
His Dangerous MATE

Werewolves and exorcists/priests have been at war for a long time. The were wolves see them as a threat because they hold a weapon that can demonize the. While the exorcist thinks they are demons responsible for the rapid killing in their undersized town and wants to eliminate them at all costs. Making them oblivious to the REAL threat The Alpha has his pack stay clear of the exorcist's paths Not because he's afraid but because he does not want his identity discovered Not until... The Alpha found out the niece of the exorcist is his life mate.

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
130 Chs

Chapter Two

Theo couldn't wake up, not completely.

His humane side of him was vaguely straining to keep himself aware of his surroundings. He could still feel his wolf, but he was distant. He was there but it feels like he wasn't.

That was when it hit him, his wolf was taking on the pain so it wouldn't demonize him.

Theo had only believed the world to get colder around him, but now it was clear that he had been the one who was growing colder as time passed. Physical and mentally.

A soft whimper left his lips at the realization.

If he doesn't get help soon, he could die.

Theo felt something move from where he laid, that brought his attention back to his surroundings.

He couldn't open his eyes but he felt himself being poked on the arm continuously, like he was being checked out.

The person let out a weary sigh, it was feminine. She seems to have concluded that theo, who laid lifeless on the floor, was dead already.

"Poor human, Look where curiosity got you" A soft feminine voice that sounded like music in Theo's ear, mumbles.

Her feet shuffled as she moved away from where Theo lay lifeless and scampered in another direction.

"I'm going to miss you, till we meet again" she mumbles lovingly. But Theo was pretty sure it wasn't for him. She was talking to the casket that lay next to Theo.

His body burned with jealousy, and he wasn't sure why but it did.

"Now, what do I do with you?" she mumbles before squatting next to Theo. She mumbles before holding his chin up with her index finger.

"You handsome inquisitive Fellow" she mutters as she continues to caress his chin. She moves her thumbs over to Theo's lips and gently rubs on them.

"What do I do with you?" she questions rhetorically but doesn't stop caressing his lips.

A twig snap nearby and she jolts up in alarm,

Shit! She mutters before quickly moving away from him.

Theo felt himself frowning.

He had suddenly found her touch addictive and he didn't want her to let go just yet.

Suddenly, Theo felt a pull on his right leg, and then on his other leg. And before he realized what was going on, he was being carried.

Theo felt he must have grown really weak for her to lift him in that style. He barely felt her straining any efforts in doing so.

But it wasn't long before he got dropped, on top of the CORPSE.

He felt his lips taste liquid, and his senses quickly put together what it was.


He strained his tongue, making efforts to get more of it on his taste bud, to boost some energy.

His tongue was met with rotting flesh mixed with blood. He continued to suck on it and he felt his strength beginning to return back to him.

"Sorry buddy I gotta ditch you, I can't let him or anyone see him here. I'll come around this time tomorrow, and if you haven't been found or carried away, I'll dig up a grave for you."

Theo couldn't make up a sentiment from her statement. She was ditching him in a grave and he didn't know how to feel about that.

He had managed to gain some stamina, and the first thing that came to mind was to track his beta and gamma, they would find him easier that way.

Theo felt the casket being closed up and he quickly stretched out his palm, making it not close up as she had initially expected it to. She let out a good hiss before her footsteps itched to the side, where Theo had brought out his palm. She grabbed it, and for a second she paused. Again, she got lost in holding on to his hand, caressing it… Like it was the only thing that mattered.

It was the mate pull, and theo understood she was human, he knew that she must be having the confusing thoughts.

'Why, can't I let go.. Why do I feel this way when our finger cross'

A bright light points to the cemetery, bringing her back from her stupefied reflectings.

She ducks down and mutters 'shit' before raising the casket a bit to toss his hand back into the casket, but theo sudden attempts to grab her on her wrist… sent her into hysteria.

She lets out a small yelp, pushing herself away from Theo in alert. Theo managed to pull the casket open and slowly pull his weight out of it.

"Help me" he grunted, not able to speak loudly, as he had initially planned to.

"You… You're alive,"

She whispers in disbelief and Theo could only grunt in response. "Oh no, you're bleeding! you need to get to the hospital,"

Bleeding? Where?

Theo wondered

He looked at where she was pointing and he realized she was pointing at his lips. she must have put it together after seeing the blood on his lips.

Well he wasn't spitting out blood, he's actually taking it in.

"Hey, I think someone is over there" A flashlight points in their direction. And she crouch lower so as not to be seen,"

"Must be the mortuary attendant," another said

They didn't hear them say any other thing except foot steps that were now approaching

"Can you run?" she questioned

"Should have started with a much easier task like a walk, don't you think?" she huffs clearly not pleased with Theo's tone… But she knew he was right.

"Fuvk! Fuck fuvk!!" she grunts. Something told Theo she wasn't pleased with the fact, the only option left was for her to carry him, well he wasn't pleased with it either. He wasn't about to let a human mess with his title.

'Can you run?' Theo call out to his wolf.

He managed a response, but it was negative.

He looks around thinking of what he could distract him when his eyes landed on the arrow, he Pick up the arrow that had struck him from earlier, ready to fight with it if the need arises. While she just continued muttering incoherent words in frustration.

"Did that hit you?" she suddenly inquire and then turned to match her gaze

"Yes," he muttered not sure of what he should say to her. But there was a possibility she might help him know how to get rid of the fast spreading poison contaminating his blood and wolf.

"You aren't supposed to see that," she stated, and Theo furrow his brows, not sure of what to make out of the information and before he could mutter something from my lips in response, She had brought out a gun from behind her, and it was now pointed at Theo

"You are a wolf, aren't you?!"