
Chapter 1 of chapter 4 I hates black maids!

This is hell I must say! 

The entrance of hell!

"How did you get into my chamber!" She roars angrily at me. I went on my knees,

"I'm... sorry...my... lady" my words break along the way. "Sorry!? You say?" She walks closer to meet me on my knees. "You useless blacks think you're special! But nothing else than slaves meant to killed!" 

Immediately the word kill left her mouth, I teardown in tears, that's means am going to die! "My lady please have mercy on me, I just help a friend who was sick to clean your room nothing more" I plead place my hands on her feet for her to believe what I said but this creepy lady never wants to listen to my pleading situation. 

"You think I'm a fool?"

"No, my lady"

"Shut the fuck up! You black are always good in stealing and nothing more, Guards!" She calls to the demons. They march in, "take her away to gumption, where she belongs!"

"My lady, please"I plead no one listens to me.

I was dragged away despite my pleading for mercy, along the way, some of the maids who saw me pity me, some were amused. I don't know what to do but all my mind can tell is that am going to kill probably hang to the dead like some of the blacks I have seen years ago or crucified in the presence of the white. My life is hell, the men show no mercy to me as they drag me along the hard, rough ground causing pains to my skin.

Finally, I bought to the gumption where other blacks are kept to be punished for their offense. The place stinks as hell,  I was kept there.

"Where's the cane!" A man asked I know, I was the one to be flogged. They handed him the cane he requested for. "How many did the lady required?" He asked the man who drags me here. "Twenty masters" one said, twenty? Lady Emily wants to kill me but at least I'm not dying, I thought I was going to be hung to death. 

"Alright, drags her here!" He ordered his men, I was dragged to his front. "Hmm, this one seems different from the others" he bends down to me to see a proper way of me.  "Hmm, blue eyes rapture" he chuckled, 

"Don't you think you're too pretty to be flogged or punished?" He asked but no response from me as I bow down my head in fear. "Don't be shy I will make your punishment better. Lay down straight!" He command, I looked at him in confusion, lay down straight for what? 

"I'm not talking to you!", The next thing I expected I was hit on my face by this bastard.

"I said lay down!" He repeats, my hand on my slapped cheek, trying to record what just happened. "This one is stubborn, holds her down!" The other two men hold me down for him to have his way on me. He climbed on me, touching every part of my body. Feeling amused, "WOW, she's still fresh" he murmured, tossed off my big floppy gown.

"Amazing!" He exclaims at the view of my underwear while me struggling with the strong hands held me down 

"Please don't do it" I plead tears running down my cheeks. " Why?" He asked devilishly at me. "You can't be untouched forever"

He's right if l was not touched by him, I might be touched by others we don't know the kind of people we meet every day. Mother was right, the world is a dangerous place to live in especially by yourself. I shut my eyes tightly expecting the worst to happen.

"What going on here!" A familiar voice asked from afar. The men suddenly let go of me.

"I said what's going on here?" He asked again directly at the men who placed their heads down. I was confused, back in Lord Mayors, when white has their way with black,  no whites stopped them. The man walks closer to us in redemption. 

"I'm not talking to living souls!" He growled, 

"Sorry my lord, we were ordered to punish her" they speak out intensely. "Who ordered you?"

"Lady Emily my lord" one of them speak up,

"Did she say you should sleep with her!" He growled again at them this time more frightening. "No, my lord" they answered.

"We're sorry my lord" they answered. He walks closer to kneel in front of me.

"How you okay?" He asked, I raise my face to see the stunning gentleman kneeling in front of me. He's dead-looking, those lovely black eyes look the same as the ones I saw years ago. He held me up, that the first time in my life a white man helps a black woman like me. He picks up my flipping gown and wore it on me himself! That's was extremely surprising

I looked dumbfounded at him. "Come on," he said, gently hold on to me to stands up. I get on my feet, he still holds on to me. " Don't worry lord I can help myself" I said, 

"No, I Insisted" I had no choice but to allowed him helps me with the walking. We walk our way out of the dumption of hell. "So, what's your name," he asked, 

"Well, my lord my name...." I was cut short in the middle by him. " Please, don't call me lord," he said. " My name is Marcus"

"Sir Marcus" I correct. Sir Marcus? That's the same name with my little Sir Marcus in Lord Mayors. But it's can't be possible, right? A great war happened there years ago. I looked at him trying to remember what was familiar with this gentleman and my old Marcus. 

"You seem surprised," he said to break the silence between us. "No my lord" I placed my face down again. " You're a stubborn maiden, I have told you to call me Marcus and not lord" 

"I'm sorry your lord" I apologize

, "it okay" he places his hands on my face. Cupped it.  Is he planning on kissing me?

Hell no!