
Stop undressing me with you eyes!

''Do you want to have sex with me?''

Michael nearly choked on his saliva; his eyes widened tremendously as he stared at the flushed faced woman in front of him.

''I'm beautiful, and I have big boobs. Men like big boobs right?'' Her eyes curved in crescents as she laughed; ''and I'm… '' She leaned closer to whisper to Michael, who in turn drew back in shock;

''…I'm a virgin, men like virgins, don't they?''

Michael's lips fell open in shock and he turned to the bar man by his side, the man was as shocked as he was.

Was she crazy?

Diana laughed drowsily as she stumbled, almost falling, but Michael held her up.

''Get hold of yourself woman, you're in a public place! '' He warned but the woman in his arms wasn't buying any of it. She lifted her gaze to stare at him, after a while, a smile slanted her lips;

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