
Chapter 58-02

How did he get from her playboys to my mother? My heart dropped into my chest and I scurried down the stairs as fast as I could, finding my father raising his fist as Destiny cowered under him. She turned, catching my gaze. Help. She mouthed, her eyes wide with fear.

Without thinking, I shoved something off the counter, earning his piercing gaze. "You clumsy little bitch." he growled, his eyes a mixture of sadness and anger. His hands dropped to his sides in clenched fists. He glanced from me to my sister, the fury in his eyes draining as reality came back to him. Both of us jumped as he punched the wall. "You two are useless." he growled before stomping out of the room.

I frowned after him, raising an eyebrow before picking up the stuff I had dropped. Destiny sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God. That was so scary. How do you handle that every day?" she asked, her voice shaking.

I rolled my eyes, shrugging as I got out the pan to make breakfast.