedly kissed me without my consent. He's a beast if he thinks all maiden's are made for his bed, Then he must be mistaking. He tried to do it several times before, sorry I can't it away. I was scared, he the lord anyway have the right to do whatsoever he wants." 

"It's okay my dear, it happens to all women. Being black or white" the voice said. 

It's didn't sound like Emma voice. If that not Emma, who the hell is it? I turned my head and saw Lady Angela sitting beside me on the bed. 

"Lady Angela?" I asked surprisingly, I wasn't expecting to see a cook in the maids quarter. The cook had their own quarters but here she was sitting beside me. How did she knows I was sad and depressed. 

"I know something like that's going to happen. The way he asked you to stay behind. I have heard stories about the Duke before coming here. He's a heartless beast. He didn't cares about the feelings of others except himself!" She said with hatred, anger and disgusting shows in her eyes. 

I wipe off my tears and sat up. "Then if you have heard stories about him. Why do you come to work here?"  I asked.

She relaxes herself calmly but replying.

"Because I had no choice, in this world, it's doesn't matter if you're black or white. There are same pains we feel together. We passed through same circumstances. I lost everything in the past, everything I owned to the same man who have same skin color with me. Does that means the world we lived in is fair place? The rich have to enjoy and the poor had to suffer? . There's always good and bad Isabella, you have to accept that. That's one thing that would never change. I had no choice but to come and work here because I needed a roof over my head" she said.

I glared at her, was she saying the truth? I looked around us and there white and black maids all doing the same thing we're doing. She's right just like my mother says, No matter how dark a man heart is there is still something good. 

I grins at her and she grins back. " My dear, there's no different between us" 

I hugged her, cried painfully my eyes out on her shoulder. That's what I wants, A shoulder to cry on and she offered that shoulder to me. 

"All would soon be fine" she mumbled. 

She stayed with me until, I felt off in a deep slumber. 

"Isabella, Isabella" a soft voice calls on me.

"Mother?" I answered opened up my eyes. She was smiling at me. Full of life, and happiness. "Mother!" I ran to her and hugged her. She feels so real, so real to be a dream. 

"Mother, I miss you" I said, crying.

"Why are you crying? I thought you're one of the bravest women" she said. I looked up to her and she keeps on smiling at me. 

"It hard mother, it was hard to be accepted, loved by them" 

"Why did you think so? You haven't tried to change a man heart and you felt it was impossible? There nothing impossible in this world. All you have to do was to keep on trying" 

"But mother? I'm just a maid and nothing more. What can I do?" 

"Nothing, he'll come to you. No matter how dark a man heart is , he'll still changes his ways"

"He?" I questioned confusedly, who was my mother referring to? Who was the man? I staring stunned at her, trying to get the message from her face but it was impossible to read from her face. For all she does was to smile. 

"The time will come but then prepared yourself because they're more to come" she disappear.. within a twinkle of an eye. 

"Mother!" I shouts out of my sleep. 

"Isabella, are you okay?" Emma asked, it was late already, the dark clouds have covered the sky. Lady Angela was not sitting beside me again, she had left. She placed me well on the bed before leaving. 

"Isabella, are you okay?" Emma asked again, sliding her fingers across my head to check if I'm sick of any disease especially a fever.

"Your temperature is fine but your skin feels so warm. Are you sure you're fine?" 

"Yes    . What the time?" 

"It's 8:30, I came in and found you sleeping I don't want to disturb your beauty sleep but are you okay? Your face seem a bit soar" 

"Yeah, I'm" I hold on to my stomach, feeling the grumbling sounds it makes. I'm definitely hungry.

Emma giggled, " your stomach needs food right?" She asked, still giggled. 

"Stops it Emma. Not funny" I warned seriously. " Anyway you should be grateful I bought something for you. I want to wake you up but it seem you were in a dream world and didn't want to disturb your fantasy"

"Where is the food" I complained, she quickly bought out a bowl of meals unde her bed. Gave it to me. I quickly rush it out of her wrist and start eating.

She laughed, finding it funny. She's indeed a friend to keep. " You have a dream about your mother again?"she asked glaring at me.

"Yeah" I said with mouth full. "What did she say this time?"

"Nothing, much just same request"

She sighed, " you never know if that might be your destiny" she smiled but I only back out. 

Will that be my destiny? My mother always believe that there's goodness in the heart of wicked men. She never shows any signs of hatred to any of her Master despite the punishment she received. But I never know her reason she chose to be loyalty to them..

The sun shining reflection wakes we up, and the day starts into a new day. The routine are always done the same every day. Maids running in and out to take their bath and attend to duties. Lady Gogo never failed to slow down her screaming at lazy maids. 

We popped in on our outfit and each of us gets ready to attend to their duties. That when my heart skipped. 

 I'm going to clean up the master chamber, the same man I insulted and yell at? This is not how I plan today to go. I totally forgotten what I said to him yesterday. I slapped my face. How am I going to faced him after what happens between us. 

Just take a deep breath Isabella and all will be fine. I encouraged myself. But the words are not working! I hold tight to my equipment and bravely climbed up the stairs, after 50 minutes of rehearsal on how to start my apologies word how truly I'm sorry inorder not to been punished by my insanity, i bit on my lips in frustration.

There were no guards at the entrance of his chamber again. I pushed the door and peep but he wasn't in. I snapped in with my working equipment and shut the door besides.

 I breath relief, at least, he wasn't in. I modded the floor, cleaned the bathroom, makes the bed and washed up the toilet. Everything were cleaned. It's was 60 minutes before I was done, I bet I'm fast this time since I want to escape before him comes back. I looked at the huge clock on the wall, was the same time I predicted. 

Pack up my equipment.  Planning on heading out when I saw his burning eyes staring lustful at me. 

"What are you doing in my chamber!" He growled. I was scared, really scared, was he asking what I was doing in his chamber? Wasn't the one who appointed me as his personal handmaid? 

"I'm here to clean up your chamber" I said, facing the stone floor. He chuckled, and lean in breaking the distance between us. 

"You say? You're here to clean up my room?" He asked

"Yes, my lord that the duties you appointed me for" 

"Anyway, what if I said I don't need you anymore. What are you going to do about?" 

He wants to quit me and yet still asked, what I'm going to do after he sacked me? He must be a physco

 "I'm waiting for you response, Isabella" 

I looked up at him, into his scary eyes. I didn't blinks or looks scared at him. Like I'm not  stumbled before him. I don't know how I found this courage but I love it.

"I'll not do nothing my Lord" I backed my head back to the floor. 

"Why?" His deep voice asked

"You're the master of the house, the one who owned all power and authority. I'm under your roof and I followed both what you command and orders. I'm just a maid and don't have the will of my own as far I'm here"

He smirk, lifted up my face with his tough fingers. Looks into my eyes.

"Are you sure you have no will of your own? Because yesterday it seem you have more than you can think"