
Chapter 75-01

Josh sat up as I came out, drying my hair with the towel. "Do I smell better?" I smirked, strolling towards him.

"A course," he smiled. "Like vanilla honey."

I raised an eyebrow and then found myself laughing. "That's what it says on the bottle."

"I guess I owe ya that kiss now, don't I?" he stood, wrapping his free arm around my waist.

I stood on my toes to wind my arms around his neck. "What a good little wolf," I cooed as he leaned down to touch our foreheads.

He chortled, shaking his head. "Glad ta know yer gettin' used ta it."

"Just kiss me, wolf boy," I said.

"Oh," he said, his eyes sparkling. "So I get permission now?"

"Yes," I whined, pouting.

Before I could get another word out, his mouth was on mine and his hand came up to tangle in my hair. My arms kept around his neck, standing on my toes just to reach him. "Yer 'air's wet," he murmured against my lips.