

Demon, a playboy and his feelings of love.

Sonam_Jain_35 · TV
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5 Chs


It was raining in the night, the weather was so pleasant. It had rained all night due to which the weather was very cold. I opened my eyes and came out of the quilt and then stepped ahead to open the windows of the room, as soon as i opened the windows the cold breeze touched my cheek while i was breathing the drizzled air that made me felt like i was totally refreshed..after standing in the window for sometime I got to know that I had to go to my college and in order to reach on time. I stepped out of the room and was getting ready.

A cold wave of wind was passing through my body and it was a feeling that it passed through my soul as well. The birds were coming out of their nests to feel the happiness and i was just enjoying the scenarios looking at each and every detail, i am not a poetic person but of course this weather has ability to make anyone a poet. There was a smell of rainy mud which enlighted my mind, actually am not kind of an extrovert but if this smell invites me to come outside everyday then, i will be the most extrovert person in this world. Dogs were fighting among themselves, running after each other and showing their happiness. Every pit was filled with water. There was silence in the atmosphere. I wish it would be sunday so that i can just lay on my bed or just take a walk to some parks but sigh! It wasn't, i had to go to that college and to work...ugh!!!

When i was feeling the pleasance of this weather my peace got cursed as when i was walking through the street, humming one of my favourite songs ''Love Me Like You Do'' a biker passed form the front of me in such a speed that i got my whole dress stained by the mud. Now, the mood was as bad as it was good before, my pleasance was turned into amiability and out of anger i shouted ''Idiots Can't you see..?'' but it was too late as those idiots were already vanished from my vision, they didn't stop or not even apologize. Those idiots were riding so fast. Luckily, there were not many people hence, I silently without looking anywhere went to home. I hurried to my room again changed the clothes and wore a black printed plazo with a simple white t-shirt and stepped as fast i could to the college.

I was in college and was quietly sitting on my seat. The weather was more pleasant, more loveable, more romantic and more beautiful. I was looking at the window again and again. I wanted the class to end soon so that I could enjoy the weather so, that I again came to my mood.

I was really dying off to go outside. Leena said, shaking me, "stop looking outside or else sir will kick you off the class." We both laughed. Suddenly a piece of chalk hit me which was by our dearly sir. He said, "Leena and Noor pay attention or else both of you can leave my class." I wish I could." I said to myself, "but I was a good student."

We said sorry and sat.

After a while, Leena said don't think of anything else we have an extra lecture of him after this ends.

Then I remembered yesterday he said that he will take an extra lecture but I really forgot about that. Now I have to sit to attend his lecture. Generally, I do enjoy his lecture but today I really can't. How could I the metaphorical universe which was naturally creatd by god today was inviting me..

No matter how much i tried to keep my attention in the class the windows were dragging my mind towards them i just couldnt help it. For the coming up times i just stared out of the window and yet i was so far, i was clearly able to smell the moist mud, a pleasant wind, dark and gloomy grey clouds that were saying that they can't hold the rain any longer, and the scream of peacocks in the college garden that were giving the signals of rain to come again. It was all that dragging me.

I looked at the board then at the window. I was keep on repeating like this. But at once when I looked at the window I got astonished.

I saw Demon and a girl kissing and hugging each other just a little away from my window. I know that weather was so perfect to romance but for Demon every time was romantic. He has a image of Mr. playboy in our college. But even after that any girl can die for him but am not in the list.

I wasnt astonished seeing demon i was shocked after noticing the girl...Like, this guy changes his girlfriend everyday... I don't know what is his feelings of love..

All the time or anytime whether I am or someone else we see him doing the same thing.

I didn't stop seeing them. And why should I? However, for a minute when i looked behind to check if sir is explaining something important (well, he was doing nothing) After that when I turned back to look for them,..

They both just got vanished...like literally woosshh in the air.

And a voice came from the class door, "sir may I come in", He was DEMON MY CLASSMATE.