
His Defiant Bride

Thea’s a hardworking professor whose only priority is her outreach program for underprivileged kids. That is until her grandfather cuts his funding for the project trying to make her concentrate on his research projects. In the midst of her despair comes the ludicrous offer from Lucian Salvator. “Marry me and the world will be in the palm of your hands,” As she tries to fight against their exploding chemistry and fool the world into believing in their fake marriage. Thea finds herself slowly giving in to Lucian’s seductive attempt to make her truly his. But, will giving in to his slow-burning seduction be at the cost of her own heart?

NC1008 · Urban
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9 Chs

Unpleasant Encounter

Thea's eyes couldn't leave the sight before her as she watched her boyfriend grunt one last time in pleasure while his student, looking at her from behind his shoulder, smirked at her, throwing her head back in exaggerated pleasure as she called out his name.

Thea felt like she had been slapped in the face at the very moment and she was pulled back into reality. She was so taken aback with shock that she remained rooted there watching their disgusting scene.

All of a sudden, Thea felt bile rise in her stomach and she wanted to throw up. She fought hard against it refusing to give the girl the satisfaction of seeing a reaction from her.

In another exaggerated fit of bad acting. The girl decided to give Robert the grace of informing him that Thea was standing behind him.

"Oh My God!" She exclaimed and Robert, startled, looked back, his eyes widening like saucers when he saw her.

Thea had to admit it. The girl did have a lot of guts to be acting like this toward a professor…

"Thea…" Robert said, his voice coming out cracking like a pathetic loser. 

He started fumbling with his pants covering a part of his anatomy that she had wished that she had never seen. Somehow, that made him seem more pathetic and small.

Was he always like that? A man who could be driven by his desires? She had always thought that he was more like those who gave little regard to anything but sheer intelligence and academic success.

But no. the man was loose enough to drop his pants for one of his students.

The disgust within her intensified and she felt the bile rise up in her stomach. She was going to throw up…

"Thea… I don't know what came over me, I thought…" Robert fumbled and Thea looked up at him, knowing that her sharp gaze cut through him as soon as she saw him flinching back before her.

Was he afraid of her? Why would he? Or was it her grandfather that he was more afraid of? The man he had been trying to carry favors with since he got into this position. He even went as far as going through her.

Why had she overlooked this?

"I don't want to hear it," Thea said calmly, "Whatever this may be. You know what this means, don't you?"

"No! Please! Thea! This is a mistake!" He said, reaching for her and she glared at him.

"Don't you dare touch me," She said, not helping the disgust on her face.

The last thing she wanted was him touching her after his hands had been doing that…

She was going to throw up soon…

"Thea…" He whispered pathetically and Thea looked at his face.

He was somewhat handsome in a nerdy way. His sharp gaze, his slicked back brown locks, and the green gaze that was once upon a time on her proclaiming eternal love and admiration.

Funny how much it has changed in the span of such a short time.

Thea wondered why she wasn't feeling any jealousy. Why wasn't her heart hurting? Why the only thing she felt was this strange disgust at the sight of something like that happening before her eyes.

She was angry. Yes, she was very angry. But she wasn't sad.

"I swear, I didn't know! I didn't realize…" Robert stuttered again and Thea cut in.

"Didn't realize that what?" Aira asked coolly, "That sleeping with one of your students is prohibited by the school laws? Or that sleeping with someone else while in a relationship is cheating." She said, and the girl who had been standing by and watching them from the side started to sniffle.

"Am I going to be expelled?" She wailed and Thea wanted to roll her eyes.

"Of course not. I will make sure that you aren't," Robert told her and Thea was shocked, "Don't threaten your students like that! Can't you be less cruel?"

"Whatever do you mean…" Thea murmured, feeling a dark rage rising within her.

"You're using your grandfather's position to pressure me. That's how it has always been! But now you're even starting to use it on your students!" Robert accused and Thea saw the girl peek up at her with a smirk.

Did Robert just accuse her of using power harassment against him right after she found him cheating on her?

Thea wanted to take the man and slam his head against the wall, but she needed to hold back for now. If this escalates, Robert could make this situation advantageous for himself and accuse her of really power harassing him.

As soon as she realized what Robert was trying to do, Thea couldn't stop the mocking laugh that was coming out of her mouth.

"I can't believe this," She said after a moment, wiping the tears that were coming out of her eyes from laughing too much and looking at them. There was a distinct pallor to Robert's face now that the bravado he was putting on disappeared while the student kept giving her venomous glares.

"You two are seriously trying to pin all this on me?" She said and they both looked away for a moment.

She must be hurt after seeing this. She should be hurt. But her mind was busy analyzing this situation to make the best outcome out of it while her heart was completely indifferent to the situation.

This was probably why she was never truly able to love Robert or anyone else to feel hurt when something like this happened.

"I don't know what makes you believe that you have the upper hand in this, but you are sorely mistaken. What you're doing now can be enough to ruin both of your futures. Especially you, Robert. You have been working for such a long time for this department chair position. This could ruin most of the research sponsorships you've been working for. Not to mention the upcoming deal with Chim&Bio… Are you sure that you want to play this game with me?" She asked and Robert flinched.

Yupp… Once a coward, always a coward.

Taking a deep sigh, she inwardly cursed her grandfather. She was doing this for him. She should remind him of this later. Maybe it could be a trading chip. But knowing him, she had no chance of turning the tables on him on this anyway.

"Then why don't we do this?" Thea said with a smile, "If you are that scared that I am going to tell everyone about your relationship and cause this student to be expelled, then why don't we keep quiet about all this…" Her smile brightened as the girl looked alarmed for the first time.


"What do you mean?" Robert asked, looking hopeful.

"I mean that she can transfer to your classes so that I won't fail her or anything. And of course, this whole affair is going to be kept secret not to cause you any trouble. Especially in your career…" Thea added, and Robert stared at her quietly for a few moments.

"Does that mean that you will forgive me?" Robert asked with a faint smile and Thea laughed,

"Of course, not…" She said and he flinched, "In exchange for all this. I want you and your lover to stay away from me. If I hear the slightest of a murmur from you or if any of you is approaching me, I will be taking this to HR," Thea explained.

Before long, Robert reluctantly agreed to her suggestion and Thea nodded, leaving the office feeling like her stomach was constantly turning over.

"Not that you would need me to tell anyone about you. With the way you're acting, you will be on the school's newspaper's front page next week." She added coldly and heard the enraged curse Robert threw as she left the office, closing the door behind her.

That sigh was unpleasantly disgusting…

Picking up her phone, she waited for the ringing to stop before saying.

"I need you to take care of something for me. I think grandfather is going to want to hear this…"