
His Dangerous MATE

Werewolves and exorcists/priests have been at war for a long time. The were wolves see them as a threat because they hold a weapon that can demonize the. While the exorcist thinks they are demons responsible for the rapid killing in their undersized town and wants to eliminate them at all costs. Making them oblivious to the REAL threat The Alpha has his pack stay clear of the exorcist's paths Not because he's afraid but because he does not want his identity discovered Not until... The Alpha found out the niece of the exorcist is his life mate.

Ty_sonm · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Chapter 17

Shaking his head, the young man straightened his back and slowly turned to Aurora. They both stare at each other uncomfortably as tension started to surface in the air.

His sudden chuckle made Aurora crease her brow in annoyance.

"I guess you're hiding something you're not suppose to." He noted as he takes a brief look at the wheelchair. Aurora stared at him weirdly, at least he wasn't denying the fact of who he is.

Aurora finds her back resting on the room desk, she reached blindly for something, anything she could use to defend herself just in case. She continued stretching her arm from behind until her palm bumped something. A keep exploration derailed it was a vase. But there was no way she could use that unless he comes close.

"Evacuate the building the wolf is killing anyone on sight, evacuate the building!" someone announced as he runs past Aurora's room.

The man snickered making aroura settle her gaze back on him.

"How can there be a wolf killing when I'm the wolf?"

Aurora looks at him numbly. She was sure he did not expect her to answer. But she felt the need to say something even if it wasn't an answer.

"Maybe your chums came to rescue you,"

He snickered again at her response

"Are you all that dumb? Do you see any fucking blood on me?! So how am I the one killing those people?"

Aurora hadn't notice that before, but Since he spoke about it, Aurora carefully glimpse through his body and indeed, notice he had no blood on him. No trace or mark of him thoroughly beaten in the dungeon to show forth.

"Maybe you're not a wolf, and the actual wolf is still out there-"

He chuckles cutting her off, but Aurora doesn't relent she continued.

"But you smell of him, so I know you are close to him and that makes you an enemy."

He frown as he tries to wrap up what she had just said.

"You know something I don't." He mutteres as he started to walk closer. Aurora gulped.

Just then a loud bang was heard across the other side of the room.

"Run!! He's coming " someone screamed outside

"How come there's two of you.." Aurora asked surprised. "I mean I know there's a thousand of you but it was just you they caught no?? Are they Your wolf pack?? Have they come to kill us all?" in as much as she really wanted to run away. To hide from everything 'maybe under her bed' she thought. But she couldn't help but get angry at the situation. She didn't forget her brothers death. Now they got guts to attack?..

"Thats not my pack. That's not us doing shit!!" he half screamed, face palming himself.

"It's not us, we're a very peaceful but feared pack. " he maintained a calm voice looking at the window.

"We'd never hurt anyone unless they deserve it. I must admit your leader deserves death.."

'Leader?? that means he doesn't know I am his relative of some sort. That's good' she muttered to herself. Keeping a distance from him in case he tries anything.

"I need to leave.. "

"And why do you think i'd help a wolf escape when all they do is slaughter one of us?" she sneered the question at him.

Just then they heard a very loud bang on the door. Aurora's heart beat quickened. For some unknown reasons she became scared. She didn't want to get eaten up by a wolf. She had so much to live for. She thought. She turned around to see an empty room.

Just then she rushed to the wheelchair as the door pushed open almost at the same time before she could sit down.

Aurora let out a nervous gasp till serene came forth from the doorway.

'Phew! That was close' Aurora muttered more to herself.

Serene came in as she looks around with a stern suspicious eyes for a while before her gaze landed on Aurora's figure. Her expression soften as she moves closer to Aurora danzed figure.

"Are you alright?" She asked her worriedly

Aurora nods vigorously. "I'm fine" she says. An hiccup find a way out of her lips making Seren frown.

"Did anyone come in here?" She questioned Aurora but aurora doesn't responds.

"Is everyone safe?" She asked serene instead

"Most of them are"

Aurora nodded in understanding.

"Did anyone come-" Serene made to ask her the question yet again but Aurora shut at her with a question of her own.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you were with Mario?" Aurora inquired

"Well uhm…" Serene started and her heart started to beat really loud to Aurora'd hearing.

Aurora frowned as she watch serene stutter for an answer.

"He asked me to wait somewhere, but I just couldn't do that while you were still up here."

Aurora nodded and looked outside the window as she listen to the sound of squealing wheels and gunshots.

"You shouldn't have." She tells her simply before proceeding to the window to glance at the environment.

"Well I just couldn't leave you here. You're my responsibility. If something happens to you I would be beheaded."

"And if something happens to you, you would be easily be replaced. Did you think of that?" Aurora raised her voice as she questioned serene.

"You are far more important than my life, Aurora" Serene expressed earning a weird look from Aurora.

"I order you out this instant."

Serene stared at her shocked not believing her ears.

"Get out and save yourself,"

"I insists-"

"Out!" Aurora bellowed at her, sending her flying on air out of the room. And the room shuts right behind her.

Aurora gasp in shock. She stared at her outsretched palm in wonder.

"He's on human form and he is making his way to the woods! Hurry!" She heard her Uncle call out to the orders. Vans and motorcycle started veering around as they made their way to the woods.

Serene's voice echoed in her head

"You don't have a reason to be sneaking out, right?"

Unfortunately she does, and she can't help herself but stumble to her desires.

She leaps out of the window as she made her way down to where her bike is neatly parked in the bushes.

"Aurora. Going somewhere?" A masculine voice called from behind making Aurora freeze on the spot. She wished the ground would open so she would go underneath. She turned slowly in apprehension, beads of sweat had started trailing down her face.
