
Chapter 2 of chapter 5 Caring?


Isabella pov....

After lady Gogo gave me that liquid sources, we head back to work, the duties are the same as always. We helped with the ordering of the cooks, doing everything inorder not to get into any troubles. 

After the previous incident that happened to me in the kitchen, I choose to maintain my ways not cutting off with any cook again. A young lady walks in, she leaned a complained to the chef 

Mr. Robert 

I couldn't over heard their discussion as I attended to my duties, the next minutes he calls my name which  shocks me to the bone...

"Isabella!" I was frighten, I'm cut in another problem again? I turned at him, he calls Emma and others girls names and instructed us to go clean the corridors floors. 

Oh, that's a relief..

I was thinking maybe something terrible happened

I joined the other girls out, went to the storage room to pick up all the equipment we needed for the chores and head out,

Along the way, I was feeling a little dizziness, and my skin hair  pointed up, I think I'm catching up a cold, I sighed tiredly and continue walking.

"Isabella?" Emma called, "are you okay?" She asked, maybe she took noticed of my state.

"Yeah, I'm good" ingnored  it, besides I don't see anything that serious with it. We went to the first passage floor, we were told to clean all since everywhere seen dirty and messing after the welcome ceremony of the young master..

We were ten in number, the corridor way are long and huge its would take time to clean but we had no choice, this is our duties! 

" Why don't we divide ourselves?" A dark girl asked, " instead we all stays here and clean together, why don't divide ourselves to go to the rest corridors and clean, by that we will be done" she suggested 

"Sure that nice" a white skinny girl agreed

It's a good idea, at least, it's will helps makes the work faster and reduce delay. We all accepted the idea, we divided ourselves into two, each person with a partner, I and Emma team up and went our way also with the rest..

I feeling that dizziness again, I think maybe it lead to the liquid source, we haven't taken our food that morning. The rule we followed, work before eating that's the motto,

Emma gulped at me, I think she's studying me, "how you sure you're okay?" She asked again, "of course" I answered, cupping my face with a smile that would relief her mind from worries. I don't want her to be sick of me, she's the only person I have gotten and I want to be a good friend without stressing her out...

"Alright if you said so because I want wondering if you feel not good by cleaning you should take some rest" she said, squeezing out her mob from the water. 

"Come on Emma, you don't have to worries yourself, I'm fine" I smiled,


We continue our cleaning in slient, after up to an hour of  cleaning that long corridor floor, we went to another before it. 

Then, we heard a  loud voice coming from one of the chambers along the sides


It's sounds so much as authority, power and wealth!

There was immediately slience among them, what must them having be doing? The person voice seem more commanding... And powerful


But no One answered him, 

We kept muted continue our cleaning when few seconds we heard another man voice.. 

"My lord...." His voice sounds so shaky

"My lord, I would like to have more slaves to work on the grains farm and promised you by next month you'll being expecting the best from my industry"  

I recognize that voice, that the bastard that lay his hands on me! I rolls my eyes

"Henry!" His voice sounds so much like that storm thunder outside,  And the loud spank on the desk, I felt his dangerous aura, of course I know who he was the young master!

He seemed angry, even though we're not in the  chamber with them but can still felt the heat his anger create...

"My lord..." The man voice sounds more afaird and frighten

"I promise to make things much better this time, is not my fault but that of the useless black slaves, they're so lazy" 

Really? I was ear dropping on their conversation, I can't believe that idiot put the blames on the slaves, what I'm even expecting, of course that what anyone of them are going to say if them are in his shoe,

"Then make them work harder! That's the reason I put you in charge of them the first place!" 

"Y- yes my lord" he sounds so much like a crying child, I wished I could see his face begging to his own life. Even I didn't know much about the young Master but his appearance on the first meeting shows he's indeed dangerous

"This would be the last time, I'll hear complained about my grains farms! You better do all you have to do to put your slaves in order!"  With every words he said Pierced through the heart like a shooting arrow

"Y-yes.. my lord" 

My dizziness starts taking the best of me, just a few minutes, We heard a loud scream that almost frozen my heart to death

"Ahh!!!" The man scream painfully, what must have happened to him that makes him yells that loud.

"Isabella, I think we should move forward for cleaning, when they're done we can come back" she said, she seem terrifying by the screams, I nodded. Carried my bucket of soapy water, intending to pass over when I fell down, causing the water to spread messy on the floor.

Emma ran to me, trying to get me up when I felt his dangerous aura approaching.

The next thing I heard, was Emma pleading in  fear, I know this is trouble a lot more trouble I have put upon myself but I was too consciousness to get up on my knees. 

"Is your friend okay?" He asked calmly, his deep thunderous voice calmed down, I was surprised cause I was expecting the worse from him. These would be the second time, he acted to me in a pleasant way.

I lifted up my head slightly to see the monster talking, those fiery eyes seen worries but how? He's the Master?

The next recalls, was Marcus voice


I didn't know what happened next cause I felt a hard hands on me, lifted me up.

The bed was so soft and warm, I feel so relaxed, what happens? Is it's night time? Are we sleeping ? But my bed feels much soften than the way it is before. Why haven't I heard the morning bells? And along have I being sleeping? 

I opened my eyes slightly and view the rooftop is not like my hall crack roof! Where the fuck I'm if not my hall! I stood up frighten from the bed..

"You're up?" A sweet voice asked, 

Marcus? What is he doing here?  He seat on a couch not too far from the bed, sterling a cup of tea with a little table spoon, eyes gulped down on it.

"You were unconscious and collapse on the passage floor, I saw you and bought you to my room to receive some rest" he lifted up his face..

Rest? He said? In his room! 

Immediately the thoughts flash back to me, I remember I saw his face before I passed out,  the Duke of Hastings

"Sir.. I'm fine and going back to work, you don't have to worries" getting ready to step out from the bed.

"Isabella!" He calls, "stays where you're, I have told Lady Pearl and kitchen chef you wouldn't attend to any duties now until two days"

What!  two days? Should I be happy or what? Is this a good sign? I widened my eyes at him. Is him serious? 

"Here " he handled me a cup of tea, " have some, it would help cure off your fever" he smiles , that killing smile that always wants to get me up on my feet.

 Why must I not get sick, when I was playing in the like a new  bird  taught to fly on her first day....

"Hmm" I sighed, but still not comfortable, I remember his devilish eyes, he seems not happy with me, will he punished me?

"What are you thinking?" Marcus asked, 

"Nothing but Sir" 

He narrowed his eyebrows at me, oh I forgotten he had warned me not to call him Sir or master just Marcus..

""Marcus, don't you think this is much?" 

" like what?" He rest his back comfortably on the couch.

"Making me sip work while others work, it seem like cheating"

"But you're sick and need to take some rest, No more questions, take the tea before your food arrived" he instructed..

"Okay" I murmur.

The door bells rings, he went to open the door and a maid moves in a tray of meal. She stared rudely at me, like the look that killed. I was surprised because I haven't offended her in anyway, she continues with her deadly look until Marcus came back to his seat and her face changed to a bright smiles.

"Isabella, your food is ready" Marcus alarmed,

" it is done my lord" she said

"Oh thank you" Marcus replied,

She continues with her violent looks on me, I could heard her slient voice word 

"Dirty slut" 

Then I know I  have bigger trouble ahead of me..