
Chapter 11of chapter 10 the end game

The end game 3....

Lady Elsie could feel the dipping of her own swear falling from her face. As she struggled with the answer she was going to given. The better she comes up with an answer the best for her. Because keeping him wait was only going to make things more worse for her. 

The Duke isn't a man that would be take as fool for too long. She had to speak if she wants to live to see the next day ahead. 

If she knows the Duke was this obsess with the  black maid, she shouldn't have taken thing this far. Her hands were shaking like she was kept in the ice cube. 

What should she do? She had never seen the Duke this way before not for anyone but a maid! A black maid! Who's life didn't matter in the society! How could he! 

She fist her hands and bit painfully on her lips to suppress the pains she was feeling. From all ladies in the world he chose to humiliate her with a black maid, above all a black that she despise with all passion!

She just prayed she died well and rust in hell! 

"I demand an answer Elsie!" The Duke growled, he had completely removed the respect he had for her from her name.. removing one of her possession that makes her feel as a delicate woman. One she valued most was one way of punishing her. 

He had been trying to hold on his burning rages that had heat up in him. He still wants to give her the respect of his late father concubine and his mistress.

Lady Elsie was lost in her world of fear, she doesn't know how to explain herself before the Duke. That the lady he was requesting for, she had have her killed? 

"This will be the last time I will ask you the same question again!" 

"She.....is..." She couldn't complete her words, she was scared, too scared to speak. Now, she was in the presence of the Duke, no one will dare to save her or go against the Duke without cutting off theirs head. ..

Suddenly, she felt dipping of water from her eyes, was she crying? She asked herself. She wasn't expecting that but at this point. That's what she wants, to cry and begged but her  eagle wouldn't allow that. She can begged the Duke for anything but not in the favor of that sacks bag called herself Isabella! 

She hates that black with everything within her. That's to show how much hatred she had from black people. 

She felt the presence of lady Pearl walking in, she must be please to see her this way. After everything between them, she must be happy  the Duke will finally get rid of her for good. Unknown to her lady Pearl feel so pity of her, she never listen to anyone that the reason she had ended up in this mess. If she would have listened and stick to her regular position, none of these would have happened but she desire more of the power and respect in the society.

"I told the guards to lock her up in the dark dungeon" she finally speak breaking the slience that had seated in the room for some while now. 

"You told the guards to do what?...." The Duke wanted to barks at her brutally but immediately cut short with the presence of a servant who runs into the Court room unsummon.

His fiery gaze turned to the side of the servant who was panicking from running too fast to get to the court room. 

"Are you mad!?" He asked angrily but Marcus quickly makes he aware that the servant was under him. 

"Milord, he is here to deliver a message about lady Isabella to me. I summoned some group of men to go into the all the dungeons to look for her.  I thinks they might have an answer to the question" Marcus said with head bowed.

"Good, carried on then" he replied calmly and let Marcus have his way with the servant while his scary gaze was back to the lady kneeling down on her knees in front of him.

"You were saying what before Elsie?" His husky asked. 

But the lady couldn't answer as she felt her whole body shrivering, she was scared of what news the servant must had bought to Marcus. This is the reason she hates him with all passion. He had always move ahead of points, always in here he was not wanted. If she would have known in time, Marcus should be the first to be attack before anyone else in the mansion. He is more of a troublemaker than the rest. Also, annoying follow. So irritating! She wonder what attached the Duke to him in the frist place because all she seem in him was stupidity and foolish in everything, he was always wants to prove to be the best which he is not! 

"My patient is getting off limits Elsie, I asked you one more last time, where is my woman!" 

"Milord!" Marcus called, and the Duke turned to his direction. His face was wear with saddest. With the expression on his face the Duke can tell the news he heard wasn't that a good news. 

"What happen?" He asked

The words was hard for Marcus to speak but he had to. He can't keeps it for long. He hates it so that the two women after his heart were in typical condition, he looks at lady Elsie with burning eyes this is the all her fault! Because of her greediness and jealousy his poor Isabella was in this mess.

He swallowed up and said. " Lady Isabella was found unconscious in the dark dungeon" 

Immediately the Duke stand up from his chair. His Isabella was found unconscious? He gaze at the shocking woman on the ground. 

"If anything happens to her, I promise to have your head on the spear" he warned and bash out of the court room in an hurry. 

"Take her away and keep her in the dungeon of hell!" Marcus command seriously not minding the current state of the woman. All he knows she had cross her limit on this. 

This time, she would get a way that easily, she will definitely paid deadly for it. The guards garbbed on her abruptly, the same men that walks her in, open the door for her are the same that was dragging her out like a slave on a crime offense all just for a maid.

Her eyes match on the on lady Pearl who was staring at her pitifully, she shouldn't have go too far but the damage had already be done. There's no turning back on this.  She can't change it even though she wants to. 

All her fear was that she would be able to survive that dungeon of hell that Marcus instructed the men to take her to. This is the end road for her. The end of all.

Finally she was grabbed out and Marcus completely disappear from the room. Immediately the slience of all the members in the room which were shut because of the presence of the Duke, finally comes back to life. There were moaning and blabbing on what just happened in their presence. 

Never in their lives had they seen the Duke in such state all because of a black woman! This was shocking to all of them. What must have possessed the Duke that makes him to lose over a black woman just like that.

They thought the first time he helped her was because she was his handmaid but now he even address her as his woman! That's show the mansion will soon turned to a living hell for everyone! 

Just as that process of the crowd blabbing on what going on. A strange glimpse of a man catch the eyes sight of lady Pearl. First, she blinks her eyes, clearing it if maybe she saw a ghost but no .

The man was standing at the door edge smiling at her like he saw something amazing about her. She was stunned as she stared back confusing. He was no one but Scott! The same man that betray the Duke for Sir Oscar, this isn't good.

He was staring lustfully at her and speak a slient words out of his mouth which she can fully understand even though she was miles away from her. 

"Lady Pearl" he smiled and within two seconds he was no more. Like he disappear into the tiny air. 

Lady Pearl heart was racing as her hold on to her chest like her heart was going to run away from her. What's going on here. After all these years, Scott chose to appear from the blue. That means if Scott is back, Sir Oscar is also back. No no no, this can't happen not in her watch, she can't allowed the past to come back again. She had to keep on protecting the boy no matter what!

This is her duty and her vow she had took on the day olive take her last breath. 

"Protect Arthur, they're coming for him"