
His Accountant Princess

"How do I not have the right?! I'm your husband. And how can that bastard of a man have the right then? How dare he think of you? You are mine and - Zila fiercely cut him off, eyes clearly filled with rage. "I am not yours, Kay. If I was, then why did you throw me out of your house and not believe me when I had told you my explanation?" "You. Are. Mine! " He simply replied, his every word clear. -------------------------------------------------------------- In a country, named Finorea, where kings and queens still exist, a girl named Zila got married to a ruthless and cold crown prince. [VOLUME 1] ~Pursuing His Wife Back. The jealousy of some people separated them from each other. But he can't pursue after her as now he knows of the many dangers that will come their way when he becomes a king. And he can't take any chance when it comes to Zila. [VOLUME 2] ~His Wife Is Back Zila came back with Kay now but she didn't want to be with him anymore as he broke her heart. Kay will do anything to keep her with himself and he would made her stay with him whether she likes it or not. -------------------------(----) --------------------- *This is a CEO modern day romance novel. So if you are a fan of Happy ending novels, do give it a try. New book "Her Devil Prince" is out. Do check it out.

ZOA · Urban
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176 Chs

Together in a room (2)

The room had dark blue walls and a big bed in the center. A big sofa was on the left side of the room with a little table infront of it. There was a door on the right side of the room which would probably be the bathroom door. It had a big bath tube with white walls and blue tiles.

She picked up the jug and poured herself some water in the glass and the drank it all in one go making Kay chuckle at her nervousness but then he said and Zila blushed hard at this

"I am going to take a shower, you can rest."

He smirked and then went towards the bathroom to take a shower. Zila gulped but then her phone rang and she immediately picked up the call after realizing who was in the caller id. It was her best friend Raila who was her childhood friend.

"Hey Raila! How are you?"

Zila asked Raila and she chuckled from the other side of the phone but then she said

"I am good. Wanna meet tomorrow?"

Raila asked ZIla and she replied after thinking a little

"Sure! How about in the evening?"

"Great. We will meet then. Love ya. Bye."

"Love you too baby."

Zila said while Raila chuckled but then they both hung up the call. Just when Zila was talking with Raila, Kay went out of the bathroom in only his bathrobe. Some water drops were falling from bis hair and onto his body, the bathrobe was open from front which clearly showed his abs which were now wet that made him look more hot and attractive.

He went over to the sofa and just when he was about to put the towel in his hands on the sofa he heard Zila saying "love you too baby". Just as he heard this he became extremely angry and fisted his hands. His eyes became red and he took long strides towards Zila. Just as he reached near her she was just going to put her phone down when Kay snatched it from her and looked towards the phone to check the caller id but it was already off and when he tried to open it there was a password on it.

Kay again got angry and gave a hard glare to Zila and Zila looked at him with shock as she was surprised at his sudden action. Kay then asked her by moving really close to her.

"Who was on the phone? Why did you call "baby"?

He said while focusing a little on the word baby. Zila now understood the current situation and then a mischievous thought came inside her mind and she smirked a little and then looked straight in Kay's eyes. She daringly brought her face near him and huskily said which caused a shiver ran down his spine but then he immediately got angry as he realized what Zila said?

"My boyfriend..."

Just as she said that, all the colour drained off from his face. Shock and fear were clearly on his face, Zila smirked as she was successful in making Kay pissed off.

Just as Zila was about to leave from there, Kay grabbed her hand and she looked back at him while raising her brow as to tell him to let go. Kay ignored it and continued to give death glare to Zila.

She pushed her hand a little to get out from Kay's grip, this made Kay more pissed and he pushed her harder towards himself. She collided with his broad rough chest and immediately felt a sense of security and relaxed a bit making Kay relax also. She was feeling many emotions at a time that it was hard to explain. She could feel the warmth and protection in his embrace which she felt after a long time. His breath fell on her which made her more relaxed. 

But then everything came back infront of her eyes, how Kay betrayed her? How she was homeless? How Kay slapped her? She remembered everything and then pushed Kay away from herself. Kay tensed up at this and looked at Zila with love but then he saw anger and hatred in her eyes and he also became angry.

He was still thinking, that why did Zila said that to a man and that to with so much love? His anger rose when he imagined Zila with another man and quickly tightened his grip on her. Zila hissed in pain and tried to wiggle herself out but Kay pushed her more near to himself and yelled at her causing Zila to flinch at his sudden tone.

"How dare you? You are not allowed to think of any man other than me."

Zila was now pissed and she stepped hard on Kay's foot but he still didn't move even a little bit and was still looking straight into her eyes. Zila was getting more angry at every passing minute, she wasn't able to do anything in front of kay and was feeling quite helpless. She then snapped at Kay and then again tried to free herself but in vain.

"Who are you to tell me this? I will think and talk with whoever i want."

"You will do no such thing."

Kay then pushed her a little more as she was continuously trying to free herself from Kay's death grip on her but this time they fell on the bed so that Zila was now on top of him and they were looking in each other's eyes. Zila then averted her gaze and blushed hard at their current posture. As she was now embarrassed, she hid her face in the crook of Kay's neck.

Kay's eyes widened at this but then he started to smile. He still was not in the mood to let go of Zila but she was trying hard to be strong but no use.

Kay held her chin with the help of his index finger and thumb that was resting in the crook of his neck from his one hand while his other hand still held Zila's arm. He made her look at him, Zila hesitated to look at him but then she finally looked at his eyes causing a low growl to escape from Kay's mouth.

Zila again pushed herself up and this time she finally succeeded to get out from his grip. She immediately stood up and looked at Kay who was still laying straight while his arms folded under his head which made him look cool somehow. Kay was smirking while looking at Zila and she just turned around and started to ran towards the bathroom.

Once inside she quickly closed the door and tried to catch her breath. She was getting more and more embarrassed as she remembered the earlier scene and she didn't even realized that she have been blushing hard. She could still hear Kay calling her from outside and asking her about the phone call earlier.

"You still didn't tell me who was on the call?"

"My boyfriend."

She yelled from inside causing Kay to punch so hard on the bathroom door that she flinched and started to breath heavily but then she just rolled her eyes and ignoring him, she went to take a warm bath to ease up her tensed muscles.

After having a warm bath, Zila finally get out of the washroom. Kay was already on the bed and was typing on his laptop with full focus.

Zila stepped out and saw Kay working on his laptop, she stood there motionlessly staring at Kay and not knowing what to do? As she recalled all the memories of them together, her eyes welled up with tears.

Just then Kay's eyes shot up from his laptop and onto Zila. Both of them looked at each others eyes. His eyes running from the top to the bottom of her body as she was wearing a bath robe. He was using every ounce of his self-control not to touch her but he wasn't able to resist her as she already became his drug.

Kay took a huge intake of air and then looked at Zila with a painful expression. Zila just bowed her head down and then went over to where the sofa was resting. The sofa had a dark brown color, it was a louis XV sette which looked quite luxurious but it was not big enough for a person to lay comfortably on it.

Zila sighed as she didn't have any other option but to lay on that small sofa and sleep because Kay was already laying on the bed. She was having mixed thoughts, her heart was beating so fast that it felt like it would jump out of her ribs any time.

Question of the day :

What do you guys think is Zila's Plan?

A) She will yell at Kay for sleeping with her.

B) She will bite him hard to wake him up from his deep slumber.

C) She will just let him sleep and will try to get up from the bed on her own.

Tell me about your thoughts by commenting on it and please VOTE!!! So that i will continue to update.

ZOAcreators' thoughts