
His Celebrity Pack

The world has changed since COVID-19. Once the pandemic settled, people began to feel changes in their bodies. Some began to feel more assertive while others felt neutral, and some felt meeker and more willing. The pandemic created a whole new set of classes : Dominants, Betas, and Submissives. It also heightened people's sense of smell, making them find partners or family members with scents that were pleasing, thus bringing about Packs. This created the Pack Matching Association or the PMA for short, where adults upon turning 18 join a pack that is of their choice despite their classification. Once their classification is made, the pack matching begins. Solarion Aza hates his birthday. It is a signifies how lonely he is. No family does make a person feel like that, but also being rejected by packs ever since he turned 18 made it even worse. On his 21st birthday, he gives one last shot when the match comes to one of the packs he never expects. Even in his wildest dreams. Pack Blackthorn-Grace. A pack which consists of 5 alphas and one omega. Matched to him...a beta. The World Class Celebrity Pack consists of world-class celebrities : Evan Destiny - A famous pianist Diana Garcia - A Singer Gerard Mason - An Executive Pastry Chef at the Ritz Valentine Silviano - Supermodel and Fashion Designer Blake Grace - A Forbes Under 30 CEO Aster Blackthorn - A Doctor As he lives with them, he falls for them. However, obstacles occur, making him feel lost and sad. Will he ever feel home or lose them before it begins.

SassySunshine_99 · LGBT+
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Chapter One

Solarion POV

I hate birthdays.

They bring nothing but trouble. Especially a big one, aka the PMA better known as the Matchmaker. They bring me only pain as each year I get rejected. It is not funny how many times I got rejected in the past 4 years, but I have no other choice.

The law has stated that after an adult turns 18, they must be matched to a pack. If rejected once, they can apply again. The second time, I got selected and went for the first meeting, which was... disastrous.

The third time resulted in no matches. The fourth time was...painful. I had matched with the Sanchia Pack as they were looking for a beta. They made me feel wonderul and wanted, but their omega rejected me as she did not want a beta due to prejudices.

Reminiscing as I walked down the road, soon came into view a  tall skyscraper covered in glass and the PMA logo on full display. Taking in a deep breath and centering my hopes, I entered the building. Once in, the lobby comes into view, it opens up to a set of panorama windows with potted plants in front. Opposite to it are couches to sit on with magazines littered on the coffee tables. Diagonal to both, seats the reception desk. My destination.

I turn and head towards it. Seated at the desk was a mature woman with black hair put up in a bun, dressed in a formal suit, and black heels who looked up and smiled upon seeing me. I smiled back, grateful for a familiar face.

"Mio hermano, what brings you back here ? I thought you were being courted by the Sanchia Pack." She spoke, looking surprised at seeing me. This is Camilla Ecar-Sang, my favorite beta who looked out for me the first time I came to get matched and my pseudo mom.

My smile turned grim at the mention of my former Pack, which made Camilla wince. She quickly realised that something had happened.

"Don't tell me that those bastards did what I think they did. Oh!!! The absolute morons!!!! I will murder them and then bring them back alive." she grumbled, almost making me laugh out loud.

It felt good, having someone on my side. I didn't get a lot of those.

"Their omega decided that she didn't need a beta as I was not what she wanted. Since she was the decider, the rest of her pack followed suit. Hence, why I am here as the PMA sent out the notice." I replied. Camilla nodded, understanding the situation.

"Very well, dearie. Go straight ahead and meet Martin. He is waiting for you in Conference Room 5 with the scent books that are looking for a beta. Solarion, sweetie, you have faced a lot of setbacks. Don't give up hope. Your happiness is right around the corner. Off you go. Keep me in the loop." With that, she walked off elsewhere, leaving me feeling at ease.

I let the lobby enter into the elevator. The attendant nodded in greeting and hit the third floor, which led to the conference rooms. Once the lift stopped, I got off the floor and headed straight to my assigned conference room. Upon reaching the room, I took a deep breath and entered the room, to be engulfed into a hug which smelled of sandalwood, pine, and peonies. I smiled and snuggled in further, basking in the warmth and familiarity.

"Hello, Martin. It has been far too long since I last saw you." I spoke and looked up to a chiseled face with slight greying hair, blue eyes and fair skin. This is is Martin Sacre. My advisor in the matching process. He has been by my side since the first matching and has never given up. He looked particularly fired up today.

"Sunshine, the Sanchia Pack is going regret loosing you. They are idiots for keeping prejudices about betas and even more stupider is that omega for thinking that betas are inconsequential in packs. There is a reason why betas are needed in a pack. Morons." Martin angrily spoke making me feel warm at the protectviness and dad vibes he was perfuming into the air.

"I know that you are angry but now, I want to put that pack behind me and find one that will keep me happy. I know what I need to look for this time. Please let's get started." I pleaded making the man relent.

We sat the table full of scent binders and got to work. The process typically is to smell all the scent binders of all packs to see which one speaks to our instincts and harmonizes with our scent. People have told me that I smell fruity and pleasant. As I smelt the binders, nothing appealed to me.

Despair began to curl with each passing moment as none of the smells were making me feel the need to perfume. Martin kept encouraging me to see each binder. I took the next binder with mixed feelings and opened it to the first card.

A scent of mandarin oranges and moroccan mint floated which caught my inner beta's interest. I turned to the next card and was hit with the scents of roses and vanilla. The next card had deep notes of chocolate and strawberries making me feel on edge. The fourth card spurred the feeling as the scents of cream and cookies wafted my nose. The fifth card made my body throb as I smelt cinnamon and amber. What finally did me in was the scent of lavender, honey and oddly enough, hibiscus. Scents that made me want them as pack.

I let out a long purr and whine.

Martin grinned at the binder and took it from me. He looked at the name and gave a wide grin.

I raised an eyebrow at the smile, begging for the name of the pack that I have matched with.

"Well, Solarion, you have chosen an interesting one. Meet your new pack. The Blackthorn-Grace Pack."

My jaw dropped.

I promptly passed out.