
His Deadly Obsession And Love

Lisa , a Girl with beautiful dreams. has a little sister who she can die for and the reason she's living. what happens if she catches the eye of the most heartless , dangerous Italian mafia. Will sue be happy or her life be full of sadness. Adriano. " mess with me , I'll spare you , mess with my family and you'll beg to die." The moment I laid my eyes on her , she was mine and all mine. we were happy together but we can't stay happy for too long. right ? The novel is filled with heartbreak , betrayal , romance and emotions. be ready with tissues for some chapters to wipe your precious tears.

Javeria_ · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

The Mafia's deadly obsession and love

The further story contains sex , mentions of rape , cursing , bad language and blood gore so please don't read if you're uncomfortable by these things and if they trigger you. Please do not report the account and just block it if you don't like my work , don't give me any kind of problems , it's a request.


I clenched my fists tightly and stood up , walking towards the counter , I grabbed that guy's hand and separated my Angel's hand from his. She backed away and got behind the counter again. The guy looked behind me when I twisted his hand and pushed him down on the floor , placing my leg over his head and holding his hands I said. " I owe her an apology. Don't you think so? " " Who the fuck ar–" i cut him off " shut up and mind your language boy boy ". I said and pressed my leg over his head more harshly making him gasp.

" I'm sorry miss please I'm sorry " he said in between his gasps. I smirked and loosened my grip on his hands and removed my legs from over his head. He stood up and bowed to Angel and exited the Café when I told one of my men out there to get him and in a second he was gone. I turned around and looked at Lisa who was standing with her head low. " Thank you " she said in a low voice which was only audible to me.

" No need " I said and went back to my place , waiting for her to come with my order. After that scene she took a break from the counter and just started to serve the guests while her smile was gone completely. She came with my order and placed it on the table and looked at me , I gave her a smile which she returned back. God , I could die for that fucking beautiful smile.

Me and Massimi finished our drinks and damn My Angel's choice was wonderful. The coffee was so tasty that Massimo ordered another one and drank it and told me to pay for it because he forgot his wallet. Lisa was feeling better now. She started smiling and went back to the counter at her place where she was before and about that man I'll deal with him when I get home.

Massimo and I stood uo from our places and before going I stopped by the counter and bid a goodbye to Lisa. " Bye beautiful " And I exited the Café. I sat in my car and drove towards my home to start my plan to get my Angel.


I stripped from my Uniform and wore my normal clothes. A pair of jeans and a crop top. I was still A bit disturbed by what happened before. That random guy just came to me and whispered dirty words while ordering. I ignored it but he started to drag me out. the counter which somehow triggered a memory of my father. Tears pooled in the corner of my eyes.

The guy from the club walked over to us and separated my hands from his and pushed him down on the floor and placed his one leg over on his head pressing his head harshly against the ground. I got back behind the counter when the handsome guy forced that guy to say sorry and he did and ran away after that.

I said sorry to the handsome guy and went back to work but I didn't go back to the counter and just started serving the guest who said sweet words to me and how they were sorry for what happened to me before. I Thanked them and also gave that sexy handsome guy his drinks. He smiled at me and goddammit his smile was so cute and beautiful. I returned the smile and went back to work at the counter.

Before he exited the Café he made sure to make me blush and shy. He said a small " Bye beautiful " And left the Café.

After I was done with my work , it was night time now and I had work in the morning now so I could sleep and rest for a few hours. I left for the motel and was praying that I would find Zoe there because she was a child who never sat at peace in one place.

I was about to enter the Motel when a random person came up to me and asked " Mam please come with me " " Why though I don't even know you." I said. " Mam please , It's our boss's order , please come with me " " Tell your boss to shove his order down his ass and leave me ". I fired back and stomped my feet on the ground and went inside the Motel. I went to my room and saw Zoe sleeping on the bed and the plate of snacks was beside her and it was empty. My poor baby.

I closed the door and kept my bag and other belongings on the couch and laid down beside Zoe. I scooted closer to her and wrapped my hands around her tiny body and slept with her.

The next day I woke up when someone shook my body a bit harshly. I opened my eyes to see Zie sitting on the bed with a cute pout on her face. I sat up straight on the he'd and asked her. " What happened " she pointed towards her tummy and said " I'm hungry so hungry " I suddenly realized that she only ate snacks which were for time being and it wouldn't have filled her stomach for so long.

I stood up from the bed and grabbed my purse and took my wallet out to see a few dollars that were enough to buy Breakfast for both of us. I told her to shower and wear new clothes which I somehow had in my bag for her. I washed my clothes in the washing machine and dried them but still they were a bit wet so I ironed them and wore them again.

After getting ready Zoe and I both left the Motel and went to the nearest Café on the road to get our Breakfast. Zoe was excited because she always liked to eat food from outside. We crossed the road and entered the Café when Zoe jumped in joy. I giggled and we sat down on a table. The Café was purple themed in color and had marble tiles. A waiter came and gave us a menu card and I told Zoe to get what she wanted.

" Pancakes with Nutella " she said as soon as she saw the pic of pancakes covered in Nutella. I looked at the price and sighed. I ordered one plate for her and a coffee for me because I only had 40 dollars and the pancakes cost 15 dollars and Latte Macchiato cost 2o Dollars so I only ordered pancakes for her. Coffee was my daily energy and I couldn't miss it.

Zoe finished her plate but only left one pancake for me because she couldn't finish it so I had to eat it and Thank God that our stomachs were full by now. I paid and left the Café and when we made our way out a loud crash was heard on the road. Zoe came closer to me and hugged me and I picked her up cuz I knew she was scared.

A crowd gathered at the place and I also went there to take a look at what happened and when I saw the person my eyes widened in shock because it was no one other than my mom , she was sitting inside the cat which was upside down and her head was on the dashboard of the car and it was bleeding. I didn't let Zoe see it and quickly left the place. The thing which shocked me was that mom was wearing very short clothes and there was a man in the car with her.

I didn't give anything damn about her and left the place also not wanting to scare Zoe cuz she would be scared if she sees mom in the car all bloodied in the car with another man and what will I say if she asks me about who that man was. It's better to get out of here.

I made my way back towards the motel and thought of taking Zoe out for a while because she barely goes out and right now she was smiling so happily only because she was out so spending just a tiny bit more won't do anything. Right ? Suddenly my mind went back to my mum , would she be alright ? I mean she definitely would be , they both must have been drunk that's why the accident took place.

I know she's my mom but does she deserve that title? No she doesn't, she never did anything a mom does for her child. She may have given birth to me but no she never did anything that would have made us happy. She never fed me her milk and neglected me. She never paid attention to me and just did everything else she wanted to. I never once felt her love when she looked at me , talked to me , held me. It just fucking hurts that she left her children just like that.

I don't care about her even a little but still I am thankful to her that she didn't abort me when I was in her womb. I appreciate that but that doesn't reduce the amount of hate I have for her and it never will. We reached the motel and Zoe jumped on the bed and laid down. I chuckled and asked her " do you wanna go somewhere cupcake " she sat uo straight and squealed in happiness and jumped on me.

" Yes yes please , I really want to " she said and kissed my cheek. " Where do you wanna go? " I asked. She pretended to think for a while. " park " I nodded and we again made our way out to go to the park.

The weather was nice and calm. It wasn't hot and wasn't so cold. It was very Romantic weather. We reached the park and I saw children giggling and laughing in happiness while they were on swings. Zoe looked at me and I knew she was asking for permission to go on the swings. I nodded and left her hand , she ran to the swings and I saw a bench close there and sat on it.

My eyes were stuck on Zoe , she looked so happy and her one smile was enough for me to forget all my worries. I looked around and saw many couples walking and sitting in the grass. Some were talking , some were hugging , some were smiling and some were kissing. I saw a couple not so far away , they were sitting on the bench and the girl was crying. Her boyfriend patted her head and comforted her trying to calm her down.

He wiped her tears and I couldn't help but think about what it felt like to always have someone on your side , taking care of you. I wish someone was there for me to wipe my tears and comfort me during my hard times , someone who would always stay by my side and never leave me , someone who I can share all my problems with , someone who would love me unconditionally and care for me like how I did but this was all just a dream , it wasn't possible in my life.

I looked back at the swings and my eyes widened when I didn't see Zoe there. I stood up from my place and was about to walk in that direction when someone from behind covered my mouth with a cloth and slowly slowly I lost my consciousness.

And everything went black.


" Sorry boss but she refused, '' Edward told me on the phone after my Angkmek refused to come with him. Tsk tsk tsk Angel you made it hard for yourself. " Try Plan B now and make sure to succeed in it " he whispered okay and I cut the call. I was in my office , working on some files but mainly my focus was on the file of my Angel. She looked so pretty in that picture that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was just so beautiful.

What was this girl doing to me ? Never ever in my life I felt this way for anyone and yet here I was ready to go on my knees to get this girl. I couldn't focus on anything other than her now and my mind was stuck on her. It was very rare for me to be like this but right now I couldn't help it. This girl will be mine sooner or later.

I left my office and made my way to my room. I removed my suit coat and opened a few buttons of my shirt and laid down on my bed thinking about my Angel. Goddammit why couldn't I just get my mind off of her and just like that I drifted off to sleep thinking about her , my Angel.

I woke up when I heard a knock on my door. I knew who it was because only one person knocked my door like that. Lyla. My sister is not my blood sister but we both grew up together and she was like a younger sister to me. A very cute one. I was only soft for a few people. Lily , Edward , kids , Arthur and Leonardo. The next one would be my Angel who hasn't arrived yet.

I buttoned up my shirt and opened the door only to see her crying. She quickly hugged me and sobbed harder in my arms. I closed the door and hugged her back. I didn't know what was wrong with her but by the way she was crying it was visible that it was something very bad. I helped her walk to the bed and made her sit down. I grabbed a jug of water from.the nightstand and poured some out for her. I gave it to her and she drank it down in one go.

Her sobs got a bit down and I sat down beside her when she just scooted closer and hugged me. The tears kept her eyes again.

" what happened lyla " I asked softly and just patted her back. She wiped her tears and looked at me before she started speaking.

" I went out to buy some groceries. I forgot to tell everyone and only told Arthur about it. When I was on my way back these few guys outside the market started to annoy me. They kept saying bad words and sentences and even - she paused in between her sentences and took a deep breath. " Then what? " I asked. " They even sexualized me." Bastards fucking bastards. How dare they. It was fine till here but when Lyla said the next words , I clenched my Jaw in anger and clenched my fists. It fucking angered the helk out of me.

" I ignored them but they kept on following me which creeped me out. There was this abandoned building on that path and the two of them grabbed my arms and kegs and took me inside that building. They tore my clothes and yes I tried to stop them , I fought back but there were 5 of them and they held my hands and legs so tightly. Thankfully Arthur realized that I was taking so long and came in search of me. He heard my screams inside the building and reached there on time or else– "

I hugged her. She cried and cried , it must have been so painful for her. " Why didn't you take a driver? " I asked. " The market isn't far away and I didn't have to buy so much , just a few things." She said , another knock was heard on the door and I said come in. The door opened revealing Arthur. His eyes were red due to anger but soon softened when his eyes landed on lyla.

I nodded and he came in and sat beside Lyla. He was looking at her crying in my arms. I could see the pain in his eyes. He took a deep breath and spoke. " Lyla, look at me sweetheart ". He said in a calm voice. Lyla did nothing and stayed still in my arms. Arthur slowly brought his hands closer to her and grabbed her arm and pulled her body gently until she was in his arms.

" Come on, let's go sweetheart, you need rest " he said and stood up and walked towards the door. " It hurts so bad , my head and my chest hurts so bad , I don't feel good. " lyla said and they both walked out of the room. Arthur turned around and whispered a small thank you and walked out. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. I wore my coat back and walked out of the room when I saw Arthur exiting his room.

He made his way towards me and said what I wanted to hear after Lyla told me everything. " Those 5 guys are down in the basement boss ". He said in a deep angry voice. I smirked and made my way to the basement. These guys will definitely see he'll today and none of them will be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Arthur opened the basement door when I saw those 5 guys in one caller tied on chairs. Their heads were bleeding and there were bruises on their bodies which meant that Arthur might have beaten them up. I closed the door of the basement and made my way towards that caller. I opened the door and their eyes landed on me and they looked at me with fear in their eyes and that's what I loved the most.


" tsk tsk tsk. See what you poor guys are going through but you deserve it. This pain isn't the same as what you gave to my sister. I'm gonna take revenge for her tears which left her eyes because of you 5. "

I took out the knife which I always carry for my self defense. I made my way towards one of them and stabbed the knife in his thighs. He screamed which I swear was annoying. " cover his mouth " I ordered and one of the guards came with the tape in his hands and pressed the tape over his lips and the others. Hmm better now.

I pulled the knife back and traded his face with it , tears were escaping his eyes but did I care ? No I fucking didn't care. This was just the beginning. My sister , Lyla wasn't the first one they tried to rape but there were more they raped. They ruined the lives of those innocent girls who did nothing wrong with them but these guys can't control their dicks.

Arthur made his way towards the others and landed harsh punches on each of their faces. Their heads bleeded , their skin tore and damn he was satisfied with their muffled screams. He smirked and picked up the pliers from the table and went to each one of them and pulled their nails out of their fingers.

He again landed harsh punches on their bodies and slaps on their faces. Their faces were all red and after a while 3 of them fainted.

" don't think it's over. It's not only for my girlfriend but for all the girls put there who you disrespected and raped." Arthur said and turned back on his heels and both of us exited the basement. As soon as we did that Arthur fell on his knees and started crying my eyes widened and I bent down. " Boss I just can't get that image of Lyla begging and asking them to stop. It just hurts whenever I remember it. She was in such a vulnerable position that I cannot even imagine. They tore her clothes , what if I hadn't reached there on time. Her whole life would have been ruined and I wouldn't be able to fo–" I patted his back and said."stay strong and don't blame yourself for anything. You reached there on time and I'm thankful for that. You saved lyla.

" Did I boss?" He asked. " Obviously you were my warrior.come on get up now and go to her. Calm her down and stay with her. Tell me if she needs anything " he nodded and got up and went upstairs to his room.

I went to my office and closed the door. Just than my phone rang. I took it our from my pocket and saw that it was Edward. I smiled because I know he succeeded in bringing my Angel. I picked it up. " Yes Edward " I asked. " we got her Adriano." He said in a proud voice and also clapped his hands in victory which could be heard from the phone. " bring her here , everything is prepared ". Edward only called me Adriano whenever he wanted to. It was his choice to call me boss and Adriano.

I never mind that because we both are brothers since diapers. He is an year older than me and we both are extremely close to each other

We played , we fought and made up soon too. I said ' bye ' and cut the call and sat down on the chair waiting for the arrival of my Angel.


" hmm " I moaned , so soft and comfy. The bed , so good.

I opened my eyes feeling a little headache. I sat up straight on the bed , feeling a weird feeling in my heart. My eyes widened when I looked around and got shocked. This wasn't my room neither the room of the motel.

The theme of the room was white and it was so damn luxurious. There was a couch in the corner near the window and a coffee tabke in the middle just a bit far away from the bed. The bathroom door was in the left corner in the front of the room. The tiles were made of marble. The bed was kind sized and 4 people could easily sleep on it.

Suddenly the thought of Zoe came in my mind. I was about to get up when I heard a cute little groan. I looked beside me and saw Zoe sleeping and smiling.

Thank God but how did she get and I get here at this place. And right after a few seconds I remembered everything that happened. Zoe missing and someone covering my face with a cloth and than me fainting.

I got up from the bed and picked Zoe up in my arms. I have to get out of here. This is an unknown place and I don't know anyone. I have a hundred percent doubt that we are kidnapped for sure. Zoe was still in her slumber and didn't wake up. I made my way towards the door and tried to open it but I couldn't. It was locked from outside.

I sighed. Obviously the kidnapped won't leave the door unlocked.

I backed away and went to the window. Maybe I could just jump out of the window if only the height isn't much but no no no. I would die if I did. We were, I guess , at a very high level and It was impossible to survive.

However , there were several men out there near the main gate. It wasn't a house , it was a goddammit mansion.

I flinched when I heard a voice from behind. That voice I knew very well. One of my most favorite voices. " looking for a way out honey "

Comment for the next part.