
Chapter 15 of chapter 10 I miss you

Isabella Pov.....

It had been 3o minutes I was still on the bathroom, afraid to come out and meet the beast. I don't want to be in the same place with him. 

During, my staying in the bathroom, something new catch my eyes. I looked at the mirror and saw I was more beautiful than I last seen myself. Was because of being locked in the dungeon? 

'Bang!' a loud sound played on the door, distracting me from my reflection in the mirror. 

"Isabella, what are you doing in the bathroom? Come out!" 

Jeez! That annoying Duke! What do he even want. Can't I stay where I want to stay in peace.  " Are you coming out?" He asked, 

I gritted my teeth, and answer angrily " can't I have some privacy?" 

"You will have some privacy when you out and in front of me. That would be enough privacy. Don't you think?" 

Really? Was that what's he thinks, having a privacy in front of him. That's ridiculous! 

"I'm sorry milord, but I'm only your handmaid and not your service maid. If you want some, you can kindly just order your men and she will be bought to you immediately... " 

Before I could further my word, the door was slammed open harshly. His fury face scared angrily at me. His eyes were darkened which makes me a bit shrivering.

"I think you have forgotten your place in this mansion. You're my woman and no one else!" 

" But... Milord.." 

He lift me up, with no further words, slammed out of the bathroom to the living fascinating bedroom and drop me on the bed gently. I was stunned and shock, clueless if his intentions. 

He slaps his fingers. Immediately, the room door was opened and some maids walks in with their heads facing the marble floor, afraid to looks at him.  He was standing like godly handsome noble man, watching the maids fiercely like he was full of suspicious

They greeted, " Good morning milord" and turned to my direction on the bed.

"Good morning milady" 

Good morning milady? Milady again! What going on this mansion! That everyone calling me milady instead of my name, Isabella! Or have them all forgotten my name?

"Sorry, I'm not milady, I'm just a maid like you ...." 

" Isabella!" He called fiercely, staring at me like a wild animal getting ready to attacks..

"Don't you dare limit yourself to others! You're my woman and my woman mist be respected in the mansion and out the mansion! Even the society at large"  I think the Duke is crazy! What the hell is he saying. I'm his woman? When did he start claiming me as his woman? 

The shrivering maids who was scared of the Duke wrath, hurriedly set the table with all kinds of food, vegetables, soup, bread and tea for the morning, all were set on the table in the middle of living bedroom and leave in a hurry, not to cut in the Duke anger. 

"For now on, you're not a maid and neither be address as such. You're now know as lady Isabella not Isabella, very soon be address the next duchess" he said, smile awkwardly at me.  Is the Duke alright? Me the next duchess, a black woman to stands as the next duchess!  I laughed mockingly, the Duke is mad! 

"What so funny?" His voice was a bit harsh. 

" You're funny milord" 


How? He said how, how can a man of power and ambition get married to a black low life in this society! Was he trying to crucify me in public by using the society against me? 

The society which had hate me before, he wants to increase their hatred to me? What a wicked and heartless man! 

"How can you say that, I'm your woman? The one you locked in the dungeon, the one you misuse, the one you slept with another woman in her presence?"

Oh goodness, I shouldn't have say the last statement, after my out burst I felt like the ground should open and swallow me! Shit! I also speak out my jealousy right in front of him! 

"Are you still angry at me because I slept with lady Elsie?" 

I folded my hands and back him, I can't answer that question, too shy to let myself down. 

"Are you jealous?" He asked mockingly but I ignored. He leans closer to the edge  where I sit. His hand slow wrapped around my neck.

"Does that means, you love me?" His words fall softly into my ears, felt irresistible but I shake myself out of his deceitful fantasy. 

I can't be mislead into that again. The Duke is a man of power that can have any woman he wants. Maybe he was just fooling around..

"Many time have I told you, I didn't lock you up in the dungeon. Or do you want to go back? "  He teased, 

" No!" I hurriedly answer. " Good, now you have to bathroom to wash yourself but breakfast." 

Before I could speak, he carried me up again, slammed me to the bathroom. 

I was shocked and flattered the Duke have really changed after this pass few days, after all these.  I would asked Emma what happened to the Duke while I'm locked in the dungeon. I sighed, watch his charming face, as he leads his way, straight to the bathtub. 

"We're here" he alarmed, 

"Please drop me" he obediently do. "Take off your clothes. We're bathing together" he alarmed.  Wait? Bathing together, I quizzically looks at him, what's  he saying? 

There's no way I'm bathing with him. Never!

"Why are you not undressing yourself, or you want someone to do that for you?" 

He unloosen his pants, strips naked right in front of me! And scoop into the bathroom.

Immediately, I close my eyes now to see what my eyes are forbidden to see.

"What are waiting for, undressed and enter. I want to bath you" 

Bath me? Is he sick!  I felt like dying, just to collapse on the ground. It isn't my first time for him to see me naked but I just can't allow that to happen again! 

"Milord.... I think you should bath first. Then after you're done I will go"  I stammer. 

" Hmm" he sighed, and didn't say a word again, with his slience, I felt relief, hoping the beast have finally gives up on pursuit me,

Ah.. I breath in since he didn't say anything back to me. Just when I was about going out. His thunderous voice asked

"Where's Fi you think you're going to. When I'm here waiting for you" 

" Milord, it better if you bath first!" I suggest. 

" I'm the only one who has the right to make  decisions in this house and not you! " 

" Well, milord, I'm sorry if I'm going to diso6 you" I strode to the doir, just when I was about to link out, a powerful grip grab m9 back. 

"I told you I'm the only one who say yes, and it's yes!" 

Before I could think, he swipe me off my feet and lead me into the wet bathtub full of water. Before I could say a word, my whole body was  freaking wet! 

He smiled mysteriously at me, the smile that tell another meaning, "now, you're comfortable, aren't you?"  His devilish smile link on his lips deceitful. 

"You're going no where my woman"