

Sheela glanced at Amelia one last time as she tried not to cry. If she leaves her all alone in this mess, would she be able to handle it?


I pulled my grandmother closer, trying to ease her of the pain. "Grandma, don't say anymore words"

She coughed slightly and struggled to keep a smile on her face. "Run and don't ever come here. Fight with all your might and don't let them get to you."

After saying these last words, Her body suddenly went cold. Confused, I checked her pulse and felt nothing. Unwilling to accept, I tapped her slightly, maybe she fell asleep.

Could my grandma be dead?

After a few seconds, it then dawned on me that she was really dead. My only family was dead. After raising me for twenty years, she wasn't supposed to die this way. This was so unfair to her.

"Grandma, No..no..no you can't die!" I cried out as I pulled her close.

Holding her cheeks, I smile sadly and gazed at her face, "Grandma, stop with this act and wake up. I can't survive without you."

At the same time, I heard footsteps coming from outside and strange voices.

"She's in there, go in and bring her out"

"Boss, her grandmother couldn't be lying. She's really not there."

Lucas glared at his subordinate angrily and growled, "How dare you argue with me?! "

Hurriedly dropping to his knees, "I wouldn't.. wouldn't dare" he mumbled as he looked down, unable to meet lucas's gaze.

"Get in there and get her" he ordered coldly as he walked towards his car.

Meanwhile, Amelia reluctantly left her grandmother's corpse and ran into the forest without looking back. She had to survive for her parents and her grandmother.

Running with every fiber in her, Amelia got tired and decided to rest for abit. Leaning on a tree, she closed her eyes to enjoy the breeze of the wind on her face.

However, her short peaceful moment was interupted as she suddenly ran out of breath.


I opened my eyes immediately and saw him devilishly smiling at me.

"Finally caught you" he chucked as he glared at me. "I knew you were in there all along."

I furrowed my brows in confusion as I tried to process what he just said.

Releasing me from his grasp, he approached me slowly with a dark smile playing on his lips, "In that room. That's not a good hiding spot."

I raised my head up to meet his gaze. I felt a chill run down my spine when I saw his crazy look. Why then did he kill my grandmother when I was the one he was looking for?

I felt rage surge through my veins as I remembered the gruesome way she was killed. This..this..monster. she could have lived.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you."


Can he read my thoughts?

I stared at him, shocked and amused. Just what is he?

His subordinates were searching for me inside but he's out here with me? How did he..

"I found out because you're my mate." he suddenly said, giving me answers to my thoughts before I even finished them.

My wolf Malia, I could hear her whines. "He's really our mate. Why didn't I feel that before?"

"He's cruel and wicked, we don't deserve someone like this."

"Amelia, what are we going to do?"

I ignored my wolf and struggled to concentrate on what I just heard. I shook my head continuously as I moved back, "You..you can't be my mate!"

"You're..you're evil!"

Lucas glared at me in amument. Wondering why I was refusing to accept my fate. He walked towards me, ever so slowly. I felt my heart hammering in my chest as I watched him. He was tall and huge. It was abit dark so I was unable to see his features clearly.

"You're mine no matter what. You're coming with me."

"No.. no!" I yelled as I tried to run but he caught me before I took a step. Dragging my hair forcefully, he threw a slap across my face.

My eyes got watery as my cheeks stringed in pain. His slap was so harsh, I felt my lips burst immediately.

"There's no where for you to hide. You're coming with me.."

"I'm your mate, so what?! Mates don't get treated this way!" I growled as I struggled to free myself. Instead, this only got him more angry. His chilly gaze landed on me and I stopped struggling immediately.

He looks so scary, I won't lie.



I heard someone call out as he approached us. They seemed to be around the same hight. "I see you've caught her" he said as he glanced at me.

I averted my gaze and looked down immediately. If my mate was this wicked, how wicked would his friend be?

"What next?"

Lucas stared at Davis and smiled slowly, stars dancing in his eyes "I guess the moon goddess finally heard my plea"

Hearing the word moon goddess from his lips, I rolled my eyes angrily. Such a sacred wod coming out of a demon's lips? How despicable.

Davis seemed exited by what he said but he frowned slightly, "And you won't be affected? She's your mate"

Lucas glanced at me slowly, his eyes devoid of warmth, "I don't care"

He was selfish, yes, but that's no body's business.

Hello, i hope you're enjoying this story so far?

Inkwhisperercreators' thoughts