
Chapter 38-01

I stood, looking at myself in the mirror. It was one of the first times that I actually liked what I saw there, in that thing I hated so much. I never liked my appearance. Maybe it was me, or just because I really wasn't that pretty, but I was almost sure that it was the ugly and fat comments by my father and sister. I knew it was, but I just couldn't bring myself to call myself pretty. But there, in his clothes, I felt like I belonged, and I felt like I was remotely good-looking. I smiled at myself in the mirror, threw my hair up into a bun atop my head, and nervously took a hold of the doorknob.

I sighed before I opened it, not expecting what I saw. Josh was digging in his dresser again, stuffing the clothes that he had tossed out back into it and pulling out two shirts—which he did not have on. His bare back was turned towards me, and my breath caught in my throat as I watched him. I closed the door to the bathroom behind me just as he turned around.