

▪Logan pov▪

As Mr. Scott explained the three movements of the sword, I noticed someone walking into the grounds. She had violet colored hair and beautiful amber eyes. She was carrying a few books and with her.

'Holly' I thought as she sat down in th shade of the big blossom tree. 'so beautiful'.

I had known Holly since I was young. She was a year younger than me, and I've admired her since I was six.

"your highness are you listening? " asked Mr. Scott, noticing that I had zoned out.

"Yes, Mr. Scott!" I hurriedly answered to avoid any suspicions.

"Ok, well, now we will have a duel to see if you have improved over the last week", he said as he took out his wooden sword as to not hurt me during the duel, "and remember that-".

"-That the second highest dutchess will be coming to watch me fence today, yes, I know Mr. Scott " I said, repeating what he's been telling me all week.

"Then lets start" he said, and we started the duel.

The second highest dutchess, Helena Phillips, wife of Owen Anderson, and mothe of my perfect ♡Holly♡, is also my mothers closest friend, which is why I look forward to her visits to the castle, because she also brings Holly with her. Mrs. Anderson comes once a monthe to watch me fence. and And Mr. Scott drives me crazy, reminding me every single day that she is coming to watch.

"Gah!" I gasped as I fell to the wet grass. I had been beaten again by this old man. 'Maybe it's because of my height ', I thought, even though I knew that I was eleven, but I still had been fencing since I was four.

Me and Mr. Scott had one more duel, and a little while later, the second highest dutchess arrived....