
Chapter 5 -The Duke-

Chapter 5 -The Duke-


I was finally done reading the books that I managed to steal.

Its been a week since I've been married off to that Duke.

I didn't come out to my room for a week too, but I sneak out every night and practice my martial arts.

And now I'm looking for jobs, of course the job with killing involved, I need money to build a business or a mercenary guild.

But that's for later.


My practice is interrupted by a knock, without opening the door a voice can be heard.

"Wang Fei, the Duke wants you in the main hall" when she was done she run very quickly.

I was wearing my training outfit which is my hand made leggings and very fitted sleeveless T-shirt so I immediately change my clothes in white dress, Chinese ancient outfits are very tricky to wear!!!



It took me minutes to finally dress up and I didn't bother braiding or styling my hair, I just clip a hair pin to my hair so I would look like a person not a corpse to be mourned on!

I managed to find the main hall even if the construction of the house was a maze and a tricky one.

The steward announced my arrival and the big doors was opened.

I keep my head down and just bow down to show my greetings and respect.

I was to lazy to speak or held my head high to face the Duke.

I could here the giggles of the girls, from my side view I could see their bright outfits and make ups.

In my world they could be labeled as attention seekers, whores, or sluts.

"So you are Jing Hua?" Wow I could feel tingling sensation!! I never felt this before!

Is this really the Duke? His voice is big but very manly and also very young.

What a great duke to gain all of this in a young age!

I was in the middle of thinking about what is the personality of this Duke when I felt someone going to grab my arm.

I swiftly dodge it by stepping back.

"How dare you deny me!?" He is in rage and going to hit me when I dodge it.

This time I look up to see his face, he's just so tall but it didn't mean that I'm small!

He has a very captivating eyes that has red glint on it, perfect lips, perfect eyebrows, perfect jawline, and an intimidating aura.

Brrr... Cold too.

When he saw me he was suddenly stunned.