
Made My Blood Boil

▪Logan pov▪

When the Dutchess arrived, I quickly excused myself to go and greet her. Upon reaching the blossom tree, I saw that Holly was already talking to her mother, so I decided not to disturb them.

I heard Holly's sweet voice "Mother, look what I drew!" She exclaimed. Would she later on -maybe- show it to me aswell? { Way to suck, kid. -author. }

"Holly Anderson, what have you done to your dress, and your hair, didn't the maids tie it for you? Oh, why couldn't I have had a son, Now the Gods are telling me that I'm not even worthy of a well behaved daughter! Why can't you atleast act like the crown prince?! ugh!" She scolded her coldly. It really made my blood boil how she was talking to her own daughter. "Head back nome now, Holly!"

I felt upset watching Holly leaving for her carriage. I went and greeted the dutchess, as I couldn't show her any disrespect. As we walked back to where Mr. Scott was, she started trying to spark a conversation between us.

"So, your highness, how are your fencing lessons?...." she asked.

"Good." I responded not giving her the satisfaction of hearing a full sentence from my mouth. I was really angry with how she'd talked to Holly just now. It was insulting.

when we got there, Mr. Scott bowed his head infront of the dutchess to show his respect.

"Greetings, Mrs. Anderson." He greeted her, as he bowed his head.

After Greeting Mr. Scott, Mrs. Anderson walked to the bench close by and sat down to watch us fence.

We got to it and...

"Gah!" I yelled, once more falling to the Ground in defeat.

"Your highness, are you okay?" Mr. Scott asked in a concerned tone as he looked down a me.

"Yes, I'm fine, Mr. Scott." I said, standing up and dusting the particles of dirt off of my clothes.

"His highness has certainly improved! I wish i could stay longer but my husband has requested my presence for a meeting with the general. I will be heading back now your highness." Mrs. Anderson said, she bowed and started walking towards her carriage.

[Good riddance] I thought, [ Ah, no! I forgot she's still coming tomorrow for mothers tea party. Well, atleast Holly will be there.And so will that Grace, guess I'll have to cope with it.]

"Well I'll be heading back to my chambers, Mr. Scott." I said, turning around and heading towards my room.