
chapter 3


I'm getting ready to go to work right now. I look at the mirror to see if my appearance is presentable. I spray some cologne then wear my Rolex. I walk out from the walk-in closet and then take my phone on the nightstand. I dialled Martha, my new maid after I got divorced from Alexa. We never hired a maid before this because Alexa said she wanted to do all the chores by herself since she was a fulltime housewife and I agreed with it and now, I need a new maid since there is no one to take care of this house.

"Mr. Perkins." She picks it up after one ring.

"Martha, when you arrive, I want you to take all this woman clothes in my closet and throw or burn it away or maybe you can take it if you want. That's it." With that, I hang up the phone. I'm free now, so I don't want any woman's things in my house. Right now, I can go out with any woman that I want without no one stopping me. Being in a relationship was fun but I'm the one who got bored so easily and about my relationship with Alexa, I myself was quite shocked cause I actually stay loyal to one girl for almost three years. She was fun but looking at her face every day makes me sometimes felt bored. I need some new chicks by my side to make my life more fun. I won't be in this age and have fun like this. Enjoy the young age while we can.

I walk out of the house and got into my car, black Jaguar. I drive to my company. I give my car keys to the chauffeur and walk inside. I already got used to being centre of the attention so I just walk straight to my private elevator because I don't like to get into the same lift with the number of people. I need to show them that I'm their boss that they need to respect.

"Good morning Mr. Perkins. They already waiting for you in the meeting room sir." My secretary said and I just nodded at her then heading to the meeting room. To be honest, I hate morning meeting. When I walk into the room, everyone standing to show some respect to me. It's not a board meeting it just the manager from the every department in this building and all. Then we start the meeting as soon as I take a seat.

The meeting takes about two hours and now I'm in my office doing my work. It's a good thing that my other meeting is in three hours. I take a look at the files of my new project in Milan until my office door open. I want to be mad if that was my secretary but no it's my best friend, Joseph Sanchez. He walks in and sits on the couch. "What's bring you here?" I ask him and he just smirks in reply. Joseph is my best friend since we both in high school. Back there I used to have lots of friends but all of them ended up staying away from me because of my arrogant and egoistic attitude. Joseph was the one who stays by my side and bears with my attitude until now.

"Why don't we go and have fun tonight. At the club? It's been a while man. Let's celebrate you for being single again. It feels good isn't it?" He asks and I put my pen down then walk to the couch across him.

"It is feel good but I'm not in the mood, Joseph.. I have a lot of works and I might get really tired. I just want to rest tonight." I lean my head to the couch and close my eyes.

"Oh really? Or maybe you already feel regret that you got divorced with Alexa? Who knows... Ha!" I just stay silent. "You still love her, don't you? Well of course you are. I don't even know why you cheated on her and divorced her. I mean she's hot and beautiful. If I were you, I won't let her go away. What else do you need? She can give you everything bro," He adds.

"You better shut your mouth before I make you," I warned him and heard him laughed. I still got my eyes close. "I have to go to court and settle everything with this divorce things. I don't know divorce could get this complicated,"

"That's how it is. You want a good life, you need to face the bitter of life first. Then the sweetness will come later," I open my eyes and look at him. He is wiggling his eyebrows annoyingly.

"You know what, sometimes you're acting stupid. So stupid that I can't even help it. I think this is the dumbest thing you've ever made bro. By the way, I'm not here to nag at you or anything. I want to ask you to go to the club that's all. If you still can't move on, sure okay then." I open my eyes when he said that.

"I want to enjoy my life, Joseph and I think what I did was the right thing. Maybe it's just a little weird but I feel happy now. More than before. And fine I'll go tonight. Just text me the location." I said and he smirks. It's a good thing he is my friend or else I already punch that face.

"Oh by the way, how's your parents? Are they okay with all this?"

"I didn't tell them yet. I was thinking maybe next week or later. I don't know what to expect from them," My family love Alexa so much. They treat her like a real daughter and even my sister get jealous of her sometimes. Especially my mom, she treats Alexa in a very loving way and the fact that I have to tell them about this matter quite stressing me out. Alexa was such a big impact to my family.

"You scared huh?"

"Says who?" I ask.

"Your face bro. You afraid that your parents will cut you off or what?"

"Nah, I know they will be cool about this. Maybe a bit sad but they're going to be just fine," I said confidently.


I'm on my way to go to the club that Joseph texted me. I think this is the first start for me for being Single. I wear my black jeans and then my white shirt. The club is not that far from my house it just takes about 10 minutes or so because I drive on full speed. Can't blame me though because this car made me drive like that.

I park my car into the VIP section then get in. The guards immediately let me in when they know who am I. The good thing about being rich and famous. I walk and roam my eyes to look for Joseph first. A few seconds later, my eyes fall at Joseph who already has two girls on his side. He's so fast of getting a girl. Of course her is, he is like the biggest player I've ever known in my life. Woman comes and go from his life. That's how interesting joseph's life is.

Just then, One girl wraps her arms around my neck. I smirk at her and she just gives me a seductive smile. We go and dance on the floor. I hold her waist and kiss her neck. She moans when I kiss her sensitive spot. Tonight is going to be so much fun. I never feel so free after these three years. This feelings makes me very confident that I not doing any mistakes for letting Alexa go.

"Let's go somewhere more private?" She asks and I walk out from the sea of people and got out of the club. We go to the nearest hotel. I usually didn't get out from the club this fast but I guess tonight is an exception. I can come back tomorrow and maybe have sex in the VIP section.

After we got into the room, I immediately kiss her lips. She kisses me back soon after. My hands already roam all over her body and she moans loudly. Even though her smells reeks of alcohol and cigarette, I don't give damn about it as long as I can have her body for tonight. We're now on the bed and I'm shirtless now while her still in her undergarments. It takes not so long until she's naked too. The sounds that she makes hype me more. Single life let's go!


The next morning.

I woke up and see a woman sleeping next to me. I smirk and then walk to the bathroom. I take a really short shower and then wear my clothes. I take my phone, wallet, and keys but before I walk out leaving that woman, I left some money on the nightstand because she might want the money after all. That's how woman nowadays. If you have the money, they will come to you like a magnet. It's very easy to get. Then, I left the hotel room.

I wait for lift a few minutes then press L as soon as I get in. "Yes, sir." My secretary answer.

"Willow, I will arrive after lunch or a little bit late. Please reschedule my appointment." I said.

"Alright sir, anything more?" She asks. "No," I said.

I hang up and then got into my car. I drive home to take another shower. My body feels so uncomfortable. Of course, I feel uncomfortable because I was such in hurry when I take a shower at that hotel room. It's not like I'm not used to shower at the hotel, but It just I want to get out from that place before that woman wakes up. Things will get very complicated if she wakes up and I am still there. First, she will try to seduce me to stay with her more longer and second, I don't want to stay with her anymore. One night is enough. When I arrived at my home, I unlocked the door and then straight go upstairs to my room.

I take a shower like 10 minutes then walk out from the bathroom with a towel wrap around my waist. I look around the room and see there are photos me and Alexa hanging at the wall. I thought Martha already throws it away everything that reminds me of Alexa. She is a beautiful woman but sadly I got bored of her. If she comes a bit late, I might let her be my flings or whatsoever. Whatever it is, I need to move out of this house as soon as possible. Sell this house and move to my penthouse is better.

Maybe I will find for it tomorrow because I don't want to live in this house which is our memories so much here. The memories of her are all good memories but I don't want to feel like I am the problem in this relationship. I don't want to blame myself for anything even though it was not my fault. I am doing a favour for both of us to have a chance to enjoy the young life and be with whoever we want. She should thank me for that.

I walk to my walk in closet then wear my suit. After a few minutes, I'm finally done. I look at my watch then immediately go out. If not, I might be late but who cares, I am the boss. I got into my car and then drive to my company.