
His Accountant Princess

"How do I not have the right?! I'm your husband. And how can that bastard of a man have the right then? How dare he think of you? You are mine and - Zila fiercely cut him off, eyes clearly filled with rage. "I am not yours, Kay. If I was, then why did you throw me out of your house and not believe me when I had told you my explanation?" "You. Are. Mine! " He simply replied, his every word clear. -------------------------------------------------------------- In a country, named Finorea, where kings and queens still exist, a girl named Zila got married to a ruthless and cold crown prince. [VOLUME 1] ~Pursuing His Wife Back. The jealousy of some people separated them from each other. But he can't pursue after her as now he knows of the many dangers that will come their way when he becomes a king. And he can't take any chance when it comes to Zila. [VOLUME 2] ~His Wife Is Back Zila came back with Kay now but she didn't want to be with him anymore as he broke her heart. Kay will do anything to keep her with himself and he would made her stay with him whether she likes it or not. -------------------------(----) --------------------- *This is a CEO modern day romance novel. So if you are a fan of Happy ending novels, do give it a try. New book "Her Devil Prince" is out. Do check it out.

ZOA · Urban
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176 Chs

The Meeting (3)

Zila raised her eyebrow in curiosity as to how come that cold man was smiling? But then she wanted to look unconcerned even though she was getting more curious and frustrated by each second as to why he was smiling while talking on the phone.

"Yeah. How can I possibly forget a thing like you?"

Kay said and the girl on the other side chuckled a little as Kay looked down in satisfaction. The girl then asked Kay something in a sweet tone. The high pitched voice reached Zila's sharp ears and realizing that Kay was talking to a girl smiling like crazy, she fisted her hands and became frustrated and angry. She started to think about all the possibilities and became even more frustrated and angry thinking that this girl can as well be Kay's mistress!

The girl sweetly asked Kay, "That's really good. Well, I wanna meet you. Tell me where you are."

"Well, I am going to a meeting. I will meet you at night. By the way, I missed you a lot," Kay said, shaking his head in disapproval and sighed a little making Zila more furious as she fisted her hands, ready to kill Kay anytime now.

Just when Zila was sending death glares to Kay who was talking on the phone, two waiters arrived with big trays in their hand. Zila's mouth watered upon seeing the delicious food being served in front of her. But she decided not to touch the food as she was really angry at Kay.

"I am going to eat now. Will talk to you later."

"OK. Bye…"

Kay immediately hung up the call after greeting the girl and looked towards Zila who was trying very hard to control her anger and was looking at the food with a little disgust on her face but with a watery mouth. Kay chuckled at the cuteness of his wife who was looking like a rabbit right now. The waiter looked at Kay with politeness and respect after serving the food and said, "Anything else sir?"

Kay shook his head in a no and gestured the waiter to leave who obediently left but not before bowing a little in courtesy and respect.

Zila smiled at both of them and they replied by smiling back.

Kay took the vegetable sandwich and placed it in front of Zila who just pushed it aside saying that she was not hungry. Kay narrowed his eyes but didn't want to argue so just sighed and told her, "Be obedient and start eating otherwise you won't like the consequences."

Zila clenched her jaw and shook her head in disapproval and stubbornly folded her arms on her chest. She wanted to eat the food but now the jealousy and the fact that Kay was talking to a girl smiling like that won't let her eat.

Kay narrowed his eyes and looked at her intimidatingly. He couldn't think of any threat and after thinking for a little while, he smirked and looked towards her mischievously. She was getting a little scared now. She very well knew what the smirk can mean but she didn't want to give up, let herself down in front of Kay, so she just kept still.

Kay then brought his face close to hers and said as his smirk grew wider, "Start eating otherwise I would have to force you to eat by my hands."

Zila widened her eyes at this and looked at him with disgust and disbelief. Kay this time gave her a hard death glare and was giving her the look.

"I dare you to disagree with me."

Zila just sighed and looked down because she didn't want to create a scene in front of everyone.

She picked up her fork and knife and gracefully started to cut the vegetable sandwich. She then pushed the first bite into her mouth and moaned a little at the heavenly taste. Kay chuckled seeing Zila enjoy the dish.

He then started eating his own meal and after about half an hour both of them were done. They ate their fill in complete silence and didn't utter a single word. After eating, Zila gave a cute little burp and Kay looked at her with a smile and hint of mischief on his face. Zila blushed hard after realizing what she just did and lowered her face in embarrassment and started to play with her fingers.

Kay started laughing hard at this and Zila looked at him with disbelief. She pouted a little and Kay said something which took her off guard.

"Why are you so cute?"

Zila didn't reply to him but blushed hard making Kay laugh out loud again. Zila immediately got up from her chair and told him in a little voice. Her voice didn't come out as usual as she was too embarrassed.

"I... I will wait for you outside," Zila said, still avoiding eye contact with Kay and hurriedly left from there while Kay continued to laugh at her. Zila cupped her face in her hands and within a minute she was out of the cafe and was standing near the parking area.

After paying the bill, Kay went out and started to look here and there. His eyes then went to a small figure that was standing near the parking lot. His heart fluttered when he saw Zila standing there. Her hair was flying because of the heavy wind and she was trying hard to control them but in vain.

He chuckled and then went over to her. His heart completely melted and he just wanted to hold her hand and he did so. He went near her and took her soft silky smooth hand in his big rough hand. Zila looked at him in surprise because of his sudden appearance but just as she was about to say anything, Kay started to drag her towards the car and a shiver ran down her spine due to Kay's touch.

Her mind started to wander around and she wasn't thinking straight so she let Kay drag her. Kay happily dragged her towards the car, he just loved it when Zila submitted to him but that had become rare lately. On reaching the car, he opened the passenger seat door for her and gestured her to sit down which she obediently did. Kay also went towards the driving seat and sat down. Putting on his seat belt, he started the car and eventually drove off.

After about two hours Zila and Kay had finally reached their destination and went inside the company's office. The President of the company along with the managers and some staff was standing at the entrance to welcome Kay.

Kay entered along with a dangerous and attractive aura around him and Zila followed behind with a little file case in her hand. All the girls over there started to drool over him, while he just kept walking towards the company president ignoring all the eyes on him. He shook his hand while Zila bowed a little as she didn't want to shake hands.

The president of that company who was probably in his early thirties was wearing a plain grey two-button suit with matching boots. His hair was a little messy and in his left hand there was a big cigar which he occasionally brought near his mouth and after inhaling a bit, blew it off.

After greeting each other, they went inside the meeting room. It took them full four hours to finish off with the meeting. They discussed every single thing and Zila was quite prepared from the start. The meeting went well and now it was time to go. All of them got up from their seats which included Zila, Kay, the president along with some other important people of the company like the manager, assistants and many more. Zila sighed as she was quite nervous but then the meeting went well so she was quite happy. It was her first meeting with Kay so that's why she was more nervous and was just hoping that she won't made a stupid mistake.

All of them gathered were Zila and Kay were standing and after greeting Kay one by one they left. Kay then also left along with Zila but not before greeting the president. Kay was quite happy as Zila did an excellent job with all the information and with the meeting so he said to himself in an inaudible sound.

"My intelligent wife."

He chuckled at his own thoughts but then got up from his seat

"We will be going then. It was a pleasure meeting you."

Kay said, shaking his hand with the president as he gave him a smile which Kay returned.

"Pleasure was all mine. Happy corporation."

"You too."

Then Kay and Zila went towards their car and drove away.

Question of the day :

What do you think will happen next? 

A) Zila and Kay will stay in a hotel. 

B) They will go straight to their homes.

C) They will just stay in the car 

Tell me about your thoughts by commenting on it.

AND VOTE!!!!!!

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