
Off Guard

Not...possible. Claire thought, deciding to not get ahead of herself.

“I-, I better go to my room…--” Claire nervously said. “Th-thank you for all of the-- whoa,--!”

Claire was trying to slide down from her chair but she wasn’t actually ready. Her chair was tipping over and if Hunter didn’t catch her, she would have fallen to the floor and the chair might have just fallen over her.

Once again, Claire found herself so close with him, in his arms. She quickly tried to stand up straight, her hands were on his chess.

“S-sorry,” she muttered.

Without saying a word, Hunter lifted her and brought her to her room.

On the way to her room, Claire couldn’t help staring at his perfect face, with her left hand rounded upon his neck, she could feel how sturdy his body was.

Noticing that just made her imagination run wild, like if she could feel his body on her bed.