
A facade

He didn't want to accept that she didn't love him. He didn't want to believe that the only person he lived for, the only person who made him smile, made him want to change; made him want to be a better person was… just a facade.

His heart squeezed at the thought of it, pain emanating from his bones.

No, he couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear this pain. He would tell her to come back to him. He didn't care anymore, why she left without a second thought, why she took the money, it didn't matter anymore, as long as she would come back to him, if she wanted the world, he would give it to her as long as she would be by his side.

''You're awake. '' Gwen said, her eyes bright as she stepped into Tiana's room. Contrary to how she looked the previous night, Tiana looked more lively and energetic now.

''Thank you for coming by, I don't know what I would have done without you. ''

Tiana smiled as she walked towards her sister.

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