
Chapter 97

Josh POV

I paced back and forth across the waiting room, chewing my lip nervously. Danny was in there, that hospital room, alone with the two nurses. They had kicked me out. Me. Her mate. I wasn't allowed in the room until she was ready for visitors. Obviously they had no idea about her.

The whole pack had shown up for her. Although, her own family had yet to come. I'm sure the hospital had called Grant, but he hasn't shown. Jake was supposed to be in custody now. He wasn't. There was a warrant out for his arrest, of course, but he had gotten away from Grant. Somehow, that didn't surprise me. Jake was still out there, and I wouldn't rest until I knew Danny was safe. He wouldn't lay a hand on her again.

"Josh," Mom sighed. "Calm down. She'll be alright."

"I've been worried sick fer days, Mom." I growled, turning towards her. "I can't just leave her ta someone else. I need ta see her."