
Chapter 77

Josh looked at me, turned back into his human form and intertwined our fingers.

"Well?" he asked, pulling me closer.

I blinked at him. "Uh… wow." I said. "Where'd they all go?"

"Fer a run," he nodded towards the trees. "Ta celebrate."

Someone cleared their throat behind me. "Not all of 'em," a female voice said.

"Mom," Josh whined, groaning.

I turned, blushing deeply.

"What?" Gail laughed, fluffing up her hair. "I gotta watch Hanna. I ain't gonna leave 'er, even if she's sleepin'."

"Mom," Josh repeated.

Gail glanced between us. "You better get 'er home, Josh. Before Peter comes back and gets on ya somethin' fierce."

"He'll get me anyways," Josh sighed. "Even if Danny ain't 'ere."

I opened my mouth to say something, but as soon as Gail's eyes flickered to me, my throat clamped. I'm sorry, I thought to Josh.

He sighed. It ain't yer fault, darlin'.