
Chapter 33-02

Josh said as he walked behind me to get America from the stall. So I held out my hand to him and opened it and offered up the sugar. His lips tickled my hand as he ate them, and when he finished, he sniffed around for more.

Before I knew it, Josh had both the horses saddled and ready to go. "Have you ever ridden a horse before?" Josh asked as we led the two out of the barn. My horse, Beany Baby, walked easily behind me, and I could probably drop the reins and he'd still follow me. I shook my head as Josh pushed America away; she had been chewing on his hair.

"Well, BB's a good horse to learn on. Do you have any idea how ta ride?" he asked as he pushed her away again when she was sniffing the hem of his shirt. "America, would you quit?!" he groaned.