
His Deepest Desire

I was arranged to marry the most powerful and ruthless billionaire 'Giovanni Reeves". I should have expected that my life would be a rollercoaster and filled with drama. People call me Royalty Dewitt, the only daughter of the famous Patrick Dewitt. I had just recently graduated from college and wanted to make a name for myself but my life was turned upside down when I agreed to marry Giovanni Reeves who I find cocky and arrogant. The fact that we are polar opposite and that he irritates me most of the time made us the most messed up newly Weds What I thought was the beginning of our story was just a lie, after all our story started a long time ago. I have always been his Deepest Desire.

Obi_Gloria · Urban
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11 Chs


The journey from the hotel to the house is silent. I keep looking out the window ignoring him trying to enjoy the view of New York City on this bright sunny day.

Halfway through the journey Gio breaks the silent " your going to meet my son later." 

That makes me turn my head towards him.

" He wanted to attend the wedding but couldn't because he had a school trip. "He says 

I frowned. Son? That's surprising. I didn't know Gio has one. I remember from the information Vicki told me about Gio, she never brought up anything about a son neither did my parent or his mom did, which I find very strange. 

" I told your parent and my mum not to tell you. I wanted to be one to tell you" he said like he knew what was running through my mind.

Why didn't they tell something this important.?

" Is he back now" is the first question I asked instead.

Gio gave me a small nod " yeah and he is very excited to meet you." 

I decided to dig a lot more since I'm going to be living with them. 

" What's his name" I asked 

" Alexander"

I smiled. Alexander. It's a beautiful name.

I always had special connection with children that why I volunteer to help at the orphanage my parent sponsors. 

As I turn to look at Gio, I noticed how tense he looked which was quite a sight because he didn't look like someone who get nervous that easily.

" I hope that you would be good to him" even the way he said it, totally doesn't feel like him and it shows how much he cares about his son.

Since we've have entered the topic about family I decided to be bold and ask Alexander mom

" What about his mom" 

" She not around. she..." he falters.  " she had an accident while pregnant with Alex and hasn't been well since then"

My heart sinks. The boy must have been hurt not having a mom 

" I'm sorry"

I wanted to ask more questions but decided to not too when I noticed the sudden coldness in his expression.

Wondering what could have cause the sudden mood change, I guess  Alexander mom was a sour topic. 

The journey continued until we finally reached his house,  more like mansion.

Giovanni estate overlooks the Hudson River and the Palisades hill. The view was magnificent.

As we walk into the castle like mansion into the lobby of the house, I couldn't stop staring at it.

His house was grand and surprisingly doesn't give off a coldless and lifeless atmosphere like I thought it will be.

The although expensive, radiates warmth 

The chauffeur opened the car door, and I step out of it. I sighed. Whether I like it or not, I have to live here. 

Gio walked towards the entrance, spreading out his arms and a little boy runs toward him, when Gio catches him, the little boy hugs him tightly, as Gio lift him up , spinning him rounding as their laughter rings loudly. 

Am I looking at the same person? Because here, I see Giovanni Reeves laughing with a little boy who looks at him as if he was his world.

And right now, any one could believe that. 

Gio's cold exterior and ruthless personality suddenly melts away as he sees the boy.

I rub my eye to make sure I don't have any problem with my sight.

Gio puts down the boy, whom I assume was Alexander, into the ground. Alexander turns to me as I take a good look at him. 

From what I'm seeing, he is probably around six to seven years old 

He's black hair was accomplid with a beautiful greenish eyes. 

When he smiled at me, I think that he has the most adorable smile in the world. It seems that good gene runs in the family.

Alexander walks toward me, handing me a paper with an inscription that says " welcome home"

My lips forms into a smile even when I don't remember moving them as I look up and met the gaze of the adorable boy.

He looks so happy, smiling from ear to ear

" Welcome to our home" Alex says.

My heart feels like exploding because of his warm welcome.

Cupping his cheek I say " Thank you Alex" he blushes when I return his smile with a big one 

" Did you write this yourself" 

He nods 

" I really appreciate it love" I tell him truthfully " I love it"  

I embrace him in a hug as tiny hands wrap around my back. I ruffled his hair after pulling away which earned me a grin.

As we enter the house,the living room view was beautiful, has it had a floor celling windows. The wall and the fire place speaks luxury.

" The house really his beautiful" I complimented

" All thanks go to my mum" Gio answered. While Alex appeared by his side.

"I think I'm going to take a rest for a while"  wanting to take a long bath and relax my muscles " then maybe the little man here can show me round the house later"  I beamed at Alex

" Really?." Alexander asked his excited

I nod and notice Gio smiled watching us.

" Well then, let me take you to your room" Gio said and I followed him, smiling one last time at Alex before walking away.

Gio lead me to a spacious room with a breathtaking view of the garden.

The room felt muscular and more like Giovanni.

" Excuse me" still following him as he walked further into the room.

My eye widen as I saw my beauty essentials already settled in the dresser.

Why are my belongings here?

I shake my head in disbelief as Gio turns to look at me with a smirk on his face.

" What" he tilt his head, amusement in his eye as he enjoys the sight of getting me fed up. " Since we are husband and wife, I see no reason why we shouldn't share a room. Yesterday was an exception"

" I have a problem with that" I say. What even gave him the idea that I was going share a room with him. " No way, I will have my stuff moved into the guest room".

He scoffed " there's no way we are using separate room amore. after all, you are my wife" 

What a joke! 

I get that we are married, but did he forget that this was an arranged marriage. Yesterday I thought he didn't want this marriage.

Like I said before, what a complete joke.

" Husband and wife" I scoff   " that's funny, we don't even know each other.And given the vibe I got yesterday, I thought you didn't want this marriage"

" I wasn't giving up any vibe, I just wanted you to be carefree. Seeing how emotional you were yesterday, I didn't want to add to it" he said

Oh please!

" I'm sure! you acting all tall dark and handsome. sending out laser gaze and being intimidating was so helpful" I said my voice dripped with sarcasm.

A smirk grazed his lip in amusement. " It's good to know you finding me handsome" 

" Was that all you got " I said, taken aback. 

" It's not my fault that you find me handsome. Your words not mine" he shrugs

And I feel like opening my mouth to yell at him, but nothing comes out as I stood there stunned.

" so how tall dark, handsome and dangerous must I be to get you on my bed " he playfully tease me, making my cheek heat up.

"In your dreams" I hiss, before walking away from his room.