
Chapter 68

"I hate you." I moaned, turning to dig my face into Josh's pillow as I tried bringing the covers up higher. I had woken up with a sore throat, sniffling nose, and a pounding head. So far, Josh was keeping his promise of taking care of me.

He chuckled. "Sorry," he said, amusement hidden in his voice.

I groaned. "It's your fault. You're the one that threw me into the freakin' lake!" I tried yelling, but it just ended in a cough.

He laughed again, deeper this time. "Sorry," he said again, "but you threw my cookie into the lake. It was only right to make you go get it." He flashed me a grin as I lifted my head to glare at him.

I sniffled, groaning again. "And why aren't you sick, huh? I pulled you in after me! If I'm in pain, then you should be too." A shiver suddenly ran through me, making my teeth chatter.

The bed moved as he shrugged. "I don't know. I'm too hot to have a cold." He chuckled, winking at me.