
Chapter 12 of chapter 3 I wish that face

"I wish that face"  his word fall into her ears like a ice falling from the sky. Have he finally recognize her? She glanced at him with frighten sight. Please Lord, don't make him recognize me, let it just be a compliment. She said in to herself. 

"I meant to say you makes me recognize someone" he added, still smiling at her like a child staring at beautiful toy. 

Mercy sighted. There's one thing she didn't want to happen, is Mr Mount recognizing her, that would be end of the world to her. She can't bare to be in his arms again after all he had done to her in the past. 

The man is just like a beast, a demon in flesh. He had never listen to her pleading in the past and never would he still do till now. All she just has to do, was to be careful with him before she leaves finally out of his life and home...

"What else would you like me to help you with?" He asked, giving her a little space to breath. He had study the way she seen uncomfortable around him. He knows very well the woman was frighten with his presence. But that would make he to leave her again, after all these years of looking for her. Never again would he let her out of his sight, never!!

"Hmm, don't worry milord, why don't you take a seat. I can do all myself" she replies packing the veggies into a big bowl. 

"Are you sure you don't need any assistance lady Mercy?" 

"Sure milord, I'm very well satisfied with the way I am. You don't need to bother yourself" 

The man seen she was okay and take a seat on one of the chairs in the kitchen. He sat there watching her. She could feel a gaze on her but she ignored and carried on with what she was doing.

While preparing the meal with the presence of Mr Mount in the kitchen. It has been up to an hour and he was still sitting here with no sign of movement or glancing away his eyes from her.

She couldn't take more of his stares and asked.

"Mr Mount, don't you have work to attend to?" Without glancing at him


"What are you doing here then? You should be in your study room attending to your work"

"I don't need to be in my study room because the job is right here" 

"Right here?" She asked anxiously

And the man nodded. She turned at Him, what work was he referring to? She wonder

"What work Mr Mount?" 

"You're the work lady Mercy, to assist you for today" 

She smiled falsely, sure this man is a bit physco type. So, his work today was to assist her? How did Mrs Brett copy with him all these years of their marriage. She wonder and turned back to her duties.

Just that moment, her eyes catch the view of the children playing on the field with their clothes looking messing. She smiled with the sight of the kids, it lovely seeing them together.

"Isn't them wonderful" Mr Mount voice echoed from where he was sitting. He could tell Mercy was staring at the playing children in the field. She seen peaceful watching them.

"Sure them are" 

"Sometimes, them behave as brother and sister. It makes me wonder if them were truly are" 

Immediately, Mercy stop what she was doing. Of course the kids are siblings but she can't allowed that to be. If she was treated as a trash by the man sitting over there, that means he can do the same to her son since they are black and their are less important in the society.

"Aren't you thought of that too?"  He asked but she didn't make a reply. 

He just loves the sight of her, everything about her drive him crazy, he just can't stop himself of thinking about her..

He stands up from bhis seat and approach her. "You all these years of my life, I have been lonely and sad" 

"Why?" Mercy asked while sterling the meal she was cooking. 

His hands cupped on her thin waist firmly. Mercy was shocked, her heart beats at the sight of fear. No she can't let the past repeat itself. She tried getting off his grips but his hands was tight on her waist.

"Stop fighting Mercy, you know I miss you. I missed everything about you, your cooking, your smile and the way you moan on my bed" he whispered into her ears lovely. 

"I want to make things right this time, for you and for our son" he said.

Mercy who was frighten with what she was hearing, pretend to be deaf to his words and keep on fighting, she don't want Mrs Brett to come in and see her and her husband in this way. Not even the maids but the man in her back does not understand this.

"I'm sorry milord but I don't know what you're saying" 

"Stop pretending Mercy, you know very well what I'm saying. You're just pretending and stop it! It's fucking annoying!" 

"I said I don't know what you're talking about! " She yells. 

"Why are you fighting it?" 

"I'm not, just that I don't know who you are talking about. My son isn't your son. Maybe you're mistaking someone for me because I don't know you! This is the first I'm meeting you Mr Mount" she snapped back but that only provoked the man,  he hates the fact she was hiding herself away from him. Every words she was saying felt like a hitting rocks on his skin. 

"You don't know. Alright I'll make you remember" 

He turned her over, facing directly to him and drags on her lips. He kissed her so passionate like the last breath on earth. Mercy couldn't fight him, she felt weak immediately. He had never kissed her this way before, he always do things with her roughly but this time, he was gentle. Gentle for the first time kissing her in a romantic way. What have happened to Mr Mount over all these years.

Just then, Mrs Brett step into the kitchen. She had been waiting for the meal to be cooked but was surprised to see the kitchen maids attending to other duties instead of them cooking.

She gets furious  and asked harshly

"What are you maids doing here instead of you being in the kitchen?" 

Immediately the maids bowed down their heads. "We're sorry milady but we were order to leave the kitchen by the master" the oldest one among them said.

"You were told to leave the kitchen by my husband?" She asked surprisingly, never in her life had she see or heard her husband went to the kitchen. What are the maids saying? She thought

"Are you sure of what you're saying?" She asked again, wasn't that sure of what the maids were saying to her. 

" Yes milady" the oldest one replied again.  Mrs Brett gets curious. She wants to see what makes the man that hate the sight of kitchen later decide to go in. 

With curiosity she walk her way to the kitchen without bothering to ask if he was the only one there. 

The thought of Mr Mount being in the kitchen keeps on hitting her to the bone. Have he changed? Is he planning to cook for her for the first time? Have he comes to his senses and wanted to make up for his mistakes by cooking her a meal? All these questions battle her mind as she continues on walking to the kitchen with a smiling face... With excitement she walk to the corridor leading to the kitchen..

"I said I don't know what you're talking about! "  

She heard a woman word, that familiar to her. She thought Mr Mount would have be in the kitchen alone, why is there a woman word coming from the kitchen. During her thoughts, she picked up the voice and know it was Mercy... That the reason the bastard order the maids out. So, he can get his way with her. That asshole! After she had thought maybe he was changing for good and trying to make things up with her unknown to her the beast was trying to fucked another woman in her home! 

The lovely smile on her face died off replace with anger. Mercy needs help she need to run in and save her. She didn't care about what the bastard is going to do to her all she had to do was to save Mercy from his hands..

She rushed to the kitchen with an immediate rush but what she saw shocked her to the bone what the idiot had never done to her before, he was doing it to another woman. Not just another but a black woman who was referred as slave in the society...

Her heart went sad shattered, Is a pian the heart couldn't bare...