
Chapter 14 of chapter 3 dead body in the wood

The sun had rises in the east and set in the west.. As the day had broken toa new day. The morning sun was warm in the skin as it's was that too bright....

The maids have wake up and assigned to their daily activities. They strode into the woods in group trying to get wood branches, as the instructions was given by Lady Gogo. Them need those branches for the cooking since it morning the lord's would since started demanding for their breakfast.... 

Just the moment of picking up branch, a maid spotted something colorful from afar. She wanted to take a look since it was the in the mansion ground. Them have believe there was no such thing as wild animal..

She count her steps away from the group and walk her oath to the colorful stuff she spotted.

With little more steps, She was close. She noticed the colorful thing wasn't a stuff but a human laying on the ground lifelessly. Not just a human but a woman with their maid uniform. And she looks so familiar. 

She possibly doubt that she would be  dead probably  she went for a walk around the woods and get lost in the process. Then she spend the night sleeping on the ground since she couldn't find her way back to the mansion. In fact the woods was a bit thick and it would be possible for someone to lose their way without being careful...

She move closer and tap on the body laying on the ground. "Wake up Miss" she call but there was no response. She tired again and still the same thing. Then, she pushed her over to see her face. What she saw frighten her which makes her scream so loud for the others to runs to her.

The lady that was laying on the ground lifelessly was no other than Emma,  Isabella best friend. Her eyes were wide open while her face was white and paley with her mouth which is a little bit agape. With the way the lady looks, it could be told that she was killed by poison....


After Marcus have visited to check on Isabella and found out she was fine and back to life that really please his heart. The doctor must have worked good on her. He just hope this same should happen to lady Lily. 

It was true that Isabella was dying of poison but the poison haven't fully digest into her system if not she wouldn't have escape death. Good thing they bought her in immediately after the attack. And it didn't take up to a three days before she wakes up. 

He hope that Lily should be up too. But Lily case was different as she had been drowned in the water for a long time. It was even a miracle that she was able to survive it....

With worried thought, Marcus stromed into his chamber. When he walks into the bedroom. He was surprised to see Lily's sitting on the bed while his handmaid was feeding her meal. Marcus was shocked and stunned, he couldn't move an inch... His mouth was agape amazingly looking at the girl. Lily is finally up?

When  the girl eyes fall on him, she stop what she was doing. The maid scoop a spoon full towards her mouth to open up but she didn't. Instead she staring at the door entrance surprisedly.... The maid follow her eyes and saw she was looking at mi other than her Master. The maid smiled and bowed, But Marcus attention was in any greetings or knowing if the maid was exist as that moment....

"Lily?" His word comes out softly. Lily smiled. That was the first time she had smiled at him . He felt so relieved, like a heavy load lift off his shoulder....

"Excuse me milord" the maid excuse herself since her presence was notice by the two lost lovers... "You are awake!" 

The lady nodded. He strode towards her on the bed. He didn't know what to do, be happy, hugged her or even kissed her. He was so worried that she wouldn't wake up and Isabella was going to scolds him. Unknown to him that he would found her back on her feet when he comes back.... 

It have been two nights that he had been away with the Duke. Since the Duke was madly anger that his Isabella was thrown into the dungeon and not only that. But was also poison under his roof without he knowing. 

The Duke burned his rages and anger in killing some of the imprisoner who had chosen to challenge him and been kept in the dungeon for punishment for life ...... That what those paid whose chose to cirss his path....  

He had been with him through out the two nights, watching the men cried in agony pleading for their lives. The Duke didn't care or bother about their screaming and begging for the Duke to let them go. 

He used his devilish sharp fangs to bit in their necks, or rib off their heads with just his bare hands. Marcus have to watch the blood of people flowing  in his hands as he didn't care or show any remorse on what he was doing. Since it was bringing a little satisfaction to him but not heali6the wound that bleeding which is Isabella... One had to paid for that  but he still didn't want to kill lady Elsie yet. He wants her to suffer all what Isabella had suffer while in the dungeon.....

Marcus have seen worse than that, even when he was a kid. The way he was rise by his father. How a night creatures not to shows up weakness on the face. And always be in control of their actions and emotion. The late Duke believe that night creatures have no feeling or emotion... But he was wrong...

After all these time he had missed her dearly. He grabbed her for a tight dearly hug. "Thank goodness you are back to me" Marcus stated..

" Back to you?" Lily asked surprisingly. 

Them, he release the hug. " Whlie should I be back to you when I can back to myself!" She folded her hands and back the man on her right  side.

This is what he had missed about her, Her stubbornness and  open-minded spoke. These characters would never make him bored..

"Are you forgotten that I almost drowned to death because you?" She snapped

" I know my darling Lily, that was the reason I accept my mistakes and take good care of you to wake up while you laid like a lifeless woman on my bed. Now, my bed smell  awful just like you!" 

Immediately, she turned at him. Did he just said awful? His bed smell awful because of her? Was he that more consign to his bed than her.

"What are you saying? Are you not the reason I almost died because you say bad things about my father!" 

" Well, did you know I losey favourite shoe when trying to svmave your dying ass?" 

" My dying ass?" 

" Yes!" 

" Are you saying you would miss me if I go?" 

" Who would miss you expect for Isabella who is your friend. As for me I wouldn't because I know you are not going anywhere" 

" So, do you cry when I was dying?" The lady asked lift her face close to the man.

"Me...me? Why would I cry? I never cry!" Marcus stammer. "Are you sure of what you're saying because a message was delivered to me that you were crying like a baby holding on hmto my hand saying. Oh my LiIy come back to me. And I promise never to shout at you again. I promise to be a better person, please wake up" the lady sounds mockingly...

Marcus bit on his lips, this woman is fucking annoying than he thought. He believes the only person that would have the guts to tell Lily was his handmaid. Such that maid do have a mouth that runs like water! 

"You annoying brat!" He grabbed her over and laid on her top, nailed her two hand on the bed edge. Lily couldn't fight back because his grips were strong on her wrists. "you have forgotten something that I'm a lord and could punished for accusing the lord for what he didn't do?" 

" What you did do? We both you know we're like a crying baby" the lady snapped back

Oh this woman, you are teasing me and I can't control myself. Marcus complained inside while glaring at those beautiful eyes lustfully....

"I love you" he uttered...

Lily was shocked, she was not in the stage of hearing that word for him. "I really love you Lily, and I can't live without you. You are my life and my breath" 

Lily could feel her heart beating. Marcus love her? Like he really do love her? This was unexpectedly. She felt butterflies in her belly. She had never thought things would end up this way and Marcus would have to confess his love to her. Yes she must have fancy the man but was not too sure if he felt the same for her..

Excitedly she replies. "I love you too" while smiling at the man on top of her. 

"Do you mean?" He asked, and the lady sliently nods. Immediately he garbs on her lips abruptly, the lips he has been dreaming to kiss so badly without let go.was finally in his mouth... Her mouth taste so good as the apple fruit... Where have this apple been all his life... He never wants to break the kiss either with Lily, as her fingers clenched on his hair. She was loosing it, she had waited for him to come to her and tell her the three magic words that he loves her and her only...

That was the word she as expecting him to tell her the night she drowned. But instead he provoked her.

Now, the same guy she quarrels a lot with was the one kissing her so passionately. 

Marcus release her mouth and went down to her neck, kissing and bitting on it to get his way down to her chest where her two virgin breasts lives on... So, this was what he had been missing all these times. 

He wipe off the dress cover the breasts he wants to see. "Oh fucks" he exclaims when his eyes fall on the rounded balls...

"This are all mine, right?" He asked, while shift his eyes back to the woman. 

She smiled and said " of course Milord, I'm all yours" 

"That good" he launch his tongue on the breast nipples and bit on it .

"Ahhh!!" Lily moaned softly, but that didn't stop the man from sucking roughly on the breasts...

In order to take things more further since the lady had granted him the full access. His finger travel down, going between her thighs when a knock on the door interjected him to take his fingers further. 

He release the breast from his mouth and asked..."who there!?" Who would have been the idiot that disturb this wonderful moment for him.... If it wasn't not important, he promised to kill whosoever that shows up in the door...

"Milord!" He head the voice of his handmaid, his anger died off a little...

" The guards are here to report something to you!" The maid said...

" Well tell them that I'm busy, and don't have time for chatting.!" 

" But milord is something important, it about Emma a maid who was close to Lady Isabella" since the day the Duke address Isabella as his woman, no one dare to call her name with adding some respect to it...

"I think you should attend to that Milord, we have all the free time to do this" Lily assured him.

" Okay" he kissed her and went to attend to the call. While Lily tried to patch the tore together before anyone entered the room.

Within five minutes, he stromed back angrily, as his eyes shows anger and worried at the same time...


Chain enter along with his handmaid. "Make sure no one entered my chamber or goes out. " He turned his rages gaze at Chains

" Am I clear?" 

The guardman nodded,

"Yes Milord!" 

he take once gaze at Lily before he left. Lily who was confused about his behavior asked " what's going on?"