


The cold air blew through his large feathered wings. He stood in the open, atop a mountain, looking out on the vast land before him. The land spread to the horizon, which glowed an orange, with yellow, and red hues. The horizon seemed to curve, it stopped at where his sight couldn't see anymore of the odd planet, called earth. His mind jumped to different thoughts, as he was curious about what specifically he should search for on this planet. Wanting to know what specific things this world held, along with the other odd creatures that exist on this planet—other than the one which he was of— "Humans…" He said quietly to himself, pausing as he watched his breath move out from his mouth. Swirling into a light cloud before his face, disappearing, and evaporating into the world's air. After a moment of breathing in and out, he watched his breath each time, as it moved through the air only to disappear before his eyes. He then finally moved to another spot on Earth. His first stop was; Daletenny Avenue. His home street where he lived as a boy, when he still was human.

With his extreme powers Retrennon used them to change his form, he became invisible to the human eye, but not to those of non-humans. For example: pets of any kind, wild animals which roamed the earth, and if werewolves or vampires actually existed, they would most definitely be able to see him, but only because they aren't fully human, like himself. As he was invisible he changed and morphed his size, to match that of a small child, like he used to be. He did that without knowing how similar he looked to his original form as a human at that size. Retrennon was more of a ghost or spirit like being now rather than just invisible. His powers were beyond what others had, in other worlds, realms, or anywhere else. The universe made him like this for a reason, which was unknown to himself. That's obvious, because anyone who is living, never knows their purpose, or why they do what they do, and like what they like.

As Retrennon shifted his form completely, he looked as though he was his original human, and living form. If someone by chance was able see his ghostly figure, they would see a 10-year old boy with a wound to the heart. That wound at heart was the cause of his death, the morning of when he turned ten.

Calmly his unseeable 10-year old boy figure glided down the street. Looking from side to side Ret—which his 'parents' named him—studied the houses along the street. It was now night, and fully dark outside, the lights on each house glowed like many eyes of hidden beats waiting to attack. Retrennon didn't get why the lights flickered either, but it intrigued him, and he approached one of the houses which he liked best, which was one of the many houses along the deserted street. A small smile creeped to his lips and stood mesmerized by the slow flicker of the icicle like lights. There were other items which Retrennon didn't know the name of, but he liked the look of them, and walked closer. He stood before a huge figure built of what also looked like lights but the lights came from inside the glowing figure before him. Walking around it he knew the accessories which the figure wore. On its head it wore a toque/beanie, at its neck it wore a colourful scarf, of three colours; white, red, and green. Then at its what seemed to be arms, and hands, it wore mittens, which looked old and used. The large figure swayed and Retrennon stood at its front again, he stared at it confused, but felt happy as the tall white and three balled, glowing figure continued to sway with the gentle wind, seeming as though it were waving its hand at him. Giving a small wave back he continued on but was stopped when he saw—

To be Continued...