
her early death

Tears gushed out without her control. She had been scared witlessly, her chest heaved up and down rapidly as she tried to catch her breath.

"Hehe" instead of containing her tears, She broke out into even more louder sobs.

She is doomed!

His threats was an attestation of how her life would be very soon from now. She wanted to regret her choice but she couldn't, regretting it for even a second would mean she didn't care for those kids lives. She had managed to endure having her legs almost roasted on fire back in Greecia but she didn't know if she could endure a life with the Seventh prince of Rylica.

Still... What could she do?

Run! She would run!

Yes she would run. But not now, she must find a good opportunity to run away with Ash and Aki. She might have to endure for a couple of years, that was fine by her.

Torture for a little while was far better that Torture for ever.

Through the gap in the opened door, a figure stood outside the door, watching the girl cry into her little palm. Her shoulder trembled slightly and her figure was surrounded by a desolated air as she sat on the floor, discarding her Princess title.

Darian_ Prince Arvcan third in command didn't know how to feel looking at this scene. Contrary to the arrogant and unyielding rumors of the Princess of Greecia, it was very surprising to see the Princess sit on the floor and cry her eyes out after being threatened.

Something wasn't right...

Perhaps was the Princess misjudged or was there something they didn't know?

The same way he came, he vanished from the door. Gwendolyn had cried her eyes out for quite sometime then she wiped her tears and prepare to go back out.

"Princess Gwen, you're back" Alex enthusiastically greeted Gwen when she returned, he secretly searched her expression to see if there were trace of anger left from the words Arvcan might have said to her but there was none.

Her face was plain, devoid of all expressions "yes" Gwendolyn replied, her lips titled in a Forced smile.

"You must have enjoyed your time with Prince Arvcan" Joked Alex.

She tensed up a bit again.

Enjoyed her time— more like endured her time with him.

The tour continued but Gwen had no appetite to enjoy the scenery any longer, her mind was full with a lot of things. It didn't take long and the tour came to an end.

She got on her carriage once again and started her journey back to Greecia.

"What did the Prince say to you?" Floyd asked the moment they rolled out of the palace. Suspicions on his face as he stared at her.

"Nothing exactly" Gwen replied.

Floyd grabbed into her arms and tugged her towards himself. Gwendolyn whimpered in pain, coincidentally he was gripping the same spot the Prince Arvcan had held unto. She didn't have to look to know that Arvcan's grip had left a bruise.

"It didn't look like nothing, It must have been important so speak!" He ordered

Gwendolyn tossed her feast away and stared at him in the eyes. She was tired! Tired of being pushed and pulled and ordered around! Why can't they all just let her be!

"I wish it was really important but unfortunately it wasn't" with this she pulled her hands out of his grip and moved back to her sit. Ignoring his existence, she looked out of the carriage window and let the fleeting images of the landscape take here mind away.

She had a lot to think about, especially since there was a new decision in her head. One that could probably cost her her life but it was worth giving a trial.

The remaining hours of the ride back to Greecia was quite and boring. By the time they got within the city wall, the sun was out of the sky and the cloud were turning into a shade of dark.

Darkness had started to fall.

Her mute session continued, she didn't speak to anyone even after getting to her room. First thing she did when in the four walls of her Chambers was kick off the huge layers of clothing she had been forced to wear that morning. The jewelries was next to go and then the makeup was last.

She just changed into her nightdress and a maid was helping her comb her hair when a set of knock resounded on her door.

She nodded her head and ordered the maid to check who it was "Check who it is"

"Yes my princess" the maid stood up and walked to the door. She opened the door a little bit and before she could announce who it was to Gwendolyn, the door was pushed wider and the person walked in.

Floyd. How expected.

"Adviser Floyd to what honour do I owe this visit?" She asked looking at him through the window.

A look of surprise flashed past his eyes. This was the first time that Gwen had ever officiated a conversation between them. Plus she looked no different than the Princess when she spoke just now. There was no fear in her eyes and there was also an air of haughtiness in her tone.

The man pushed the thought behind his head "the Queen seeks to see you my Princess" he said with a slight bow.

"is that so?" Gwen asked, she had expected it. Queen Jordyn would not be able to sit still when she hears she had met the prince alone. She must be wanting to force the content of their conversation out of her mouth.

This was Gwen's expectations too. There was fear in her heart but she also needed to meet the Queen to implement her plan.

"Yes my princess, I would have to trouble you to come with me."

Gwen nodded.

Before she stood up her hand under the table gentle clutched the tiny pill in her grip. After holding into it all day, she finally gets to put it to use.

She was anxious and more scared than she had ever been. Her plan may give her the little freedom that she needs, on the other hand it might also lead her to her early death. But she was willing to try it.

She stood up and walked out with him.