
Chapter 5 Seduce

Samantha could only watch as the maids walked in with a stern expression but to their surprise she stood up willingly..

“ It's fine, I can walk..” Samantha glared at them as she let go of the sandwich in Her hand.

She barely ate enough when they showed..

The maids looked at each other in surprise wondering what had gotten into her. But decided to follow her closely…

The old maid was standing by the door as usual waiting for Samantha to throw a tantrum but of course nothing happened..

Samantha followed them to a different room which was the same she'd been taken to before and made her take off her clothes … Samantha was still uncomfortable letting other people see her nakedness but she knew she'd no option but to behave.

She was taken into the bathroom and soaked in the tub while they prepped her …

Her cheeks turned crimson red when the maid began cleaning her private areas like it was nothing..

Once they were done cleaning her up , a Black provocative lingerie was pulled outta the closet and placed on the bed..

They also dolled her up before getting into the lingerie and the old maid grabbed hold of her wrist and took her straight to the master's bedroom and pushed her in before shutting the door immediately..

Samantha stood in front of the door and began looking around the dark gloomy room with no intention of getting another step..

“ Come closer..” she heard a familiar hoarse voice..

She took a deep breath before walking towards the direction of the voice to find him sitting on the couch wearing a loose robe with the ropes untied while holding a glass of whiskey and a cigarette in between in his finger..

His disheveled hair gave a playboy vibe as he ran his eyes through her body..

“ Strip..” He calmly said as he took a sip of his whiskey.

Samantha wanted to protest but decided against it and slowly took off the lingerie which covered little or nothing on her body..

Samantha instinctively covered her neatly shaved kitty with her palm as her ears burned with embarrassment..

Samantha wasn't used to something like and doesn't think she would ever be used to something like this..

"Take your hands off..." His eyes were fixed on her body and this gave her the chills...

His cold blue eyes bore holes in her skin. She couldn't go against his order as she slowly took her hands off her private regions showing off her naked body...

Damian kept the glass of whiskey aside and also dumped the cigarette on the ashtray as he stood up and walked towards her unhurriedly...

His lips curled upwards as he swept his eyes across her body...

She felt a heap of sweats cover her back as he suddenly stopped in front of her and chuckled...

He actually found fun in her misery..

"You must be an expert at seducing someone." His voice was laced with mockery and when he got really close to her, she could smell the strong scent of alcohol from his breath...

He trailed his fingers all over her body making her shivered...

She felt goosebumps crawling all over the spot he'd touched and this made her bite down on her bottom lip nervously..

A gasp escaped her lips when he suddenly cupped her tits and gave them a gentle squeeze..

He trailed his fingers all over her porcelain skin feeling it against his cold fingers..

"Such a buzzkill.." he whispered huskily and slowly brought his face closer to her shoulder blade but unfortunately Samantha couldn't stand it anymore and before her mind could process what was going on her hands had reacted quickly and made an attempt to push him Away but he suddenly caught her wrist and pushed her off him before walking towards the coffee table and picked up his Cellphone which was making a buzzing sound and Walked towards the door…

“ Be a good girl and wait for me..” He simply said and walked outta the room to deal with something..

Once he'd left, Samantha tiptoed towards the door and Which was barely locked and peeped through to find a guard standing right outside the bedroom..

At first Samantha was hesitant but of course she couldn't let the opportunity go to waste so she decided to put her acting into use..

She backed away from the door and suddenly fell to the group with a loud thud while faking a cry to draw the guard's attention..

“ Ouch! I'm hurt!” I faked a cry and the guard burst into the room immediately but turned around quickly when he saw that I was naked..

He knew the consequences of staring at the boss’s woman.

Samantha of course was trying to take advantage of that fact.

“ What are you waiting for? Turn around and help me or don't you like what you see?”

“ I'm sorry But I can't do that..”

“ I promise to give you a taste of all of this if you help me get outta here.” Even though Samantha sounded so bold and confident on the outside she knew there was absolutely no way she's gonna let that guard have his way with her.

“ I'm sorry Miss but I'll have to decline..” The guard was obviously not falling for her tactics..

She was about to say something when she heard a cold familiar voice which sent chills down her spine..

"It seems you ain't submissive enough.." he spat coldly and before she could understand what was going on, he suddenly grabbed a handful of chestnut brown hair and pulled it backwards roughly so she could look at him..

The guard immediately left the room before things got messy.

“ You naughty little b*tch!” Damian forcefully kisses her while she groans against his lips..

Damian kissed her fiercely and possessively till he could taste the metallic blood taste only then did he pull away and suddenly pinned against the wall with his hand on her neck like he was about to strangle her but he suddenly trailed hot kisses all over her shoulder and over her neck making sure to leave a Hickey..

Samantha was muddled already and her scalp was hurting so much from his grip.. she closed her eyes as she tried to hold back her tears and not give him the satisfaction of seeing her tears..

She could barely breathe because of his hand around her neck as he suddenly thrust his finger into her honeypot before bringing it to his lips only then did he shoved her aside.

“ Get out..” His voice came out hoarse as he walked to the couch and sat down without sparing her a glance..

Samantha picked up the night dress with shaky hands and staggered towards the door and rushed outta the room but her troubles didn't end there...

She found the mean lady from earlier waiting at the door with two guards...

"Take her back to the room..." She commanded and the guards dragged her towards the dark room they'd kept her earlier and threw her inside....

"Don't give her anything until she learns to behave..." The mean lady warned the guards as they left her inside the dark room and locked the door behind them. This time she didn't try to bang the door or showed any sign of resistance..

She was so hungry and tired she barely had enough strength to fight back....

She fell to her knees and let her tears fall freely… Samantha had been putting on a brave font but unfortunately she couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

Her shoulder shook vaguely as she cried her eyes out...

She felt so unlucky and silently wished she was dead so she won't have to go through all these problems..

The floor was so cold and there was nothing to shield her from the cold but none of that bothered her...

She was more worried about what they might have done to her father..


"Get the car ready....." Damian informed his driver the moment he stepped outta the elevator. He was clad in a black leather jacket and black pants to compliment his looks...

His midnight black was slightly disheveled and this gave him another level of handsomeness.

"Yes, sir..." His driver bowed slightly and left immediately...

The housekeeper stepped forward and also bowed in respect...

"Where is she?" He asked without sparing the housekeeper a glance and this made her feel bad...

The boss was always cold and indifferent towards her no matter how many times she tried to prove herself...

"Locked up, sir..." She informed him with her head hung low...

She dared not look him in the eyes...

The entire servants of the mansion were all afraid of their boss and never dared to look him directly in the eyes... They also know how he was obsessed with cleanliness and also made sure the entire mansion was sparkling white...

"I see...." He muttered...

"Keep an eye on her...." Was the only thing he said before walking towards the giant double golden doors...

Right outside in front of the mansion, a Black Maybach was waiting for him with his driver standing close to the driver's side...

"You don't have to come with me.." he simply said and the driver immediately handed over the care keys....

Damian got into his car and drove off immediately...

He prefers to drive alone at night especially when he is really angry...

His night just keeps getting interesting..

It didn't take long to arrive at his destination which was in the middle of nowhere..

He pulled up in front of a building which looked like iron heights prison and was also heavily guarded...

He got outta the car unhurriedly and walked towards the entrance of the building...

The guards bowed in respect alongside his secretary...

"Right this way, boss...."Adrian showed him the way inside the building which served as one of their warehouses for their discreet goods...

They walked through an empty hallway and soon arrived at the center of the building where the goods and the buyers were waiting....

"What's this about, Lord Damian? You kept us waiting...." Commissioner Miguel complained...

He'd grown impatient waiting for Lord Damian...

"Time is money, you know?" Another man who had a cigarette in between his lips spoke...

He'd a displeased look on his face and also hated the fact that Lord Damian never took them seriously...

He wasn't a kid but Damian never failed to look down on them...

"If you're not ready for business, get out.." Lord Damian nonchalantly spoke as he stood in front of the crates which had all his newest merchandise..

To the outside world he was a tech billionaire who made most of the technologies that dominated the market...

But deep in the night at the underworld he was the most feared member of the order with the highest rank...

He sold the best weaponry and armor...

"You sure are rude for someone who's late to the exchange..." A middle aged woman who'd been staring at the young billionaire spoke...

"You're not my mother, Cecil." He snapped back at her and this made her face flushed with anger and embarrassment...

"You-" she pointed her finger at him outta anger but he simply smiled at her...

"Let's get down to business shall we?" Lord Damian cut her off and snapped his fingers..

The guards who were standing moved closer to the crates and pulled open their covers to reveal the Merchandise..

The buyers stepped forward with an angry expression and began checking the guns to be sure they're of best qualities and in good shape...

The buyers might think Damian wasn't paying attention but he wasn't stupid..

He noticed something unusual as he walked into the trading room, there were more guards than usual and this made him smirk...

He won't be where he was if he was actually so easy to get....

"I guess you all have checked the authenticity of the guns so why don't we talk about the money?" Lord Damian brought their attention back to him.....

"What do you mean?" Ernesto, one of the buyers asked with a frown..

Adrian who also knew what was going on and stepped forward to complete his boss's sentence..

"What Lord Damian meant to say was, No money no Merchandise.." Adrian stood beside his boss with a poker face...

These greedy old fizzers always love to play dirty but unfortunately they're messing with the wrong person.

"Are you trying to pick a fight,Lord Damian?"