
Chapter 105-03

The color drained out of my face, but it wasn't my place to respond. It wasn't like I hadn't seen this coming. I gazed up at Josh with wide eyes, knowing that he would argue no matter what. "Yer jokin'," he growled, clenching his hands in fists at his side.

Peter shook his head once again. "I'm sorry, son, but—"

"No," Josh cut him off abruptly, growling fiercely. "I ain't lettin' her back there."

"Joshua!" Peter was beginning to lose his short temper. "I know how yer feelin'. I've got a mate too. I know that need ta protect her from everythin', but I'll let ya in on a little secret. You can't. You will never be able to—not from everythin'. She's taken care a herself fer the past seventeen years, I think she can handle a couple nights."

"You don't understand," I whimpered, forcing my voice out and keeping my gaze trained on the floor. "He'll be really mad… I can't… I can't handle everything."