
Chapter 63

There was a rustling of feet before Iya spoke again. "Joshua!" she called loudly. "Joshua!"

"I thought I was sweaty!" he yelled back.

Iya scoffed. "Just get up here!"

"Hopefully she'll explain this ta Josh," Coffeeblue said, as though I wasn't in the room.

I groaned inwardly as the door opened, but I didn't dare open my eyes. "What do ya guys want?" Josh asked, and his voice dropped dangerously low.

"Um..." Coffeeblue said awkwardly. "Um, your girlfriend would like ta speak with ya, um, alone, so Iya and I...seeyalaterbye!" And then the door shut after them.

"Danny..." he said slowly, his voice dropping to a growl. "You wanna tell me what's goin' on?"